Illusion Of The Universe - Alternative View

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Illusion Of The Universe - Alternative View
Illusion Of The Universe - Alternative View

Video: Illusion Of The Universe - Alternative View

Video: Illusion Of The Universe - Alternative View
Video: A Course in Cosmic Consciousness, Lesson 8-12 ( Audio EXPIRES July 20th) 2024, October

The world is what we think of it. Is it raining outside the window? It's just that you are in a bad, "rainy" mood. Smile, the sun will come out from behind the clouds. Certainly. You just need to really, really want and change the course of your thoughts, then everything around will change.

The universe is, after all, much less real than it is commonly believed. She is an illusion. And it should be depicted not in the form of some objectively given mechanism, but in the form of an ephemeral hologram pattern. Once - it appeared. Two - disappeared. Silent and fast, at the speed of light. Rather, with the speed of our thought.

In one moment - to see eternity

Quantum physics is the science that studies subatomic particles, quanta. These very quanta communicate with each other in an amazing way, like twins, feeling each other at a great distance, information from quantum to quantum is transmitted instantly (!). When this phenomenon was confirmed, physicists nearly overthrew their idol, Albert Einstein, from the pedestal.

The fact is that, according to the theory of relativity, there is nothing in the world that could move faster than the speed of light, but “instantly” is only a metaphor for lyricists, for physicists it just means “faster than the speed of light”! The contradiction between Einstein's theory and the discoveries of quantum physics, which proved that subatomic particles communicate faster than the speed of light, was resolved by physicist David Bohm.

He put forward the principle of nonlocality, by which he meant this: quanta do not transmit information through time and space, they simply live in such a dimension where information exists everywhere and simultaneously, that is, information is not local, but, on the contrary, is total, all-embracing. Further more.

Bohm made a sensational suggestion that the behavior of quanta is somehow mysteriously connected with the thinking of scientists observing them, how else to explain the fact that quanta behave more or less orderly, “decently”, exactly at the moment when they are being observed, but if the researcher is distracted for a minute, how the primordial chaos returns to the world of subatomic particles ?!

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To see real quanta, according to David Bohm, is as impossible as to see real yourself in the mirror. After all, approaching the mirror, a person subconsciously prepares to meet his reflection: he tightens his stomach, straightens his shoulders, smoothes wrinkles on the forehead - as a result, in the mirror we are reflected as we want to see ourselves (a little better than we really are). And the quanta appear before the scientists as they want to see them. But how do they manage to anticipate the wishes of the experimenters?

To this Bohm replies: the brains of scientists - as well as the brains of all other people, and in general everything in the Universe - are also composed of subatomic particles. Quantums, as already mentioned, live in a world of total information, therefore, quanta being watched need nothing to know what the quanta that make up the observer's brain want from them. The basis of the foundations of modern science - the belief in the objectivity and materiality of the surrounding world - burst like a soap bubble! The world is subjective, it is not even that. what people think of him, but what quanta think!

Subatomic particles have presented another surprise to physicists who are crazy about their own discoveries. It turned out that when grouped together in large numbers, they cease to behave as individuals and demonstrate the most real collective consciousness.

Discouraged physicists even gave up futile attempts to distinguish one quantum from another - well, it is impossible to distinguish twins. Moreover, it makes no sense to talk about subatomic particles as some separate entities - they are completely identical.

David Bohm marveled and marveled at such an absolute similarity and came to the conclusion that in each quantum the same information is encoded, moreover, sufficient to reproduce the entire Universe. In other words, the Universe as a whole is contained in a rolled-up form inside each of its microscopically small parts. (By the way, something similar, albeit in a lyrical form, was expressed by the English romantic poet of the 18th century William Blake:

“In one moment - to see eternity, A huge world in a grain of sand

In a single handful - infinity

And the sky is in the cup of a flower.”)

This is how the idea of a hologram universe was born.

Mind outside the body

Everyone has seen three-dimensional laser hologram images that mysteriously appear and disappear in the dark. But few know what the solution to their secrets is, how they are created. The hologram is based on photography. But to create a holographic photo, it is not enough to click the “soap box”.

The image is created using a laser beam split into two streams. One is directed through a diffusing lens to the subject of photography. Another through mirrors and another lens - onto photographic film. It's funny that the print on the film comes out completely different from what was photographed, instead of a specific object, only overlapping circles are obtained, as if on water from raindrops.

But nevertheless, the object is captured, and there is a way to see it - you need to direct a laser beam of the same frequency to the imprinted film, and then a three-dimensional image will appear on the back of the film right in the air.

However, the most incredible thing about holography is different. If you take scissors and cut the film into as many pieces of arbitrary size and shape as you like, and then substitute any of the scraps under the laser beam, then even from 1 print on the most insignificant piece of film you will get a whole (!) Image of the object.

That is, the image is not stored in any specific area of the film, but, on the contrary, everywhere! It obeys the same principle of nonlocality as quanta. And just like quanta, each part of a holographic film contains identical information needed to recreate the whole. The similarities between the hologram and our Universe are obvious!

And it would be fine if only the universe was holographic. It turns out that the human brain is nothing more than a hologram. Karl Pribram, a neurophysiologist at Stanford University, challenged the conventional concept of the brain as a cabinet of drawers, each containing a memory.

Pribram proved that our memory is not at all so ordered. He conducted an experiment - he let rats through a maze, waited until they learned to find a way out, and then removed various parts of the brain to the animals. It turned out that no matter what part of the brain the scientist amputated, the rats still remembered the correct path to the exit from the maze.

The neurophysiologist concluded that memory is not located in any specific part of the brain, but everywhere. There is no separate cell in the brain that would “remember” a school algebra course or first love. The information contained inside our cranium is total, if we remember something, then we remember it with the whole brain, and not with a separate gyrus! The same holographic principle of nonlocality!

But this is about memory. But what about human consciousness? Is it located in a specific area of the brain? Traditional science places consciousness in the frontal lobe of the brain, or is it also nonlocal, that is, is it a hologram? Our old iconic Michael Talbot, the one who “blew strong tea as a child, and then was abducted by a UFO, leans towards the second point of view.

Here's what he writes:

“As a child, I traveled outside the body. And I am quite sure that even when I was outside, I thought (!). But at the same time, my brain was in the body, and the body was lying below, on the bed! It was not a dream. I flew outside the walls of the house and noticed a book by the writer Guillermo Passon lying on the ground, and the next day my neighbor asked me: "Michael, I lost Passon's library book, did you accidentally see it?" It was then that I first questioned the traditional notion that the brain is responsible for the thought process.”

Talbot believes that it is not the brain that thinks, but some kind of omnipresent energy that science cannot yet grasp and measure. He gives a very impressive example of the existence of such energy - the anthills of African termites. Even when separated by a sheet of steel, termites, blind from birth, build their dwelling so that its two halves mirror each other.

Of course, the creators of the anthills did not graduate from architectural and civil engineering institutes, but nevertheless, all work is carried out in strict accordance with a kind of "building plan", which, according to Teloot, exists somewhere outside the small termite head. As Michael writes, "their (termites) mind is outside of their body."

Are wormholes God's way?

The biologist Rupert Sheldrake, who put forward in the 80s the theory of energy morphogenic fields through which the mind acts, agrees one hundred percent with the idea of mind outside the body. Sheldrake believes that morphogenic fields exist in a dimension that is not subject to time and space, which means that the mind (or intelligences) from other worlds may well penetrate into our world.

However, he did not discover America. Even Einstein spoke about the relativity of space and time and talked about the possibility of the existence of timeless tunnels in the Universe, which break the reality we know and create passages to other dimensions, to parallel worlds.

Today, the existence of such tunnels does not raise doubts among traditional science; even a special term has been coined for them - black holes. And relatively recently, another designation has appeared - wormholes, as the microscopic black holes are called, which literally riddled our universe.

By the way, today's physicists are seriously considering the possibility of using black holes for space flights. They say that if all points in space are connected at a quantum level, then through wormholes you can instantly find yourself in another part of the Universe.

And there is no need to spend money on the construction of space stations, on the training of astronauts, on food in tubes. Absolutely any person can instantly appear anywhere in the Universe! The only thing left is to find a way to take advantage of wormholes. Maybe this way is to “fold” space and time with the help of artificially created directed energy fields, that is, in fact, deliberately create a wormhole that opens access to other worlds?

However, so far these are only hypotheses. Quantum physics and technology based on the principle of nonlocality and holographic nature of the Universe is the science of the future. Although more and more scientists are suggesting that this could be the science of the past, but not for humanity, but for some still unknown creatures.

It can be assumed that in the vast expanses of the Universe there are civilizations that have long since discovered both the holographic nature of reality and the secrets of manipulating space. And perhaps life on Earth appeared precisely thanks to these alien intelligent civilizations. Perhaps the mind from other worlds penetrated through black holes on our planet and made earthly matter group together so that life was born.

It is likely that it was the collective mind of quanta, who easily communicate with each other and, when combined, can create a kind of force that directs all life on Earth. Is it not this single world mind that people have since ancient times called God? Has quantum physics found a rational explanation for the biblical story of the creation of life?