The Price Of The Illusion Of Success, Or Go To The TikTok Bomb Application! - Alternative View

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The Price Of The Illusion Of Success, Or Go To The TikTok Bomb Application! - Alternative View
The Price Of The Illusion Of Success, Or Go To The TikTok Bomb Application! - Alternative View

Video: The Price Of The Illusion Of Success, Or Go To The TikTok Bomb Application! - Alternative View

Video: The Price Of The Illusion Of Success, Or Go To The TikTok Bomb Application! - Alternative View
Video: You Will Wish You Watched This Before You Started Using Social Media | The Twisted Truth 2024, June

I had to find out. It turns out that another popular application has recently appeared on the Internet. It is similar to Instagram, but instead of photos, users upload their videos there, watch similar content of other active and mega-cool users, comment on it and thus spend all their free time there. In the news feed "Vkontakte" advertising of this something is often found.

So, TikTok is a social network that allows you to create short music videos, live broadcasts and exchange messages.


Launched in September 2016, the social network is currently the leading video platform for short videos in China and is becoming more popular in other countries, becoming one of the fastest growing and downloaded applications. At the moment, the application has reached over 500 million (!) Users from 150 countries. Basically, the audience of this social network is teenagers.

“You can create a video and become popular in a few months, if you are creative, the audience will appreciate it, and you will be in the top, you can gather an audience of your fans in a short time. You have 15 seconds to express yourself! This is a bomb app: it is monitored frequently and updated frequently. There are contests where you can win a smartphone. You will get a lot of pleasure, and you will be happy, you will be successful! Go to Tik Tok!”, A young guy - an advertising agent calls on the website of this application.

Promotional video:

Based on the content, all video masterpieces are divided into topics, each topic contains several million (!) Videos. Each registered user can upload his 15-second video, select music for it, either his own, or from the collection of "hits" provided by the application. One video can get up to 150 thousand likes and the same number of comments consisting of two words or a maximum of two sentences, interjections, smiles. The secret of so many “I like” marks is that the videos, at the request of the author, are also forwarded to Instagram, which significantly expands the circle of happy viewers.

What are these 15-second climaxes of thought, creativity and creativity? But what: they do not contain any cognitive information, these are antics to music with opening the mouth, performing some tricks using all kinds of triggers and special effects, somersaults in the snow, jumping from benches, just somersaults and some kind of jumping at home, feeding the homeless animals on camera: "Look, what a good fellow I am!", squeezing out shaving foam on your face, making some grimaces, and a lot of all kinds of nonsense that defy description. Many male users are somehow strangely similar to girls: they have grown and styled hair, mannered, cutesy facial expressions and body movements. In the topic "Tiktosechka" you can watch several million videos with coloring potatoes, kiwi,eggs and other objects and fruits of a rounded shape. All videos with a claim to humor and shocking.


- The popular TikTok application, designed for a youth audience, promotes stupidity, vulgarity, deviations from gender, is aimed at the formation of narcissism (narcissism), infantilism in adolescents: video content often demonstrates the monkey antics of young people of 20 or more years.

- The social network is designed to instill in users the illusion of success: happy and successful is the one who has many subscribers and who scored more likes under his fleeting vidos, which is the stupider and more vulgar, the cooler.

- This software is aimed at disfiguring the aesthetic taste of youth through admiration for primitive and empty content, information slag, designed to form clip thinking, before the perception of a video sequence is not even a few minutes, but 15 seconds (!)

- The application is aimed at closing the life goals of adolescents, narrowing the circle of their interests and social needs, so that the younger generation is tied to devices, even more dependent on them and does not break away from gadgets at all. Also, there is a distraction of young people from studying, self-development: reading books, playing sports, arts.

- Also, the application is aimed at the destruction of nobility and modesty, at the development of vulgarity and moral licentiousness of young people, at the utilization of all free time of schoolchildren and students, at their mortification and zombie.


It is curious to recall that Tik-Tok is a mechanical person, a character from L. Baum's series of books about the fabulous land of Oz. Literary critics rank him among the prototypes of the robot and one of the first images of the robot in fiction. Tik-Tok is a round mechanical man made of copper, works thanks to the action of winding springs, like a mechanical toy or a mechanical watch. Tik-Tok has separate mechanisms for speech and movement, but he is not able to turn on any of them on his own. When the plant of his mechanisms ends, he stops or, as in one of the episodes of "A Journey to Oz", continues to speak, but carries gibberish. When he speaks, only his teeth move. As it is repeatedly mentioned in the works with the participation of Tik-Tok, he is not alive and does not experience any emotions,therefore he cannot love or be loved, but as a servant of people he is a truthful and faithful being. Tik-Tok presents himself as Dorothy Gale's "slave" and follows her everywhere.

Apparently, this content is designed to grow such tiktoshki, with all the signs of social cretinism: without a sense of dignity, self-awareness and awareness, without high goals and aspirations, indifferent to social problems, concerned only with timely charging their gadgets. They will never know and understand what is happening in their country and in the world, it is easy for them to follow anyone and anywhere. And it is necessary that they do not at all understand that they are being robbed insolently, cunningly and cheerfully: with their own consent, they are robbed of the most valuable that a person has - time and genetically determined potential, they are dehumanized.

Julia Brig