Satanic Coup In Russia. Peter I The Impostor - Alternative View

Satanic Coup In Russia. Peter I The Impostor - Alternative View
Satanic Coup In Russia. Peter I The Impostor - Alternative View

Video: Satanic Coup In Russia. Peter I The Impostor - Alternative View

Video: Satanic Coup In Russia. Peter I The Impostor - Alternative View
Video: 13. "Счастливые, радостные, свободные!" Ответы на вопросы (часть 1) 10/06/2018 2024, October

The most effective way to manage us is to replace a leader. I never thought that I would have to write on this topic, so I did not specifically try to remember all the sources of information that I had to come across as a collector of rare books. Passion for rare books, as my practice has shown, is far from a safe occupation, my library was robbed four times. After the fourth time, I no longer kept my books, but tried to better remember what I was able to read.

Meeting people of the old Orthodox faith, from whom it was possible to learn something, penetrating into the special guardhouses under various pretexts, I received more and more evidence of the satanic coup d'état committed in Russia. Let me present the essence here without making any special references to sources, because to name books means to sign a verdict on disappearance for them.

I will mention only one author D. S. Merezhkovsky. In his work "Antichrist" he noted a complete change in the appearance, character and psyche of Tsar Peter I after his return from the "German lands", where he went for two weeks, and returned two years later. The Russian embassy, accompanying the tsar, consisted of 20 people, and was headed by A. D. Menshikov. After returning to Russia, this embassy consisted only of the Dutch (including the notorious Lefort), the only one of the old composition was Menshikov. This "embassy" brought a completely different tsar, who spoke poorly in Russian, did not recognize his friends and relatives, which immediately betrayed a substitution: This forced Tsarina Sophia, the sister of the real Tsar Peter I, to raise the archers against the impostor. As you know, the streltsy revolt was brutally suppressed, Sophia was hanged at the Kremlin's Spassky Gate,The impostor sent the wife of Peter 1 to a monastery, where she never reached, and summoned his from Holland. “His” brother Ivan V and “his” little children Alexander, Natalia and Lawrence were killed by False Peter at once, although the official story tells us about it in a completely different way. And he executed his youngest son Alexei as soon as he tried to free his real father from the Bastille.

Peter the impostor made such transformations with Russia that we still haunt us. He began to act like a common conqueror:

- smashed the Russian self-government - "zemstvo" and replaced it with a bureaucratic apparatus of foreigners who brought theft, debauchery and drunkenness to Russia and intensively enforced it here;

- transferred the peasants into the ownership of the nobles, which turned them into slaves (to whiten the image of the impostor, this "event" falls on Ivan IV);

- defeated the merchants and began to plant industrialists, which led to the destruction of the former universality of people;

- defeated the clergy - the carriers of Russian culture and destroyed Orthodoxy, bringing it closer to Catholicism, which inevitably gave rise to atheism;

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- introduced smoking, drinking alcohol and coffee;

- destroyed the Old Russian calendar, rejuvenating our civilization by 5503 years;

- ordered all Russian chronicles to be brought to Petersburg, and then, like Filaret, ordered them to be burned. Summoned the German "professors"; write a completely different Russian history;

- under the guise of fighting the old faith, he destroyed all the elders who had lived for more than three hundred years;

- banned the cultivation of amaranth and the use of amaranth bread, which was the main food of the Russian people, thereby destroying the longevity on Earth, which then remained in Russia;

- canceled the natural measures: fathom, finger, elbow, vershok, which were present in clothing, utensils and architecture, making them fixed in the Western manner. This led to the destruction of ancient Russian architecture and art, to the disappearance of the beauty of everyday life. As a result, people ceased to be beautiful, since divine and vital proportions have disappeared in their structure;

- replaced the Russian title system with the European one, which turned the peasants into an estate. Although "peasant" is a title higher than a king, as there is more than one evidence;

- destroyed the Russian writing, which consisted of 151 characters, and introduced 43 characters of the writing of Cyril and Methodius;

- disarmed the Russian army, exterminating the archers as a caste with their wonderful abilities and magical weapons, and introduced primitive firearms and piercing weapons in the European manner, disguising the army first in French and then in German uniforms, although the Russian military uniform was itself a weapon. The people called the new shelves "amusing".

But his main crime was the destruction of Russian education (image + sculpture), the essence of which was to create three subtle bodies in a person, which he does not receive from birth, and if they are not formed, then the consciousness will not have a connection with the consciousnesses of past lives. If in Russian educational institutions they made a versatile person from a person who could, starting from bast shoes and ending with a spaceship, do everything himself, then Peter introduced a specialization that made him dependent on others.

Before Peter the impostor in Russia they did not know what wine was, he ordered the barrels of wine to be rolled out onto the square and given free water to the townspeople. This was done to shake off the memory of a past life. During the period of Peter, the persecution of babies who were born, remembering their past lives and able to speak, continued. Their persecution began as early as John IV. The mass annihilation of infants with past life memories has put a curse on all incarnations of such children. It is no coincidence that today, when a talking child is born, he lives no more than two hours. (but there are rarely exceptions)

After all these actions, the invaders themselves did not dare to call Peter the great for a long time. And only in the 19th century, when Peter's horrors had already been forgotten, a version arose about Peter the innovator, who did so much useful for Russia, even brought potatoes and tomatoes from Europe, allegedly brought there from America. Solanaceous plants (potatoes, tomatoes) were widely represented in Europe and before Peter. Their endemic and very ancient presence on this continent is confirmed by a large species diversity, which took more than one thousand years. On the contrary, it is known that it was during the time of Peter that a campaign was launched against witchcraft, in other words, food culture (today the word "witchcraft" is used in a sharply negative sense). Before Peter there were 108 types of nuts, 108 types of vegetables, 108 types of fruits, 108 types of berries, 108 types of nodules,108 types of cereals, 108 spices and 108 types of fruits *, corresponding to 108 - Russian gods. After Peter, there remained a few sacred species used for food that a person can see for himself. In Europe, this was done even earlier. Cereals, fruits and root nodules were especially destroyed, since they were associated with the reincarnation of a person, The only thing that Peter the impostor did, allowed the cultivation of potatoes (potatoes, like tobacco (!) Belong to the nightshade family. The tops, eyes and green potatoes are poisonous. potatoes contain very strong poisons, solanines, especially dangerous for the health of children.), sweet potatoes and earthen pears, which are poorly consumed today. The destruction of sacred plants that were used at a certain time led to the loss of complex divine reactions of the body (remember the Russian proverb "every vegetable has its own time"). Moreover, the mixing of food caused putrefactive processes in the body, and now people, instead of smelling, exude a stench. Adoptogenic plants have almost disappeared, only weakly active ones remained: the "root of life", lemongrass, zamaniha, golden root. They contributed to the adaptation of a person to difficult conditions and kept a person youthful and healthy. There are absolutely no metamorphosing plants that contribute to various metamorphoses of the body and appearance, for about 20 years the “Sacred Coil” was found in the mountains of Tibet, and even that today has disappeared. They contributed to the adaptation of a person to difficult conditions and kept a person youthful and healthy. There are absolutely no metamorphosing plants that contribute to various metamorphoses of the body and appearance, for about 20 years the “Sacred Coil” was found in the mountains of Tibet, and even that today has disappeared. They contributed to the adaptation of a person to difficult conditions and kept a person youthful and healthy. There are absolutely no metamorphosing plants that contribute to various metamorphoses of the body and appearance, for about 20 years the “Sacred Coil” was found in the mountains of Tibet, and even that today has disappeared.

The campaign to impoverish our nutrition continues and at the present time, kalega and sorghum have almost disappeared from use, and poppy cultivation is prohibited. Of many sacred gifts, only the names remained, which are given to us today as synonyms for famous fruits. For example: gruhva, kaliva, bukhma, landushka, which are passed off as rutabagas, or armud, quit, pigva, gutei, gun - disappeared gifts that are passed off as quince. Back in the 19th century, Kukish and Dulia denoted a pear, although these were completely different gifts, today these words are used to describe the image of a fig (also, by the way, a gift). A fist with an embedded thumb, used to denote the mudra of the heart, today it is used as a negative sign. They stopped growing Dula, fig and fig, because they were sacred plants among the Khazars and Varangians. Already recently, Prosk has been called "millet", barley - barley,and millet and barley grains have disappeared forever from humanity's agriculture.

What happened to the real Peter I? He was captured by the Jesuits and placed in a Swedish fortress. He managed to convey a letter to Charles XII, king of Sweden, and he rescued him from captivity. Together they organized a campaign against the impostor, but the entire Jesuit-Masonic brotherhood of Europe called to fight, together with the Russian troops (whose relatives were taken hostage in case the troops decided to go over to Charles's side), won a victory at Poltava. The real Russian Tsar Peter I was again captured and placed away from Russia - in the Bastille, where he later died. An iron mask was put on his face, which caused a lot of rumors in France and Europe. The Swedish king Charles XII fled to Turkey, from where he again tried to organize a campaign against the impostor.

It would seem, kill the real Peter, and there would be no trouble. But the fact of the matter is, the invaders of the Earth needed a conflict, and without a living tsar behind bars, neither the Russian-Swedish war, nor the Russian-Turkish war, which in reality were civil wars that led to the formation of two new states, would have failed.: Turkey and Sweden, and then a few more. But the real intrigue was not only in the creation of new states. In the 18th century, all of Russia knew and spoke about the fact that Peter I was not a real tsar, but an impostor. And against this background, the “great Russian historians” who came from the German lands: Miller, Bayer, Schlözer and Kuhn, who completely perverted the history of Russia, no longer had much difficulty in declaring all the Dmitriev tsars to be False Dmitrys and impostors who did not have the right to the throne, and who did not managed to groan, they changed the royal surname to - Rurik.

The genius of Satanism is Roman law, which is the basis of the constitutions of modern states. It was created contrary to all the ancient canons and ideas about a society based on self-government (self + powers). For the first time, judicial power was transferred from the hands of the priests to the hands of people without spiritual dignity, i.e. the rule of the best was replaced by the rule of anyone. Roman law is presented to us as the "crown" of human achievement, in reality it is the peak of disorder and irresponsibility. State laws under Roman law are based on prohibitions and punishments, i.e. on negative emotions, which, as you know, can only destroy. This leads to a general lack of interest in the implementation of laws and to the opposition of officials to the people. Even in the circus, work with animals is based not only on the stick, but also on the carrot,but man on our planet is estimated by conquerors lower than animals.

In contrast to Roman law, the Russian state was built not on prohibitive laws, but on the conscience of citizens, which establishes a balance between incentives and prohibitions. Let us recall how the Byzantine historian Procopius of Caesarea wrote about the Slavs: "All the laws were in their heads." Relations in ancient society were governed by the principles of kon, from where the words “canon” (ancient - konon), “from time immemorial”, “chambers” (ie at stake) came down to us. Guided by the principles of the horse, a person avoided mistakes and could incarnate again in this life. The principle is always above the law, because it contains more possibilities than the law, just as a sentence contains more information than one word. The very word "law" means "beyond the horse." If a society lives according to the principles of a horse, and not according to the laws, it is more vital. The commandments contain more than a con,and therefore transcend it, just as a story contains more than a sentence. The commandments can improve human organization and thinking, which in turn can improve the principles of horse.

As the remarkable Russian thinker I. L. Solonevich, who knew from his own experience the delights of Western democracy, in addition to the long-lived Russian monarchy, based on the national representation (zemstvo), merchants and clergy (meaning pre-Petrine time), democracy and dictatorship were invented, replacing each other in 20-30 years. However, let us give him the floor: “Professor Wipper is not quite right when he writes that modern humanities are only“theological scholasticism and nothing else”; it is something much worse: it is deception. This is a whole collection of deceptive travel signals luring us to the mass graves of hunger and executions, typhus and wars, internal ruin and external defeat. The "Science" of Diderot, Rousseau, D'A-Lambert and others has already completed its cycle: there was famine, there was terror, there were wars,and there was an external defeat of France in 1814, in 1871, in 1940. The science of Hegel, Mommsen, Nietzsche and Rosenberg also completed its cycle: there was terror, there were wars, there was famine and there was a defeat in 1918 and 1945. The science of the Chernyshevskys, Lavrovs, Mikhailovskys, Milyukovs and Lenins has not yet passed the whole cycle: there is hunger, there is terror, there have been wars, both internal and external, but the defeat will come: inevitable and inevitable, one more payment for verbiage of two hundred years, for swamp lights, kindled by our rulers of thoughts over the most rotten places of the real historical swamp”.both internal and external, but the defeat will come: inevitable and inevitable, another payment for the verbiage of two hundred years, for the swamp lights, kindled by our rulers of thoughts over the most rotten places of the real historical swamp. "both internal and external, but the defeat will come: inevitable and inevitable, another payment for the verbiage of two hundred years, for the swamp lights, kindled by our rulers of thoughts over the most rotten places of the real historical swamp."

The philosophers listed by Solonevich did not always come up with ideas that could destroy society: they were often prompted to them.

V. A. Shemshuk "Return of Paradise to Earth"

We recommend: "Investigation of the kidnapping and substitution of Tsar Peter and the promotion of an impostor to the royal throne."