Named Eight Technologies That Humanity Will Master By 2100 - Alternative View

Named Eight Technologies That Humanity Will Master By 2100 - Alternative View
Named Eight Technologies That Humanity Will Master By 2100 - Alternative View

Video: Named Eight Technologies That Humanity Will Master By 2100 - Alternative View

Video: Named Eight Technologies That Humanity Will Master By 2100 - Alternative View
Video: TIMELAPSE OF FUTURE TECHNOLOGY: 2022 - 4000+ 2024, June

According to scientists, the world will change dramatically in the next 100 years. Technologies such as smartphones and the internet are advancing so rapidly that over the past 20 years or so they have become completely commonplace. Given this pace of development, what will happen in the next 100 years?

In a new report, co-authored by British space explorer Dr. Meggie Aderin-Pocock, scientists put forward their predictions for the future and talked about technologies that could emerge by the year 2100.

Particular attention will be paid to the problem of overpopulation. Huge buildings with many underground floors will be built, as well as high-tech underwater cities erected inside giant bubbles in which water, air and other resources will be extracted from the ocean itself.

Traditional skyscrapers built in large cities, where space is limited and the demand for housing is constantly growing, will become even higher.

Other technologies predicted in the report include 3D printed housing, health diagnostic capsules that can automatically identify the cause of illness, bulk-printed food, and even mood-sensing monitors that can change the layout of your home as you wish.

There is a possibility that cars will be replaced by passenger drones that can take you to your destination completely autonomously.

“In the next century, we will see truly seismic shifts in life and interaction with our environment,” said Dr. Aderyn-Pocock. “Just 10 years ago, SmartThings was not possible for a smart home, and today, emerging technologies are helping us to control, manage and provide our homes with the touch of a smartphone.”