Russian Combat Exoskeletons Can Be Controlled By The Power Of Thought - Alternative View

Russian Combat Exoskeletons Can Be Controlled By The Power Of Thought - Alternative View
Russian Combat Exoskeletons Can Be Controlled By The Power Of Thought - Alternative View

Video: Russian Combat Exoskeletons Can Be Controlled By The Power Of Thought - Alternative View

Video: Russian Combat Exoskeletons Can Be Controlled By The Power Of Thought - Alternative View
Video: "В это мало кто верил". Что с армией России? Предупреждение Путина. 1 часть. 2024, June

The United Instrumentation Corporation (UIC) is designing combat exoskeletons that can be controlled literally with the power of thought. This is reported by TASS, referring to the statements of the head of the direction of development and production of medical equipment of the defense industry complex Alexander Kulish.

An exoskeleton is a special device designed to increase the strength of human muscles and expand the range of motion due to the external frame and adductors. The exoskeleton mimics human biomechanics to proportionally increase movement effort.

According to Mr. Kulish, the combat exoskeleton being designed in Russia consists of a set of guide drives and a control system. However, specialists have yet to create a power source - a powerful autonomous battery. In addition, the existing prototypes of exoskeletons are rather bulky, so their application in real conditions is still limited.


As for the interface for controlling such devices, the developers intend to implement a system for perceiving brain signals. “In our opinion, the most effective exoskeleton control system is the neurointerface, that is, the control of the power of thought. But so far there is a problem in this direction: we need to teach a computer to recognize signals from the human brain. And now work is constantly underway to create new methods for processing brain signals,”said Mr. Kulish. In addition, he added that the control of the exoskeleton has not yet reached the speed required for full combat.