Ufologists Have Found On Mars The Wreckage Of An Alien Spacecraft - Alternative View

Ufologists Have Found On Mars The Wreckage Of An Alien Spacecraft - Alternative View
Ufologists Have Found On Mars The Wreckage Of An Alien Spacecraft - Alternative View

Video: Ufologists Have Found On Mars The Wreckage Of An Alien Spacecraft - Alternative View

Video: Ufologists Have Found On Mars The Wreckage Of An Alien Spacecraft - Alternative View
Video: Meet India’s UFO Hunters 2024, October

Ufologists, having studied in detail the images regularly transmitted to Earth by the Curiosity mission, found debris of an alien spacecraft on the surface of Mars.

As you know, the photographs of the surface of the Red Planet taken by the rover are thoroughly analyzed by NASA employees. Also, “virtual” ufologists have access to images.

Debris has been found on the rocky surface of Mars, shaped like an alien ship.


The mysterious object is likely to be of artificial origin, experts say. However, some theorists argue that this object is the creation of aliens. Perhaps it is an alien flying saucer from another galaxy that crashed.

It should be noted that leading NASA experts refused to comment on the assumptions of ufologists, saying that the object in the images is just part of the intricate landscape of Mars, but not fragments of the ship.

Another opinion was voiced regarding the origin of the mysterious object. According to a number of experts, this may be a secret probe, designed according to secret blueprints and launched during the Soviet era.