Split Personality - Alternative View

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Split Personality - Alternative View
Split Personality - Alternative View

Video: Split Personality - Alternative View

Video: Split Personality - Alternative View
Video: Dissociative Identity Disorder - Switch caught on camera - Multiple Personality Disorder Audio Fixed 2024, July

In canonical Christian literature, many cases of a person's simultaneous stay in different places are described. This phenomenon is of great interest to parapsychologists. We can, of course, assume that these are the inventions of ignorant religious fanatics of antiquity, and in our enlightened age, every normal person realizes the physical impossibility of being in two different places at the same time. However, there are known cases of a split personality, the reality of which was attested by eyewitnesses and confirmed by documents. Three such cases will be discussed below.

Miracles of the medieval nun Mary

Maria Coronel de Agreda was born in 1602 in Spain to a middle-class family. From infancy, her parents raised the girl in a spirit of selfless service to the Lord. Already in early childhood, Mary began to see bright visions of religious content. When she got older, it didn't cost her anything to go into a trance state. As a girl, Maria went to the monastery of the Immaculate Conception of the Franciscan order in the city of Agreda.

Here Sister Mary, on her own initiative, took a vow of asceticism with long fasts, sleepless nights spent in prayer, and rituals of self-flagellation. Soon after starting such a harsh lifestyle, she found the gift of working miracles. Sister Mary has repeatedly demonstrated her ability to read the minds of people nearby, as well as levitate, hovering above the floor of her cell. This frightened those around them and at the same time caused them a reverent attitude towards the young miracle worker.

However, what struck contemporaries the most was Sister Mary's ability to be in two different places at the same time. Pb her own calculations, in the period from 1620 to 1631, she manifested this gift several hundred times and used it for the glory of God.

So, her second "I" was able, for example, to be transported across the Atlantic Ocean to the desert expanses of western Texas in order to preach Christianity there to its then half-naked red-skinned inhabitants.

At the very beginning of the invasion of the Spaniards into these lands from Mexico, already "mastered" by them, among the conquistadors there was also a Franciscan priest, the Reverend Father Alonso de Benavides. When he found himself among the Humanos Indians who lived along the coast of the Rio Grande, where the city of Presidio is now located, he, to his surprise, discovered that these wild nomads had already been converted to the Christian faith. Moreover, they claimed that they were guided on the right path by a mysterious "woman in blue" with a very kind soul. According to them, she appeared among them suddenly, out of nowhere, and just as suddenly disappeared. This preacher not only explained to them the teachings of Christ, but also gave beads, and also healed their wounds and cured diseases.

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Father Benavidez was not only amazed but annoyed by what he heard from the Indians. He sent several letters to Pope Urban VIII and King Philip IV of Spain asking him to inform him who was ahead of him in missionary work among the local pagans.

However, the Monk Benavides could receive an answer only in 1630, and not at all from the Pope or from the King. When the missionary returned to his native Spain, he heard about the miracles performed by Sister Mary from the monastery of the Immaculate Conception, went there on a visit, met with her, and they had a long conversation in private. There Benavides received convincing confirmation that Mary possesses supernatural and inexplicable abilities, and also learned that in this monastery they preferred to use blue fabrics for sewing clothes of nuns.

20th century sorcerer

In 1970, two renowned and respected parapsychologists, Dr. Karlis Osis and Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson, traveled to India to learn about the activities of the so-called holy people. One of the most famous among them in those years was a man named Dadajay. He enjoyed particular popularity in the south of the country, where he had a large number of admirers. Before Dadajay was a successful businessman, and then "retrained" as a saint. And, of course, like any saint, he knew how to work miracles.

Among the numerous miracles that are listed behind him, one of his actions especially struck researchers - firstly, by its improbability, and secondly, by almost documentary confirmation of the reality of this case.

In early 1970, Dadajay traveled to Allahabad, about 400 miles from his home, and stayed with the family of one of his followers. While staying with hospitable admirers, he once went out into the garden in the afternoon to meditate in the fresh air. Returning to the house, the saint informed the dumbfounded owners that he had just visited Calcutta. Dadajay even told the mistress of the house that she could easily be convinced of the truthfulness of his words if she contacted her daughter-in-law, also living in Calcutta, and asked her to check if the saint was with those people whose address she had given.

And the hostess decided to follow his advice, because, with all due respect to Dadajai, she did not believe in the possibility of such a fantastic action.

People whose family Dadajay said he visited in Calcutta related the following. Roma Mukherji, his follower and admirer, was sitting in her room and reading a book when Dadajay suddenly appeared in front of her. At first, his figure was hazy and translucent, but soon it completely materialized. The sudden appearance of the phantom frightened her so much that she screamed and began to call loudly for her mother and brother. Meanwhile, Dadajai calmly sat down at the table and asked the stunned girl to bring him tea.

When Roma returned to her room with tea, her mother and brother, a doctor by profession, followed her. Roma did not enter the room, but, slightly opening the door, stretched out her hand with a tray inside the room through the gap, on which stood a cup of tea and a bowl of cookies. Through this gap, Roma's mother saw Dadajay. The brother standing behind saw only how Roma's hand with the tray disappeared into the room, and then came back empty. So she gave it to someone who was in the room, since there was nothing for Roma to put the tray without entering the room - there was nothing suitable within the reach of her hand.

Meanwhile, the head of the family, the manager of one of the Calcutta banks, drove home. He did not believe what he had heard from his agitated household members, and, ignoring their objections, went to the door of Roma's room and looked inside. He saw there a man sitting in an armchair near a table with a cup of tea in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

When all the family members finally decided to enter the room, there was no one there, but a half-smoked cigarette was smoking in the ashtray on the table. Roma knew that it was Dadajay's favorite variety.

I visited my mother … in a dream

In the winter of 1943, a young lieutenant in the American army (let's call him John Brown) served in Panama. On that day, the lieutenant's soul was restless: his mother was in the New York Memorial Hospital, and the day before she was to undergo a complex surgical operation. It was not possible to get a vacation to be with her in difficult moments.

The thought of his mother did not leave John for a minute, and when about a quarter past one there was a break in his studies, he was suddenly overcome by a terrible sleepiness, he left the barracks, sat down on a bench lit by the sun and immediately dozed off.

And John had a dream. He dreamed that he was in New York, standing on East River Drive opposite the same hospital. He went inside, told the attendant that his mother was here, who had surgery yesterday, and asked permission to visit her. The attendant, having reviewed the list of patients, informed John that his mother was feeling well after the operation and that he could see her. When the attendant was writing down the lieutenant's first and last name in the visitor registration book, a nurse approached them. She said that she recognizes John from the photograph that hangs in her mother's ward above her bed. The nurse added that there he was photographed in the same winter uniform as he is now wearing. After thanking the girls, John entered the elevator door, and the nurse saw that he had pressed the button for the desired floor.

But when the elevator moved up, the lieutenant suddenly became ghostly and seemed to be enveloped in a haze …

John woke up sitting on a bench in front of a barracks in Panama. He realized that he saw everything that had happened in a dream, although he slept for literally a few seconds: the clock showed 13:15.

Several days passed, and Lieutenant John Brown received a letter from his mother. She reported that the operation was successful, that she was feeling well and that she would probably be discharged from the hospital soon. And at the end of the letter, my mother wrote about a strange story she heard from the nurse on duty. She told her patient that her son, a handsome young lieutenant, came to the hospital - the girl recognized him from a photograph. Having received permission to visit his mother, he entered the elevator to go up to the surgical department, and … disappeared!

Nobody saw him leaving the elevator or walking down the corridor in the department. The visitor registration book indicates the time of the lieutenant's visit - 12:15, which corresponds to 13:15 Panama time. The book also contains the name and surname of the visitor.

True, it turned out that they did not belong to John Brown, but to a completely different person.