What Date Is Christmas In 2018, How To Celebrate - Alternative View

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What Date Is Christmas In 2018, How To Celebrate - Alternative View
What Date Is Christmas In 2018, How To Celebrate - Alternative View

Video: What Date Is Christmas In 2018, How To Celebrate - Alternative View

Video: What Date Is Christmas In 2018, How To Celebrate - Alternative View
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When Orthodox and Catholic Christmas comes in Russia and Europe in 2018 - what date is celebrated, the date of the holiday. Basic traditions, signs and fortune-telling. How to celebrate Christmas, what dishes to serve. Do's and Don'ts.

The bright holiday of Christmas in Russia and in Europe is celebrated in different ways. The most noticeable difference is the different dates of the celebration. This is due to the fact that the Orthodox adhere to the Julian calendar, while the Catholics keep their chronology according to the Gregorian system. Secondly, in the Catholic world, strict fasting before Christmas is not obligatory - Europeans for the most part impose spiritual rather than physical restrictions on themselves.

Christmas 2018 in Russia

When is Christmas in Russia 2018? The date of this holiday is fixed, as always, the event falls on January 7th. The night before the holiday (respectively, from 6 to 7 January) is called Christmas Eve. It used to be customary to dress up on Christmas Eve, and then go into every house with poems and songs or with an offer to taste kutya. The "Ryazhenykh" were supposed to be thanked with a delicious treat. Of course, this rural tradition is not widespread in cities.

However, the urbanization of the country had virtually no effect on Russian Christmas. The following attributes remained integral elements of a bright holiday:

Carols - this action has pagan roots, it was originally intended to scare away evil spirits

The Christmas wreath is a traditional evergreen symbol that is complemented by four candles

Promotional video:

Bells or bells

The first guest, as a harbinger of the future harvest. If a woman, then the harvest will be meager, if a man is kind.

In the old days in Russia, before the onset of Christmas, believers kept a strict fast. It was forbidden to eat not only meat, but even such products as eggs, sour cream or milk. But on the seventh of January, the whole family gathered at the table and indulged in a festive feast.

Christmas 2018 in Europe

If you are not yet aware of the date of Christmas in Europe in 2018, then know that the date of the holiday falls on December 25th. Of course, in different Catholic countries, the celebration of the event takes place in different ways, with a local flavor. And, nevertheless, there are certain ancient traditions that all Catholics adhere to.

Before the holiday, it is supposed to carefully clean the house, and then attend a Catholic service (Mass). Upon their return from church, family members gather at a festive table, which includes such traditional dishes as beans with honey, white beans, rice pudding cooked in almond milk.

In Sweden, a Christmas straw wreath is hung over the table, into which bright ribbons of different colors are woven. True, this tradition has survived only in small towns, whose inhabitants adhere to the old way. Fried pork with potatoes, fish, fruit pies are served at the table.

Residents of the Czech Republic decorate a Christmas tree, give each other gifts. Carp flavored with caraway is considered a traditional dish prepared for this holiday. After a hearty dinner with relatives and friends, Czechs do not deny themselves the pleasure of telling fortunes for the coming year.

Quite bright Christmas traditions have been preserved in Germany. The inhabitants of this European country arrange colorful pre-holiday bazaars, somewhat reminiscent of an Italian masquerade. Merchants dress up in medieval costumes, on the counters there are all kinds of food, decorations for Christmas trees, hot wine. Children, and many adults too, sing Christmas carols.

Signs for Christmas

What person does not want to attract happiness, good luck, health, stable material wealth into his life? Our ancestors believed in signs that foreshadow the imminent onset of positive changes:

On Christmas Eve (on the night of January 6-7) you need to leave the house and look at the sky. If the weather is calm, the sky is clear and many stars are visible on it, then the next year will be rich. Also, a sign of future financial prosperity is considered to be frost, densely clinging to tree branches.

If a young month is visible in the sky on the pre-Christmas night, then it is better not to plan large purchases. The coming year will not be the most successful financially. But problems on the personal front are not expected.

Folk omens say that the day of the week on which Christmas falls matters:

Sunday - happiness and good luck will not leave your home this year

Saturday - Late winter rains can be expected

Friday - summer will be short and late

Thursday - unmarried girls will be lucky soon

Wednesday is a freedom for hunters and fishermen: rich prey and good catch

Tuesday - luck will be for those who get married this year

Monday - summer is just right to go picking mushrooms and berries

The snow that fell on the morning of January 7th is considered a good omen. Married people can wait for an addition to the family, merchants and traders - an increase in material wealth, serving people - favors from the authorities.

Interesting Christmas fortune-telling

Traditional divination for the betrothed. A young unmarried girl should have made a "ladder" from twigs peeled from bark. Two longer twigs acted as "railings"; "steps" can be made from short sticks. The sticks are tied together with a white or red thread. The resulting structure is supposed to be put under the pillow on Christmas night, and at the same time say the cherished words "betrothed-mummed, come, show yourself in all splendor!" The future groom will dream at night.

Fortune-telling for wealth for coins. Take five coins in your left hand and flip them up. Then count the number of tails and heads. Fortune-telling is interpreted as follows:

5 "tails" - serious financial difficulties, problems at work;

4 "tails" and 1 "heads" - you will have to save a lot;

3 "tails" and 2 "heads" - there will not always be enough money in the house;

2 "tails" and 3 "heads" - the financial position will be stable;

1 "tails" and 4 "heads" - this year you can afford any whim;

5 "eagles" - fantastic luck, you will gain wealth within a year.

Fortune-telling by a candle. At midnight on Christmas Day, light a candle with the words “Candle candle, you are bright and hot. Reveal my future, do not hide anything! Then watch the candle burn. If the flame is even and bright, then the year will be good. If the candle crackles, then quarrels are possible, if it smokes with black smoke - illness.