Blue Dream Of The Windsors - Russian Throne - Alternative View

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Blue Dream Of The Windsors - Russian Throne - Alternative View
Blue Dream Of The Windsors - Russian Throne - Alternative View

Video: Blue Dream Of The Windsors - Russian Throne - Alternative View

Video: Blue Dream Of The Windsors - Russian Throne - Alternative View
Video: Who Would Be Tsar of Russia Today? | Romanov Family Tree 2024, October

The British royal family is about to extend their rule from the United States to Russia. In America, Trump and Rothschild will help her in this. And who is in Russia?


In October 2016, an event took place that received widespread attention from the main world media, publicists and analysts, although in its scale and significance it should have overshadowed the war in Syria, the conflict between the West and Russia, and the presidential elections in the United States. From October 15-18, Patriarch Kirill paid an official visit to Great Britain and met with Queen Elizabeth. The official reason for the visit was the dedication of the Ennismore Gardens, London Orthodox Cathedral, a former Anglican cathedral that the Russian Orthodox Church has used since 1950. But most of all, the Western press and commentators were upset not by this fact, but by the meeting of Patriarch Kirill with Queen Elizabeth.

Waiting for the Apocalypse

In the Patriarch, Western commentators, first of all, saw Putin's envoy, who came with the aim of influencing British policy towards Russia and Syria. Some even linked the blocking of RT accounts by the British state bank NatWest with the attempts of the British government to counter-pressure Russia in order to neutralize the results of Patriarch Kirill's visit to the Queen. However, the words spoken by Elizabeth during the meeting puzzled everyone and completely dashed the expectations of politicians and journalists. The conversation turned about the Apocalypse, the future world war and the unification of all Christians in the global opposition to Evil.


In the presence of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Queen Elizabeth spoke unexpectedly:

Promotional video:

“Now we need to make the necessary preparations, to say goodbye to our loved ones, since it is impossible to imagine who will live and who will die. Many will die in these last days."

"My beloved country is about to enter its darkest period in history in the coming months as a violent and apocalyptic war will begin in the East."

“I don’t care about little things like Christmas. I am concerned about the dire consequences that we must face. The war drums are beating harder."

Patriarch Kirill responded to the queen more cautiously, calling on all countries to unite in confronting Evil.

"Today's war on terrorism must be fought together."

“This struggle is not only for Russia. This is a war of all countries, we must unite to defeat this evil. This war I call Holy."

In a press statement, Kirill's secretary, Alexander Volkov, said that the dialogue “is dedicated to the position of Christians in Europe” and that “the church should also play a role in international relations. Through faith, through the Church, the soul of the nation is manifested."

What is the reason for such a frank conversation between the queen and our patriarch? The reason was partially tried to find the journalist and political scientist Seth Ferris in his article RT's Bank Accounts Closed - It's Nothing to Do With Syria for the online magazine "New Eastern Outlook". You can familiarize yourself with the Russian-language version of the article, albeit in a heavily truncated form, here.

Fashion for Orthodoxy among the Windsors

In addition to the on-duty versions of the seizure of RT accounts due to Russia's policy in Syria and the sanctions war, Ferris cites a number of very interesting facts about the connections of the Royal House of Windsor with Orthodoxy. First of all, it should be understood that Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain is also the head of the Church of England, and she met with Patriarch Kirill in this capacity. In Great Britain, it turns out that about 7% of the population consider themselves to be Orthodox. The queen's husband, Prince Philip, was born and baptized by the Orthodox as a prince of Greece. At the wedding, he changed his faith to Anglican, as required by the law of succession. However, then he secretly and privately returned to Orthodoxy again. It is known that Prince Philip makes very generous donations to Orthodox churches,and is also a patron of the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies in Cambridge. Prince Charles also has a longstanding interest in Orthodoxy. Because of these sympathies, among other things, he refused to join Freemasonry, although membership in the Masonic lodge is a necessary attribute of the English elite.


The fact that the heir to the throne gravitates towards the faith of his father, which can lead to a weakening of the sacred ties between church and state and shake the foundations of English statehood, is of great concern to the British elites. Maybe because of their pressure this spring, there were reports of Queen Elizabeth's readiness to abdicate in favor of her eldest grandson, Prince William. Moreover, very many predict the latter the fate of the king of Jerusalem, or in the Orthodox tradition, the Anti-Christ. There is even a video where almost immediately after the wedding of Prince William with Kate Middleton at a reception in their honor on 2011-09-06, an installation hovered over the guests, where the devil devoured a lamb.

Many analysts and politicians in Russia sincerely did not understand at the time why such an ordinary event in an ordinary European monarchy received so much attention on Russian TV and in the Russian media. Then it seemed, thanks to Russian television, that there was nothing in the world except a royal wedding in London. And only now, more than 5 years later, the reason for such attention begins to appear.

Although the divorce and further marriage of Elizabeth's son and heir to the throne of Prince Charles does not contradict the order of succession to the British throne, but when the throne is transferred to Charles, serious unrest may arise in society and elites due to his ambiguous marriage and rather old age. But the candidacy of Prince William, his children and brother is beyond doubt. It is likely that the Russian throne is prepared for Prince Charles due to his sympathies for Orthodoxy and the Orthodox father by the British elites.


Back in June 2012, an article about the family ties of the Windsor and Romanov houses appeared on the BBC Russian service website. Now this article is beginning to look in a completely different light, like preparing public opinion and probing it for the possible claim of a representative of the House of Windsor to the Russian throne. In addition to these ties, according to British puppeteers, the great-great-grandson of Nicholas I Romanov, cousin of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain Michael, Prince of Kent, also has certain rights to the Russian throne. But he can hardly play an active role now due to his advanced age.

Monarchy in the United States?

We see clear activity of the House of Windsors heading east. And what about the West? And in the West, in the United States of America, the situation is even more interesting. The still-pending presidential campaign was conducted with such dirty methods that the idea of democracy completely discredited itself in the minds of the overwhelming majority of the country's citizens. In the midst of this bacchanalia, a trial balloon was thrown into the US information space. The New Yorker has published an article by the famous joker and best-selling author Andy Borowitz entitled QUEEN OFFERS TO RESTORE BRITISH RULE OVER UNITED STATES. The article says that in her televised address, Queen Elizabeth recognized the experiment with democracy as a failure and called on the United States to return to the shadow of the British crown. That is, she invited the states to become part of the British Commonwealth and, possibly,even part of the new British Empire and recognize the supremacy of the British crown.


Many people immediately announced the publication as a joke, but many took the proposal seriously and believed it. The publication became not just a method of probing public opinion in the United States for abandoning democracy and craving for a firm hand, but, judging by subsequent events, served as the beginning of an information campaign to promote this idea to the masses and influence public opinion itself. The idea of the return of the monarchy began to be discussed not only by reputable publications, for example, The New York Times in the publication Consider a Monarchy, America, but also very widely in numerous American forums. Moreover, this idea generally did not cause complete rejection, and the number of those willing to discuss it turned out to be surprisingly large.

And now, 10 days after this publication, Donald Trump unexpectedly wins the presidential elections in the United States. Liberals and supporters of democracy immediately raise hysteria and even, exactly according to their own patterns, make attempts at a color revolution. Trump has been accused of authoritarian tendencies, even furrerism, and of trying to roll back democratic institutions in the United States.

Trump and the Rothschilds

The American press already openly writes that Donald Trump is not just a man of the Rothschild clan, but they have been preparing for the presidency of the United States for over 30 years. You can read about this, in particular, in the publication Rothschilds Caught Rigging The US Presidential Election. Even 30 years ago, the Rothschilds saved Trump from bankruptcy by assessing his organizational and personal qualities. And now he is clearly carrying out their plan to establish a new world order in the Rothschild way. What does this mean? First of all, the Rothschilds are gold and capital. The former world system, based on the control over energy flows and the printing press of the unsecured world currency, the dollar, came to a complete collapse.


The empire of conditional Rockefellers, consisting of petrodollars, the Fed's printing press, stock exchanges, the media, various international public organizations, began to crumble from the moment the pearl in the Rockefeller crown was sold to Standard OiL. And now the world is on the verge of changing the economic model, completely abandoning the current monetary policy and switching to a monetary policy with gold backing. One of the real signs of this was the withdrawal of the Rothschilds from the Gold Committee, located in London and the Silver Committee, located first in the Netherlands and then in Chicago, and the transfer of the gold exchange, which will determine the prices of gold and silver, to Shanghai. The Rothschilds are ready to some extent to negotiate with Russia and China about their place in the future world system, while the Rockefellers were inclined only to dictate.

Rothschilds - Treasurers of the Windsor

Many analysts also write about the closest relationship between the Rothschilds and the British Windsor dynasty. It is hard to deny this, since the Rothschilds gained control over the state-owned Bank of England back in 1814 and since then practically the entire financial system of Great Britain is the Rothschild system. The interests of the Windsor are those of the Rothschilds.


A situation is emerging when the Windsor-Rothschild duumvirate can gain control and power not only over the British Commonwealth, but also over the entire West represented by the United States and its satellites through Trump's victory in the presidential elections and his complete reconstruction of both the country itself and financial and political systems. With the chaos created in the United States, the people themselves will go under the monarchist firm hand of the Windsors.


What remains is the East with an alternative civilization system to the West, the Orthodox faith and the largest country in the world - Russia. And the West is no longer able to gain control over us except through the establishment of its own monarchy. The attempts to bring the head of the House of Windsor Queen Elizabeth closer to Patriarch Kirill, calls for unification in the fight against world evil in the coming Apocalypse are becoming clear. It remains only to understand how real the attempts to put a representative of the House of Windsor on the Russian throne are.

Thus, a clear plan emerges to unite the West, East and Palestine with Jerusalem under the rule of one monarchical house, the House of Windsor.

On Russian television, a commercial for a well-known brand of English tea is often shown, in which a famous British prince sacrifices his right to the throne for the sake of love for an ordinary girl. This incident causes inexplicable affection among our liberal public. This is how these Englishmen honor their age-old traditions, demonstrating a civilized approach to the world. However, when it comes to Russian centuries-old traditions, including in the field of Russian succession to the throne, for some reason they cause a stream of abuse and accusations of barbarism and obscurantism in the same people. But if you follow our old laws on succession to the throne, then no Windsor will be able to take the Russian throne under any circumstances.

Russian laws on succession to the throne

From ancient times in Russia there was a very simple law of succession to the throne, based on a generic basis: the throne always passed from father to son in the senior line. Since the founding of the Moscow principality, all the rulers of Rurikovich inherited the throne according to this ancient Law. After the death of Ivan IV the Terrible, due to the lack of heirs, the next Tsar Boris Godunov elected the Zemsky Sobor. After his death, a leapfrog began with the rulers who were appointed by anyone, boyars, people, foreign sovereigns, and there were impostors. This period of the Great Troubles lasted until the new Zemsky Sobor of the Russian people chose a new dynasty of the Romanovs and a new sovereign Mikhail Fedorovich, the son of Patriarch Filaret, and the ancient Law was restored.


Until it was canceled by Emperor Peter I. On February 5, 1722, Peter I issued the "Charter on Succession to the Throne", in which the previous order of succession to the throne by a direct male descendant was canceled. Under the new Charter, the inheritance of the Russian throne became possible by the will of the sovereign. From now on, anyone who was worthy, in the opinion of the sovereign, to head the Russian state could become an heir. Since Peter himself did not leave a will, after his death, leapfrog with succession to the throne began again, the end of which was put by Emperor Paul I in 1797. On April 5, in the Kremlin's Assumption Cathedral, a new "Act of Succession" was promulgated, included in the "Code of Laws of the Russian Empire", which legally is still the current source of Law in Russia. The act has not been canceled or changed by a new legal act.

Pavlov's "Act of Succession" imposes very serious restrictions on the heirs to the throne, according to many lawyers, the most severe in the world. With all due respect to the descendants of the Romanov dynasty, whose representatives have been our sovereigns for 300 years, none of the living Romanovs, due to the serious restrictions imposed by Pavlov's "Act of Succession", can claim the Russian throne. And the representatives of the House of Windsor - even more so. The situation is the same as at the beginning of the 17th century, when only the Zemsky Sobor had the right to elect the Sovereign. There is one more nuance. Peter I abolished the institution of the patriarchy, and in 1721, when Russia was declared an empire, the Tsar himself became the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, and the Synod began to govern the affairs of the church. The Moscow Patriarchate was restored in 1917,and the question of the future Emperor in the ROC remains open. A non-Orthodox person who is not anointed to the kingdom and does not bear all responsibility before God for the people entrusted to him, the Orthodox faith and the state, under no circumstances can inherit or be elected by the Zemsky Sobor and God's providence to the Russian throne.

By respecting the traditions and laws of the British Empire, we are entitled to seek the same respect from the rest of the world for our age-old laws and traditions. Another question is that the average Russian does not suspect that such laws exist, and therefore it is very easy for him to be manipulated. Therefore, the British crown has no other method than manipulating and deceiving our people in order to impose their monarch on us. Neither the Romanovs, nor the Windsors, nor anyone else can legally become the Russian Tsar, the guardian of the Orthodox faith, the people and the state of Russia. And any ecumenistic attempts to unite all Christians differently than under the bosom of Orthodoxy lead to the disappearance of Christianity and its replacement by faith in Satan. These simple thoughts must be methodically conveyed to public consciousness through education. Otherwise, we will be lost and enslaved by the cunning,a cynical enemy with no moral principles. You should know it.

Alexander Nikishin