"You Can Blow Out Candles With The Power Of Thought " - Alternative View

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"You Can Blow Out Candles With The Power Of Thought " - Alternative View
"You Can Blow Out Candles With The Power Of Thought " - Alternative View

Video: "You Can Blow Out Candles With The Power Of Thought " - Alternative View

Video: Nicki Minaj, Drake, Lil Wayne - Seeing Green (Lyrics) 2024, September

“For me, the existence of UFOs and many other mysterious phenomena is so obvious that it is not even subject to discussion,” says Igor MIROSHNIK, head of the South-Russian branch of the International Academy of Energy Information Sciences, which opened in Rostov not so long ago

However, to a number of not only Don, but also metropolitan scientists the long-term research of Rostov resident Miroshnik seems, if controversial, then not devoid of scientific approaches. Back in the 60s, a student of the Rostov Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, the future mathematician Miroshnik saw a UFO in the sky above Rostov. At first, he followed a path more understandable to society - he headed the Computing Center of the Regional Department of Consumer Services. However, the sight of a UFO so excited the imagination that soon the Rostovite got carried away with the study of "all sorts of incomprehensible things." And in the 89th year he headed the research and production company "Enioton". Scientists who worked in it believed in the power of human psychic energy, cleared the reservoirs near Tyumen from oil pollution with the power of thought, with the help of "magnetized" water they achieved an improvement in plant growth, etc.

A burning sickle flew across the sky

“My first" encounter "with a UFO happened in the winter of 1967,” he recalls. - I was returning home from a lecture, then I lived on Krasnoarmeiskaya. It was evening. And then I remember, I raised my head and clearly saw something the size of the moon, shaped like a sickle. Only this sickle consisted of fire, caviar, a small plume of smoke came from it. And this structure flew slowly across the sky parallel to the ground. By the way, literally 3-4 months later, in May, the same spectacle - I saw a similar sickle above the Rostov cinema - also in the city center. But then other people were witnesses with me! A small crowd gathered, people were pointing their fingers at the sky: "Oh, what is this?"

Subsequently, as Miroshnik admits, he saw UFOs dozens of times. There were also glowing balls hanging over the western part of the Green Island in Rostov; and "plates" suddenly emerging from the lakes in Karelia, etc.

“At first, I was even surprised by the reaction to those my first letters with my observations and thoughts about UFOs,” continues Igor Vladimirovich. - I sent them to the famous astronomer, professor of the Moscow Aviation Institute, who was already interested in ufology, Felix Yuryevich Siegel, head of the state commission for "studying anomalous phenomena in the environment." (Today Siegel is called the father of Russian ufology. - Author). I was invited to Moscow. Moreover, there I had the opportunity to talk with another famous person - Vladimir Azhazha. Now Vladimir Georgievich is already an elderly man, retired, albeit very cheerful. And then he was a scientist-innovator, for many years he served as a captain of the II rank on the submarines of the Northern Fleet. (In addition to many scientific works - "Searching for fish with an echo sounder" and others, V. Azhazha in the 80s - 90s gave a course of author's lectures on ufology both in the USSR and abroad - in the USA, Japan, Finland and other countries. In the late 70s, he wrote a scientific work on the topic "Hydrospheric Aspect of the UFO Problem", in 1990 he created the UFO Center. - Auth.). So, Azhazha even then assured that he had repeatedly encountered unidentified flying objects, but … under water. That is, they should have been called unidentified underwater objects, although the version is still valid (and I share it) that we are talking about the same thing. Apparently, such objects can both submerge in water and float up and fly.that he repeatedly collided with unidentified flying objects, but … under water. That is, they should have been called unidentified underwater objects, although the version is still valid (and I share it) that we are talking about the same thing. Apparently, such objects can both submerge in water and float up and fly.that he repeatedly collided with unidentified flying objects, but … under water. That is, they should have been called unidentified underwater objects, although the version is still valid (and I share it) that we are talking about the same thing. Apparently, such objects can both submerge in water and float up and fly.

For more than a decade, Miroshnik, both in Rostov and during business trips, has been trying to photograph them in the event of the appearance of strange objects. Back in 1990, he organized an exhibition of these photos in one of the Rostov halls. It caused a furor, eyewitnesses recall: the line to the entrance stretched for several hundred meters. Over the past years, this photo collection has been replenished with new products. One of the highlights is a photograph taken on August 20, 2005 by a former Rostov pilot and now a military pensioner, Isaev. It depicts a UFO during the famous Max aerospace show held in Zhukovsky near Moscow. The "dish" hovered near a group of planes performing an aerobatic stunt.

- Most likely, this UFO was not visible with the human eye. And this happens often, - says Miroshnik. - Apparently, such objects generate special radiation, which makes them invisible. But through the photo lens, the invisibility was detected. Isaev himself did not see any UFO there either. Just as a spectator admired and photographed. And having received the developed photos, I was amazed.

The little drummer asked for borscht

Other strange objects that the Miroshnik has to deal with on duty are the so-called poltergeists.

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- What is one Chaltyr "pyrotechnic" worth! - he admits. - In a private house, fires constantly occurred for several weeks. By that time, I was also a consultant to the Headquarters of the North Caucasus Military District on anomalous phenomena. Fire brigades approached me. When I arrived at that house, a round-the-clock fire engine was already on duty around it. And in the yard, in the sun, there were a variety of charred things: even something that, according to the laws of chemistry, cannot burn - a concrete wall, flashed in the house!

“But the biggest mystery for me is still the phenomenon of the“voice”poltergeist, which I encountered in an apartment in the Western district of Rostov,” continues Miroshnik. - The family had 2 twin girls of six years old, with whom someone invisible spoke. Personally, I heard only strange inarticulate sounds, but among the eyewitnesses of the "conversations" there were many people - family members, neighbors. The father of the twins was a famous person in Rostov, far from any mysticism. The “talker” also addressed family members. He could say to the mother of the twins: "You are a stupid stupid" or "I want to eat." Once he asked for borscht. Grandmother poured borscht into a plate and only for a second turned away, turned around - the plate was empty. (Laughs) Of course, from the outside it sounds fantastic … But the truth is that I could not cope with the "talker", a year later he disappeared by itself. What explains such phenomena? No one has an answer. Only the connection of such "miracles" with the fact that an emotional child is growing up in the family is clearly traced. Some experts believe that maybe children, who are generally capable of creating thought forms, attract certain energies from parallel worlds.

The experiment ended with an emergency

In the 90s, "Enioton" undertook several studies at once, based on the conviction: thought is material.

“Enioton was largely funded by the state, and we had an order: to develop alternative methods of cleaning water and land surfaces from oil pollution,” recalls Miroshnik. - We have proposed the "man-machine system" method. The primitive explanation is as follows: a person with his brain, intellect, his biofield, if these energies are amplified with a special device, obviously, can influence all kinds of physical and chemical processes, on the operation of technical systems. We have developed a method when a specially trained person - an operator mentally imagined the process of oil coagulation - changing its physical and chemical properties: an oil slick on the water rolls into a ball and becomes waterproof. And it can be picked up by sailing on the ship. Agree, this is easier than the existing mechanical assembly of spilled oil. In addition, having swam to the spot,it was necessary to irradiate it from the emitter we designed.

The researchers were allowed to check the effectiveness of the know-how in the vicinity of Tyumen, where there are oil developments. Since the experiment gave a good result, "Enioton" signed a contract to conduct an experiment on water purification at one of the substations of Leningrad treatment facilities.

“But because of the emergency, we were ordered to stop the experiment,” Miroshnik does not hide, “and also to start researching the impact of our developments on the environment.

The state of emergency consisted in the fact that their method turned out to be much more powerful: the physicochemical properties of the purified water changed more sharply than expected, for some time even its color in the Gulf of Finland changed. Subsequently, researchers only became firmly established in the effectiveness of the power of thought.

“Recently I saw on Central TV a story about a teenager from central Russia who knows how to switch TV channels, pointing to the corresponding button not with the remote control, but with his own finger,” says Miroshnik. - That is, we are talking about the very gift, about the power of psychotronic energy that a person produces, about which we are also talking! For example, in our South Russian branch of the Academy of Information Sciences, we already have several Rostovites who have been taught (using their best practices) to extinguish a candle flame from a distance, if these people simply … point at the flame with their finger.

Victoria Golovko
