What To Do If You Are Enlightened - Alternative View

What To Do If You Are Enlightened - Alternative View
What To Do If You Are Enlightened - Alternative View

Video: What To Do If You Are Enlightened - Alternative View

Video: What To Do If You Are Enlightened - Alternative View
Video: How Do You Recognize An Enlightened Being? - Sadhguru 2024, September

Sooner or later, everyone who is engaged in his own development has a feeling, for various reasons, that he has become enlightened, lit up and "soared" over everyone … All this is certainly not a reason to "clip wings", but running a little ahead, one can only warn that this is just another level, at which you still need to be able to resist, from which you can go to the next, or you can fall down a little, therefore:

Don't be categorical that you are better or higher than others.

Do not try to convince someone of this or start teaching how to live until they ask you.

Do not worry, it all passes and you will pass.

Hide your smug smile, otherwise you will be mistaken for the eccentric that you are.

If no one wants to listen to your teachings and you are upset about this, try to teach the reflection in the mirror. It will cheer you up, because this image in the reflection carries such ridiculous nonsense, and, perhaps, even you will not take it seriously.

Don't pester others with your cosmic love. They might be having a bad day and you might get punched in the face.

Do not surprise others with paradoxical behavior. Suddenly, for such a glorious master as you, they will spontaneously decide to call the orderlies.

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If you are bursting with unity that you have no strength, wait until nightfall, find a drunken company and kick someone in the ass out of excess of feelings. The company will gladly help you get through this difficult stage in your life.

If you have a vision that everything is an illusion, intervene in someone's argument with detailed explanations. After you are thoroughly sworn, the illusory nature of your vision of illusion will be revealed to you.

If suddenly you realized that you are not, wait for your salary; you may be there to get it.

If suddenly you realized that you are God, immediately inform all believers. They will gladly help you to feel yourself in the place of God even more by crucifying you on the cross.

If you have lost your ego, don't worry. It changed its place of residence and now, looking at the previous place, does not find itself there.

If you find yourself outside the world, great. So the world is saved from shit, just don't forget to throw this shit out.

If life has opened in all its simplicity, finally get a job or try to apply yourself financially!

If it began to seem that others in you see only their own reflection, be careful! This means that others reflect to you, that it only seems to you.

If the world suddenly becomes more colorful, then the color settings are out of order. Don't worry, a good scandal will reset to default settings.

If secret knowledge is revealed to you, write a book. People love to read science fiction and anecdotes.

If you have discovered that the ego is illusory, no big deal! It's just that the ego looks at its photo, and the photo is so inanimate.

If the words began to seem empty, meaningless and unable to reflect the fullness of life, begin to explain yourself by silence. Very soon the words will make sense again.

If you think that you are definitely okay, something is wrong with you.

If you have a revelation, nothing supernatural, just inspiration came. You don't have to pretend to be wise, you can write a poem, draw a drawing, or just breathe calmly. It will pass.

If it seems that you have begun to understand this mysterious world, start leaving the house more often.

If you find yourself out of time, that's great! Now you can justify your being late for work, for a meeting …

If you cannot express understanding of what has been revealed to you, it does not mean that something Divinely Inexpressible has been revealed. You just have a small vocabulary.

If all the rules are seen as restrictive and meaningless and you are going to forget them all, do not forget at least the rules of the road. Just in case..

If you find that you have become absolutely humble, then you have achieved absolute pride.

If you've discovered the relativity of everything, try dining through your ear. After lunch, another epiphany awaits you: the relativity of your discovery.

If you're honest with yourself, look in the mirror into your shameless eyes.

If you have stopped thoughts, do not forget to stop the thought of stopping thoughts. And then the thought of stopping thought, stopping thought. Keep going until you get tired. And then you can safely go for tea.

If you have overcome the suffering of the world, but still hesitate to take a pill for a headache or courageously endure, hit your head on the joint. This will help you overcome shyness before taking pain relievers.

Despite being spontaneously in a meditative state, it is advisable not to forget to take out the trash.

If you get enough sleep, you will find that the meditative state is gone. But you can always tire yourself out again by trying to meditate.

While contemplating the beauty of the world while walking, try not to step on the poop.

Don't make a smart face, you still don't know anything. But for fun you can.

If you suddenly wanted to tell a person how to live correctly, calm down, do breathing exercises and focus on internal sensations. Soon you will feel that you have forgotten something. Yes … How long have you not been busy with your life …

If you see God in everything, then it seems to you. If God is in everything, then the one who sees is God. God sees god and there is no room for you. Wake up and help your grandmother cross the road.

If you suddenly decide to fight with thinking, then remember, thinking will fight with you!

There is one important thing, but this is not what you thought. And not that.

If you stop reciting mantras, the neighbors may stop looking at you suspiciously.

If you know what you are thinking, then you are thinking about yourself. Otherwise what's the difference …

If you are going to heal better, then you have to carry the “worse” with you as a reference. Garbage will stink …

If there are no problems in relationships with others for a week, then one week of your solitude has passed.

Look at yourself. You are so stupid, especially when you are serious.

If life suddenly becomes simple, it will pass. Being simple is so hard …

You already know that things are not what you think. But this is not true either.

The vision of the spontaneity of life can disappear spontaneously.

If all the problems suddenly disappeared, take heart! This nasty alarm clock will wake you up anyway.

Oh, this thinking, what a stir. What did you think about before you start thinking?..

They say that in order to become enlightened, you have to want this most of all. How did you manage if the urge to go to the toilet always wins?..

You can try not to think about yourself, just thinking about yourself. Otherwise, who needs it?..

If you think you have nothing to do with thoughts, then you are a fool!

If you suddenly found yourself satisfied with yourself as you are, do not worry, it will pass. You know you'll never be good enough.

If you want to confirm your enlightenment, then do not hesitate, ask people. They will gladly confirm his absence.

Considering something unimportant is necessary in order to make yourself important. But it probably doesn't matter to you..

If it suddenly seems that now that you love life with all your heart, you will be fine, then you just think. But you won't stop loving her for such a trifle, will you?..

Even out of simplicity, you can make a whole tragedy. What are you doing now?

You are capable of spontaneous actions, but you will never know about them.

You read this spontaneously. Oh! No longer…

How nice it is when desires are not pestered, isn't it? But you certainly have no desire to leave it that way forever. Therefore, desires will appear again.

You've always looked for a shortcut. And it turned out to be so shorter that you did not come anywhere.

Do you think there is something missing in the previous paragraph? What exactly?

If it seems that life has caused suffering to make you strong, then you have megalomania.

Your mysterious silence can mysteriously lead to being considered an idiot.

If everything is the same and there is no difference in anything in essence, why do you refuse to read an empty paragraph for the second time?

If you see someone's delusion and want to help overcome, relax. You will not succeed, because you see delusion.

If it seems that nothing special has happened to you, do not pay attention, it seemed..

It's true. Oh! No longer.

You're always wrong, but it's always a mistake to think of yourself like that.

Feelings and feelings do not lie, but you can easily be deceived by them through the perception of your mind.

If you get tired of considering yourself as some simple Vasya Ivanov, then you can begin to consider yourself an unknown crap outside of life and understanding and enjoy your mystery and inexpressibility. But it's better to go to the store Vasya.

Everything that is inaccessible to understanding is already understood as incomprehensible. Nothing special. Why not?

If you suddenly find that you cannot accept something, accept your disagreement. And if you can't - well, don't.

The discovery of an absolute sense of self-importance is often mistaken for the discovery of the absolute.

There is no emptiness. Eat an apple. Oops! There is no apple.

If everyone around is not enlightened, then you are the leader of this gang.

If suddenly it seemed that he had solved all the intricacies of the mind, this is another deception.

If you suddenly caught up with unreasonable laughter and you can't stop, remember the amount of your salary.

If you want to start life anew, then it's too late. Life begins itself first from moment to moment. But you can try.

With whom enlightenment happened, darkening will also happen. And a bunch of interesting things.

You always have a choice without a choice. It was a foregone conclusion.

You are more cunning than you think, therefore they are always deceived by themselves.

Why are you making up thoughts? Just think and watch.

If you have risen above life and death, then you simply hide there from problems. And it’s such a big problem that it’s not like falling back again.

Truly, I truly am sheer deception and illusion.

The silence can be so deafeningly quiet that you won't even notice that you made it up.

You probably have a vague idea that it was about you.

Shameless eyes, not striving to be honest, shine with sincerity.

You still haven't read to the end, if you consider yourself "enlightened" and have fun laughing at all this, if you are really getting closer to it, but how much is not important and not measurable by us …

Good luck to all of us!