The Eye Of Rebirth Is An Ancient Secret Of Tibetan Lamas. Part Three - Alternative View

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The Eye Of Rebirth Is An Ancient Secret Of Tibetan Lamas. Part Three - Alternative View
The Eye Of Rebirth Is An Ancient Secret Of Tibetan Lamas. Part Three - Alternative View

Video: The Eye Of Rebirth Is An Ancient Secret Of Tibetan Lamas. Part Three - Alternative View

Video: The Eye Of Rebirth Is An Ancient Secret Of Tibetan Lamas. Part Three - Alternative View
Video: Tibetan Buddhism: Secrets of the Yogis of Tibet - Part 5 2024, October

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 4 -

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The colonel fell silent. It looked like his story was over. As he spoke, a fair amount of questions accumulated in my mind, which I began to ask, taking advantage of his silence.

- How many times should each ritual action be repeated? - that was my first question.

“To begin with,” the colonel replied, “I would advise you to perform each ritual action three times once a day. This regime should be maintained for one week. Then two repetitions are added every week. Thus, during the second week, five repetitions of each ritual action are done daily, during the third - seven, during the fourth - nine, and so on until the daily number of repetitions reaches twenty-one times. If it is difficult to perform all the ritual actions in the appropriate amount, you can break them up into series and perform them in two or even three steps. But each series must include all five ritual actions strictly in the appropriate order. It is impossible to rearrange the ritual actions of the "Eye of Rebirth" in places, as well as to spread them in time. For example, instead of one, say, morning workout, consisting of twenty-one repetitions of each action, you can do two - morning and evening, doing, say, ten repetitions in the morning and eleven in the evening. Or - three workouts of seven repetitions each: morning, noon, and evening.

- Special problems are often associated with mastering the first ritual action - rotation around its axis. If you come across them, do not despair or rush. Rotate as many times as you can. Time will pass, and you will learn to easily turn around your axis all the prescribed twenty-one times. I had a student who took a whole year to do this. The other four ritual actions did not cause problems for him. Therefore, he performed them twenty-one times, and the first mastered very gradually. This did not affect the results in any way. And a year later, in the most beautiful way, he could rotate around its axis as much as was required.

- It happens that a person is generally unable to rotate around his axis if his vestibular apparatus is extremely weakened. In this case, for four to six months, all other ritual actions should be performed, starting with the second, and the first should be skipped. And after this period, gradually begin to master the first.

- What time is it preferable to study? I asked.

Promotional video:

- In the morning or evening. Best of all - at sunrise and sunset. But if you have a lot of work and you could not wake up before sunrise, do not be discouraged. You can perform your morning series of ritual activities whenever it is convenient. The main thing is that this happens before noon, since the time of the evening series begins in the afternoon. However, this regime should be approached gradually, starting with one complete series once a day - in the morning or in the evening. After you have practiced the Eye of Rebirth twenty-one times, once a day for at least four months, you can start building the second series, starting with three times and, as in the case of the first, adding twice in Week. Of course, you do not have to stop at twenty-one repetitions, bringing them to thirty-six,seventy-two or even up to one hundred and eight, but there must be a good reason for this, since this will no longer be a concern for health, but a practice of spiritual development.

- Are all five ritual actions of equal importance? I asked.

“Of course,” the colonel replied. - One without the other, they do not work so effectively. As I said, in exceptional cases, you can temporarily exclude the first, but the remaining four should only be practiced together. And the first one should be mastered as soon as possible. In the most extreme cases, one of the last four ritual actions can be thrown out of the classroom. But only when there is no way to master it, and only temporarily. With due diligence in doing what comes out, the ability to do things that didn't work out at first will certainly develop.

- And one more thing that is important - in no case should overstrain and overwork be allowed. This can only lead to a negative result. You just need to do as it turns out, what happens, gradually increasing the amount and approaching the ideal form. Time and patience in this case act as allies. I have not yet had students who could not eventually come to a full-fledged practice after training long enough.

“Okay,” I said, “what if, for some reason, a person cannot perform any of the five ritual actions at all? For example, due to a spinal injury, loss of an arm or leg?

-I have come across such cases. Of course, if there is at least some way to overcome the obstacle, say, by inventing some device or using someone's help, you should do it and practice all five actions. However, in the most extreme case, if there is no other way out, you need to do at least what is available. The point is that the Eye of Rebirth is a very powerful and highly effective method, and even parts of it work. This is proved by the example of dancing dervishes. While those who are young look emaciated due to excessive amounts of rotation, those who are older are more moderate in their practice of rotation, and therefore achieve tremendous strength, endurance and vitality. Thus, the practice of even a single ritual action of the "Eye of Rebirth" can be very beneficial. Let everyone make the most of whatwhat is available to him, without bringing himself to exhaustion - and everything will be fine.

-And if a person, say, is engaged in any kind of sports or other types of psychophysical training - after all, the Eye of Rebirth, as far as I understand, belongs to this category of practical methods - should he continue, or should he quit? Does the "Eye of Rebirth" conflict with other types of practices?

"No way," Sir Henry replied confidently. - If you are doing something else, do it for health. The Eye of Rebirth will only help you by significantly increasing the effectiveness of your core workouts. After all, lamas use this practice as an auxiliary one. For them, the "Eye of Rebirth" is a kind of energetic basis for more complex and sophisticated training and meditation practices. Ordinary people and lamas came to the monastery not only from the south-west, where I came from, but also from the north, from the east - from everywhere. And some of the lamas brought with them their practices - the most complex martial arts, various techniques of Tibetan yoga; there were artists among them, there were scribes of manuscripts … All of them were received in the monastery, all were taught, and the "Eye of Revival" helped all of them reach new heights in their own art. I'm sure,that any harmoniously built system contributes to the preservation of youth and strength. And thanks to the practice of the "Eye of Rebirth" this is also added to the correction of the dynamic characteristics of the vortices.

“Think Henry, did you miss anything? I asked.

- Perhaps there are two more things that may matter. You will remember that I mentioned that in the intervals between repetitions of ritual actions, you need to continue breathing in the same rhythm as during the practice. However, if you do not feel any difficulties, there is no need to pause between repetitions of the same ritual action, you should simply repeat the movements in the form of one continuous series. But between every two ritual actions, a pause is necessary. And not just a pause. You need to stand up straight, put your hands on your waist and perform several smooth, full breaths, while carefully monitoring the sensations that arise in the body, and focusing on the area of the body located inside the abdomen at the level of the navel. Sooner or later, you will certainly feel the flow of prana flowing through the body as you inhale. And after a while, probablyvortices will become visible to you. Breathing in the pauses between actions, try to relax as much as possible during exhalation and feel how the “tainted” prana, along with subtle impurities and painful blocks, leave the body, washed out by the flows of “fresh” prana that entered the body during inhalation.

- The second point that can be quite useful is water procedures after the practice of "okei revival". It is best to take a lukewarm or slightly cool bath or shower. You can simply wipe your entire body with a towel dipped in warm water, and then wipe dry. But in no case should you use noticeably cool and even more cold water after practice. And one more thing - never take a cold bath, shower, douche or rubdown to a state in which the cold penetrates deep into the body, as this will significantly disrupt the etheric structure built by the practice of ritual actions. Not before classes, not after, not at any other time. Moreover, if before training and at other times, short and shallow cold water procedures can be used by you for general hardening,then immediately after classes they are strictly contraindicated, since they can cause pathological changes, which, given the arsenal of means that you own, will be irreversible. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to take any of the warm water procedures immediately after practice, wait until the body has cooled down after training, having stood for at least an hour, and only then use cold water.

I was delighted with everything that Sir Henrz told me, however, the skepticism inherent in an educated person with a Western mindset haunted me, from time to time whispering incredulously from somewhere in the depths of my mind:

-No, sir, something's not right here. It can't be that easy.

Therefore, I could not resist and asked:

- For God's sake, forgive me, Henry, but I still have the feeling that you are still not saying something. Is it really that simple?

“It couldn't be easier, I assure you, Pete. It is only necessary to regularly practice ritual actions, starting with three repetitions of each and gradually bringing up to twenty-one times a day. It is permissible to skip no more than once a week, but in no case more. If the departure or any other reason forces you to interrupt the practice for at least two days, all the results you have achieved will be at risk. With a long break, there is a danger that your body will begin to degrade much faster than it was before you started the practice.

- Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of those who begin to practice the "Eye of Rebirth" soon discover that it is not only useful, but also very pleasant. The feeling of composure, strength and readiness to meet fully armed with any tasks inspires the practitioner so much that he simply looks forward to the moment when the time allotted to him for the next classes comes. After all, it only takes fifteen to twenty minutes to complete all five ritual actions in full! And a well-trained person performs them all in general in eight to ten minutes! And if your day is so busy that you can't even cut it out, just get up a few minutes earlier and go to bed a little later. Nothing will change from this - just a few minutes …

- The five ritual actions, which I told you about, are designed to accelerate the restoration of health and increase the general tone of the body. But the extent to which you will be able to change your appearance at the same time depends on a number of factors. That this is quite possible, I think, you are fully convinced by my example. Because I look half as young as I really am, right?

I didn’t answer, it was quite obvious.

“Well,” the colonel went on, “it's no secret that some look old at forty, while others seem young at sixty. The key factors here are mental attitude and intention to stay young. If you yourself, despite your chronological age, feel young, your biological age will "adjust" to the setting of your self-awareness, and others will also perceive you as a young person. When I started practicing the Eye of Rebirth, I did my best to completely eliminate from my consciousness my own image of a person who is old and frail. Instead, I formed my own inner image of a gentleman in my prime. And then he filled that mental form with energetic content in the form of an unyielding intention to be young and strong. Intention made the power aspect of the will work. Well, and the result is it, in front of you.

“For many, this transformation of self-awareness is a daunting task, since most people find it terribly difficult to break free from the shackles of their mental attitudes. Believe me, there are a huge number of human beings who cannot do this even under the threat of real death. They don't have enough energy to form an intention. They are trained to firmly believe that the human body is programmed to grow old, wither and die. The Eye of Rebirth practice gives them the energy they need. Unexpectedly for themselves, they begin to feel more and more energetic. And they begin to believe in the possibility of rebirth. Well, what follows is a matter of technology. Their outlook on life begins to change radically, and after a while those around them notice the changes that have taken place in them. When such a person hears: “Oh sir,you look so young! " or "Madam, you are beautiful!", the last obstacles on the way of changing himself by him crumble to dust, the intention becomes inflexible, and there is nothing left in the world of people that would be inaccessible to his will.

- Is that all? I asked.

“No, not all,” the colonel replied to me with an enigmatic smile. - After all, I have mentioned only two additional factors. But in reality there are three of them.

“Ah-ah,” I remembered, “you have not yet told me about the sixth ritual act. At the very beginning, if my memory serves me, you mentioned him, didn't you?

- Quite right! It is the sixth ritual action that is the most important factor for someone who intends to change his appearance and look much younger than his age. This exercise is known in Hindu yoga as "Uddiyana Bandha". And I will certainly tell you about it, but not now.

Chapter two

For he is not free who is a slave to his own flesh.

- Lucius Annius Seneca

Almost three months have passed since Sir Henry Bradford's return from India. During this time, many events have happened. Personally, I began to practice the Eye of Rebirth the very next day after the colonel told me about it. The results were not slow to appear. I was extremely pleased. Almost all the time, the colonel was busy organizing his affairs, restoring contacts that had been interrupted during his absence, and establishing a new business, since now he had enough strength to work. Therefore, after that memorable day, when I learned about the content of the "Eye of Rebirth" practice, we did not see each other for a long time. When Sir Henry finally called me, I enthusiastically began to tell him how much my energy and psychological status had changed in just a few weeks of practice. I also informed himthat I am more than satisfied with the result and that the last crumbs of doubts about the effectiveness of the "Eye of Rebirth" were dispelled in my mind without a trace.

I was so excited that I was eager to share the amazing secret of the fountain of youth with all who it might help. Therefore, at the end of our conversation, I asked the colonel the following question:

- Listen, Henry, how do you feel about the proposal to hold classes on teaching ritual actions "Eye of Rebirth" for those who wish here in London?

“Not a bad idea,” he replied, “I would love to do it, but subject to four conditions. First, there should be approximately equal numbers of men and women in the group, representing, if possible, all sectors of society - from high-class intellectual professionals to housewives and unskilled workers. Of course, it would be nice to involve someone from the aristocracy, however, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the first time, especially with such a variegated group. Second, the group must be composed of individuals who are at least fifty years old. The upper limit of the age limit is not set, if you manage to find a hundred-year old man, I will be just happy. Of course, the practice of the "Eye of Revival" has an extremely beneficial effect on the young, but the first group will be, as it were, indicative,therefore, I definitely insist on the fulfillment of the second condition. And then, young people still have time. Not as many as they think, but … Thirdly, the number of members of the first group should not exceed fifteen people. And fourthly, there should be no fixed payment. Anyone who wants to pay for classes, let him pay as much as he sees fit. If the collected amount is not enough to cover the cost of renting the premises, I will compensate the missing part from my funds, since I have enough of them. If the collected amount is not enough to cover the cost of renting the premises, I will compensate the missing part from my funds, since I have enough of them. If the collected amount is not enough to cover the cost of renting the premises, I will compensate the missing part from my funds, since I have enough of them.

I must admit that the third condition of the colonel disappointed me a little. I was inclined to envision in my mind a spacious hall filled with many people diligently practicing the Eye of Rebirth. There was nothing I could do, however, and I had to accept all four of the colonel's conditions.

Soon I was able to recruit a group that met all the requirements set by Sir Henry, and classes began. From the very beginning, I realized that our venture is literally doomed to success. The colonel gave one orientation session a week and gave "homework" to each member of the group according to his ability. Within two weeks it seemed to me that I noticed clear signs of improvement in the condition of some members of the group. However, the colonel demanded that we do not discuss the achieved results with each other, so I did not have the opportunity to check my case. After a month of study, the Colonel put an end to this uncertainty. He proposed to arrange something like a group meeting, where everyone could share their observations and get answers to their questions.

All the members of the group, without exception, talked about quite noticeable improvements in health status and general tone. The appearance of many has noticeably changed for the better. However, the greatest progress was made by the oldest of the colonel's students - a very sweet, dry old man of seventy-five years old. By the tenth week of class, all members of the group completed all five ritual actions in full - twenty-one times. And everyone claimed that they felt not only healthier, but also younger. Some have jokingly argued that they no longer tell anyone how old they really are. In this regard, I remembered how at the very beginning of classes someone asked how old the colonel was, and he replied that he prefers to keep quiet about it until the end of the tenth week of training. Sir Henry's deadline has come,but he still did not say anything to the members of the group about his age. I pretended not to have the slightest idea about it either. Then someone suggested holding a kind of quiz: let each write on a piece of paper how old he thinks the colonel is, and then, when the truth is revealed, we will see whose guess was the most correct. We did so, and by the time Sir Henry Bradford entered the hall, all the leaves with his estimated age written on them were collected.when Sir Henry Bradford entered the hall, all the leaves with his estimated age written on them were collected.when Sir Henry Bradford entered the hall, all the leaves with his estimated age written on them were collected.

When I told the colonel about our undertaking, he asked:

- Be so kind, Pete, give these leaves to me. It is very interesting what an objective impression people have of my age. And then I will publicly announce how old I really am.

He took the pieces of paper and began to read out the numbers. With each new version, the colonel's expression became more and more pleased. All members of the group decided that the colonel was either about forty or a little over forty.

“So, ladies and gentlemen, I consider it my duty to express my deepest gratitude to you for such flattering compliments addressed to me,” the Colonel said, having finished reading the options. - And, since you were all honest with me, I will have to repay you in kind and admit without hiding - this year I will be seventy-three.

A dead silence settled in the hall. A seventy-three year old man who looks almost twice his age? Incomprehensible! Then, when the initial shock passed, questions rained down.

- How is it, why the result you achieved is so much more radical than what we managed to do? - that was the meaning of most of them.

“First of all,” the colonel replied, “we should not forget that I have been practicing the Eye of Rebirth for several years now, and you have all been practicing for only ten weeks. Even with the training regime that you are following now, in two years you will see much more significant shifts. But that is not all. After all, I did not fully tell you about the practice of the "Eye of Rebirth". You are aware of the five ritual actions that restore health and vitality. To a certain extent, they also change a person's appearance, allowing him to look somewhat younger than he really is. However, in order to bring the body into perfect condition and significantly rejuvenate it, there is another, sixth ritual action. Until now I haven't told you anything about him,because without first mastering the first five and obtaining the obvious results of their practice, it is simply pointless to perform the sixth ritual action.

- In addition, the practice of the sixth ritual action will not give results without very significant restrictions associated with the way of life in general and in particular - with sex life. Moreover, once starting to practice the sixth ritual action and making the necessary changes in his daily behavior, a person must continue throughout his life. Just as in the case of the first five ritual activities, breaks in classes should not exceed one day. Termination of the same practice is fraught with very rapid and serious destructive consequences. Therefore, I will not tell you about the sixth ritual action right now, but suggest that you reflect on my warning for a week. Anyone who decides to continue training, let him come to the next lesson. For those who intend to limit themselves to five ritual actions, the course is over.

A week later, five came to the training room. The colonel said that when a whole third of the group decides to go to the end, it is very good, in India he has never had such a wonderful result.

Then he explained that an additional ritual action redistributes and modifies a person's sexual energy. As a result, not only the mind, but the entire body changes qualitatively. True, for this it is necessary to reasonably limit yourself in what the overwhelming majority of people would least want to limit themselves to - in sex.

And then Sir Henry described how the sixth ritual act of the Eye of Rebirth practice is performed.

Sixth ritual act

- The lion's share of the free energy of an ordinary human being, - explained the colonel, - is represented by sexual energy - the energy of the sphere of reproduction - The vast majority of people frivolously waste it in sex for pleasure. Therefore, often, when it is necessary to use free energy for protection or struggle for survival, it is not in the body. And where, with a more reasonable attitude of a person to life force, the body would easily defeat the disease, it loses the battle with it, being forced to weaken some vital, but at the moment not critical functions, to overcome the fatal factors, compensating for the lack of energy due to their energy thoughtlessly wasted free. The resulting disturbances and functional errors gradually accumulate. When their quantity turns into quality,they are fixed and fixed in the legacy code. Unreasonable, unworthy of conscious beings handling their energy is the main reason for the overwhelming majority of personal and human misfortunes and misfortunes, since this has a detrimental effect not only on the physical, but also on the mental state of both individual individuals and entire nations. Of course, there can be no question of a redistribution and qualitative transformation of free - sexual - energy with its uncontrolled squandering. People set the ceiling themselves, above which they cannot rise in their development. Out of stupidity and some incomprehensibly irresponsible thoughtlessness, they voluntarily chained themselves to their animality, dooming to slavish dependence on this lower part of their own nature. The unworthy treatment of conscious beings with their energy is the main reason for the overwhelming majority of personal and universal human troubles and misfortunes, since this has a detrimental effect not only on the physical, but also on the mental state of both individual individuals and entire nations. Of course, there can be no question of a redistribution and qualitative transformation of free - sexual - energy with its uncontrolled squandering. People set the ceiling themselves, above which they cannot rise in their development. Out of stupidity and some incomprehensibly irresponsible thoughtlessness, they voluntarily chained themselves to their animality, dooming to slavish dependence on this lower part of their own nature. The unworthy treatment of conscious beings with their energy is the main reason for the overwhelming majority of personal and universal human troubles and misfortunes, since this adversely affects not only the physical, but also the mental state of both individual individuals and entire nations. Of course, there can be no question of a redistribution and qualitative transformation of free - sexual - energy with its uncontrolled squandering. People set the ceiling themselves, above which they cannot rise in their development. Out of stupidity and some incomprehensibly irresponsible thoughtlessness, they voluntarily chained themselves to their animality, dooming to slavish dependence on this lower part of their own nature.since this has a detrimental effect not only on the physical, but also on the mental state of both individual individuals and entire nations. Of course, there can be no question of a redistribution and qualitative transformation of free - sexual - energy with its uncontrolled squandering. People set the ceiling themselves, above which they cannot rise in their development. Out of stupidity and some incomprehensibly irresponsible thoughtlessness, they voluntarily chained themselves to their animality, dooming to slavish dependence on this lower part of their own nature.since this has a detrimental effect not only on the physical, but also on the mental state of both individual individuals and entire nations. Of course, there can be no question of a redistribution and qualitative transformation of free - sexual - energy with its uncontrolled squandering. People set the ceiling themselves, above which they cannot rise in their development. Out of stupidity and some incomprehensibly irresponsible thoughtlessness, they voluntarily chained themselves to their animality, dooming to slavish dependence on this lower part of their own nature.above which they cannot rise in their development. Out of stupidity and some incomprehensibly irresponsible thoughtlessness, they voluntarily chained themselves to their animality, dooming to slavish dependence on this lower part of their own nature.above which they cannot rise in their development. Out of stupidity and some incomprehensibly irresponsible thoughtlessness, they voluntarily chained themselves to their animality, dooming to slavish dependence on this lower part of their own nature.

- To become a “superman” - and in fact this is a normal and only quality of life worthy of a real person - you need to learn to save sexual energy, concentrate it in the body and “trans-mutate”, directing it from the second main vortex to all the others, and especially - in the top two. At the same time, it is impossible to completely deprive the second vortex of free energy, because from it it automatically enters the lowest - the first vortex, which is responsible for building the skeleton of the physical body - the musculoskeletal system, that is, bones, muscles and tendons. Free energy should be distributed harmoniously between the vortices, naturally "interwoven" into their rotation. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to follow certain rules of sexual abstinence, which we will talk about a little later.

It is very easy to raise the vitality upward. But for this you must have it. This is the main reason for the failures that have plagued many seekers of the "elixir of immortality" in the West for hundreds of years. Indeed, in the traditions of Western religious orders, there was a practice of forced abstinence - the aggressive suppression of sexual desire in oneself. In trying to conquer the sexual energy in this way, the adepts simply destroyed the foundations of the vitality of the body. There is only one way to curb the most powerful and wayward aspect of power in a person - his sexual energy, which manifests itself through love passion - the most irresistible of human desires: to develop it to the maximum, and then transmute. Neither suppressing desire nor indulging it leads nowhere. The first does not allow the power to develop, the second - ineptly dissipates it. And in thatand in another case, a person loses, because he loses the opportunity to accumulate free energy and consciously use it.

- The transmutation of the sexual power of the lama is carried out through the sixth ritual action. It can be practiced only when the presence of sexual desire is felt in the body, which signals the presence of a sufficient amount of free energy. The sixth ritual action is as follows: standing upright, you take a deep breath, squeeze the anal sphincter, the sphincter of the bladder, tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor and the lower anterior abdominal wall, and then quickly bend over, leaning your hands on your hips, and exhale intensively through your mouth with the sound "Ha-ah-hhhh.."., trying to remove all air from the lungs completely, including the so-called residual; after that, you draw in your stomach as much as possible due to the intense lifting of the diaphragm and relaxation of the anterior abdominal wall and straighten up. In this case, the chin should be pressed against the under-hip notch, the hands should be at the waist. After maintaining the position with the abdomen sucked in as long as possible - as long as you have enough breath holding - relax your diaphragm, raise your head and take a deep breath as calmly as possible. After catching your breath, repeat. Usually, in order to redirect free energy and "dissolve" the sexual desire that has arisen, three repetitions are enough. It is advisable not to perform more than nine repetitions of the sixth ritual action at a redirect free energy and "dissolve" the arisen sexual desire, three repetitions are enough. It is advisable not to perform more than nine repetitions of the sixth ritual action at a redirect free energy and "dissolve" the arisen sexual desire, three repetitions are enough. It is advisable not to perform more than nine repetitions of the sixth ritual action at a time.

- As a training, the sixth ritual action is performed once a day in a series of no more than nine repetitions. It should be mastered gradually, starting with three times, and adding two every week. The "applied" practice of this exercise is possible at any time and in any place, provided that the stomach and intestines are not too full, as well as the presence of a bodily signal in the form of an arisen sexual desire. Moreover, one who has fully mastered the sixth ritual action can easily carry out an extremely full exhalation quietly, without bending over and not attracting attention to himself. Therefore, the practice of turning sexual energy into life force is really feasible wherever and whenever, at any moment, as soon as attention turns to the sexual desire that has manifested itself in the body.

- There is only one and only difference between an ordinary healthy, intelligent and strong person and a superman who possesses magical powers and the ability to use the special properties of awareness at his discretion, which give him access to the perception of parallel worlds. It consists in a fundamentally opposite relationship to its free energy. An ordinary person leaves her in the lower vortices in the form of sexual energy, which seeks a way out in sex for the sake of pleasure, while constantly being expended. Thus, no matter how high the energy potential of an ordinary person is, it is mainly determined by the power of animal properties, which is incapable of qualitatively changing the nature of the manifestations of a human being. In order to raise your awareness to a higher level and develop the truly human traits present in it,it is necessary to accumulate much more energy than the complex of the two lower vortices is able to accommodate. There is only one way to do this - by lifting free energy up from the lower centers and thus freeing the lower ones to accumulate its new "portion". When the strength is raised, its characteristics change, it becomes thinner due to a change in frequency characteristics. The frequencies present in the second vortex and the frequencies characteristic of the free force pumped from it increase. Due to this, the lifted "portion" of energy is, as it were, compressed *, and the "pumping" of energy upward opens up truly boundless prospects for perfection for a human being. There is only one way to do this - by lifting free energy up from the lower centers and thus freeing the lower ones to accumulate its new "portion". When the strength is raised, its characteristics change, it becomes thinner due to a change in frequency characteristics. The frequencies present in the second vortex and the frequencies characteristic of the free force pumped from it increase. Due to this, the lifted "portion" of energy is, as it were, compressed *, and the "pumping" of energy upward opens up truly boundless prospects for perfection for a human being. There is only one way to do this - by lifting free energy up from the lower centers and thus freeing the lower ones to accumulate its new "portion". When the strength is raised, its characteristics change, it becomes thinner due to a change in frequency characteristics. The frequencies present in the second vortex and the frequencies characteristic of the free force pumped from it increase. Due to this, the lifted "portion" of energy is, as it were, compressed *, and the "pumping" of energy upward opens up truly boundless prospects for perfection for a human being. Due to this, the lifted "portion" of energy is, as it were, compressed *, and the "pumping" of energy upward opens up truly boundless prospects for perfection for a human being. Due to this, the lifted "portion" of energy is, as it were, compressed *, and the "pumping" of energy upward opens up truly boundless prospects for perfection for a human being.

- Very often, when talking about the source of youth, I remember Monsieur de Leon, who set off on an insanely long and risky journey and returned with nothing. He never found the source of youth - not in the Himalayas, not in Tibet, not in China, or in other exotic regions. But he could well have found him without leaving his own home in Paris. As we now know for certain (don't we?), The inexhaustible source of our youth is always with us. And it only takes a certain amount of knowledge and a certain discipline to learn to draw from it.

“However, it must be remembered that in order for the fountain of youth to become an active aspect of our being, it is absolutely necessary to develop an active and powerful sexual desire in the body. An attempt to transmute free energy, which is little or not at all, leads to inevitable self-destruction. Therefore, a person who does not feel an acute need for sexual satisfaction, the practice of the sixth ritual action is strictly contraindicated. First, it is necessary to achieve the restoration of high sexual potency through the practice of the first five ritual actions and only then begin to transform oneself into a super-human being.

- But - there is another moment in this, explaining why there are not so many super-people. After all, if everything is so simple, then they would seemingly wander in crowds on this planet, not knowing what to apply the super-forces seething in them. This, however, is not observed. What's the matter? And the fact that the transition to a new quality due to the transmutation of sexual energy is possible only when the interest in sex is completely exhausted. And here in no case should you be mistaken by deceiving yourself or overestimating your condition. Only those who have really exhausted sex for themselves as an aspect of cognition of human existence can successfully make the transition to a new quality of awareness. The same one for whom sexual relations are still of at least some interest as a source of pleasure or an incompletely known aspect of the animal side of human life,in no case should he resort to any transmutation practice. Self-deception is mortally dangerous here, since it will inevitably lead to the fact that the redirected free energy will not be assimilated by the higher vortices and instead of harmoniously developing a human being, it will only intensify its internal struggle and internal conflicts, which sooner or later will inevitably tear the individual's psyche from within, forcing to die from incurable physical diseases, or by destroying the human traits of his consciousness by mental pathologies and plunging into the hellish whirlpool of his own animal passions. Therefore, crystal inner purity and utmost honesty before oneself are extremely important here. Anyone who decides to cross the line must know what they are going to. And he must also know that he will never be able to return from there the way he was before.

- Therefore, I want to warn you once again - only the one who feels that he has completely exhausted for himself everything that sex can give, and absolutely does not need it anymore, can undertake the development of the sixth ritual action. Not in any form - neither explicitly, nor latent, or mediated in other psychological manifestations.

- For the vast majority of normal people, a natural refusal to have sex is simply unthinkable. Therefore, very, very few can practice the sixth ritual act. However, in some cases, the practice of the first five actions changes the order of priorities over time, and, perhaps, some will be able to overcome the line in the development of their consciousness beyond which the freedom of choice lies. If this happens, the next step is to make the decision to change your life. The decision is made once. Forever and ever. No hesitation, no looking back.

As in fairy tales: if you look back, you will be lost. Only those who are capable of such a step can hope to become a master - a true master of power, before whom any path is open, and whose will knows no defeat. Each step of such a person always inevitably leads to success, whatever he does and whatever goals he sets. But any, even the smallest, breakdown, even the mere thought of looking back, even a weak desire to look back can ruin him once and for all.

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 4 -