Aliens Will Become Impudent In Zaporozhye - Alternative View

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Aliens Will Become Impudent In Zaporozhye - Alternative View
Aliens Will Become Impudent In Zaporozhye - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Will Become Impudent In Zaporozhye - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Will Become Impudent In Zaporozhye - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, October

In the photo: Strange objects that the Zaporozhye ufologist calls UFO parts

The first minutes of the conversation with the head of the Zaporozhye Association of Ufologists, UFO hunter Vladislav Kanyuka, shocked us. When, after several unsuccessful attempts to get through to him, he nevertheless picked up the phone, instead of the usual “hello” he said: “Journalists ??? And you are just in time! Aliens kidnapped my friend yesterday!"

The second conversation, which took place at the ufologist's home, was no less shocking. Vladislav Evdokimovich told our newspaper "IT" where in Zaporozhye one can meet newcomers, how to get in contact with them correctly, and why local scientists stubbornly reject the existence of "green men".

The club, which began to study anomalous phenomena in our region, was created by Soviet academicians a quarter of a century ago. Since then, until the present day, obsessed with the idea of the existence of alien inhabitants, they conduct research here exclusively at their own expense. And this is not surprising. After all, as the scientists of one of the Kiev scientific institutes said, if the official science recognizes the existence of UFOs, then it will signify its own impotence.

Nevertheless, the fact is known to be the most stubborn thing in the world. And the Cossacks regularly continue to apply to newspapers and television with statements that they managed to meet with aliens.

One of the favorite places of the "hangout" of extraterrestrial civilizations on Earth is the village of Varvarovka (Dnepropetrovsk region). People have not lived on its territory for a long time. For safety reasons, all local residents were evicted from here during the construction of the ammonia pipeline. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then, and the former village has turned into a conservation area. Today only fishermen and hunters come here. The fact is that Varvarovka is located far from the bus stop, and only people with a private car can admire its beauty.

They also began to receive complaints about the incredible UFO activity in this place. Especially often local fishermen say that they come across people in white clothes who disappear if you jokingly ask them to smoke.

Inspired by the stories of local residents, the Zaporozhye UFO researcher and his friends went on an expedition (this is how the UFO hunt is usually called - author), which was crowned with success.

Promotional video:

“We managed to shoot two flying saucers,” Vladislav Evdokimovich said with burning eyes. - When we noticed one of them, the driver who went with us for the company even fell to his knees and began to beg the aliens not to take him.

That day, for some unknown reason, Vladislav Kanyuka's camera began to fail. Nevertheless, the video clearly shows a black spot that zigzags into the sky.

Another mystical zone that attracts "little green men" is located on the territory of an abandoned airfield in the village of Shirokoye. It was there that a friend of a Zaporozhye ufologist was stolen, about whom he excitedly told at the very beginning of our conversation. The fact is that the former Afghan worked here as a security guard. One night he fell asleep under a bush and woke up … with many implants all over his body. Of course, according to the classics of the genre, a man does not remember anything.

- I don't see anything surprising in this. I myself have two of these, and these are only those that I managed to find. Once I and six friends were also stolen, - as if Vladislav Kanyuka is talking about something ordinary, pointing to small black dots on his fingers. - Usually they are implanted in the head and in the palm area. Nobody knows why the aliens are doing this. And the implants do not cause any inconvenience. It happens, only an incomprehensible heaviness is felt in the head.

When asked why the ufologist does not go to the doctor, he just shrugged. They say that one tomogram of the head costs about 750 hryvnia, so the metallurgist's modest pension will not be enough for all the treatment. Nevertheless, one of the six friends of the ufologist still decided on a similar operation. A small particle about one millimeter long was removed from his finger.

As it turned out, such stories are not unusual for Zaporozhye. Many people, unknowingly, at different periods of their lives become guests on flying saucers. Moreover, the main sign of a person's abduction is his clock that stopped at this time. This is especially noticeable if there were several of them. Then they all show the same time - the moment of meeting with the UFO.

As for the city landscapes, the 12 April area was chosen as the favorite place of deployment for extraterrestrial civilizations. Incredibly, over one of the towers, which is the symbol of Lenin Avenue, a space saucer hovers almost around the clock.

And the method of skyfishing helped the Zaporozhye ufologists find it. The fact is that all UFO hunters always have a camera with them, with which they shoot the sky in their free time. This method of fixing flying saucers is the most effective so far, because aliens usually move at a speed that is inaccessible to human perception. So their presence is easiest to detect in the images in the zoom program, by zooming in on fragments of the sky. It is especially easy to photograph a flying ship against the background of water. The most convenient way to do this is from the Preobrazhensky Bridge. In addition, newcomers and the Lovers' Clock on Shevchenko Boulevard do not ignore. Once, being on a date and waiting for his beloved cherished "5 minutes", Vladislav Evdokimovich filmed two UFOs at once.

The aliens and the heart of Zaporozhye, the energetic place - the island of Khortitsa, did not bypass their attention. Five years ago, in one night, a local expedition managed to "catch" eight unidentified flying objects here at once.

Modern science classifies UFOs only by shape. In Zaporozhye, spherical, cigar-shaped and hat-shaped plates are most often found. Moreover, they usually appear at social events.

For example, “friends from space” were photographed by the participants of the festival dedicated to unearthly civilizations, which took place several years ago on the island. There, using skyfishing, local photographers managed to capture some strange object, which every now and then changed its position in the air.

In the same year, the restless newcomers decided to visit the funeral feast for the dead Cossacks of all times in the struggle for the freedom and independence of their people, which is held annually in the reserve on June 5. Already looking through photos from the event, ufologists noticed that on that day the whole sky over Khortytsya was dotted with small white dots, in their opinion, unlike clouds or birds. UFOs were counted here almost twenty pieces.

As for direct contacts with unearthly civilizations, our fellow countrymen remember them to this day. In the Space Microdistrict, somehow aliens tried to meet a local resident, inviting him to ride on their ship. He refused, however.

And one of the extraterrestrial representatives of the fairer sex generally tried to enter into intimate contact with a professional ufologist by visiting his tent. But he, except for fright, felt nothing.

Especially extraterrestrial intelligence loves the sleeping areas of Zaporozhye, such as Cosmic and Yuzhny, which apparently belong to the "anomalous zone" with strong energy channels.

For example, on Yuzhnoye, fragments of a wrecked spaceship were found, of which Vladislav Kanyuka already has more than a dozen. Such a collection was collected during 93 expeditions that he made throughout his life across the territory of Russia and Ukraine.

Some of the fragments, by the way, like diamonds, can be used to cut glass.

The most valuable specimens, reminiscent of metal pyramids, were found by the ufologist in Zeleny Gai, Vasilievsky district. Thirty years ago, a flying saucer crashed there. In those years, such stories were protected by law - it was forbidden to divulge such information. But all the same, the local collective farmers could not keep their mouths shut when they saw a huge rumbling ship with running lights. The expedition to that area was crowned with success. The fragments of the heavenly miracle are still kept in the personal collection of Vladislav Kanyuka. True, no matter how much the scientist sent them for examination, they could not give him intelligible results. One thing is surprising: the pyramid contains about 30% of rare earth elements, which are almost never found in the earth's crust.

By the way, I would like to immediately give advice from experts. Do not try to get in touch with an alien force: for an ordinary person, this can result in mental and physical trauma. There are as many as three professionals in Zaporozhye who know how to communicate with aliens. In narrow circles it is customary to call them contactees.

“These people have natural abilities,” says Vladislav Evdokimovich, “so we try not to go on expeditions without them. Usually they stay in the clearing, say some words, raise their hands up, and the space saucer immediately flies there.

Confused by the perfectly flat shape of the UFO

Despite the pictures and videos, which over the years in the Zaporozhye association of ufologists have accumulated two wagons with a cart, local photographers are still skeptical about the evidence of alien life presented. Some of them even see the interference of the photo editor's hand in the pictures. For example, if you believe the trained eye of the paparazzi, one of the photos clearly shows the different depth of field of the depicted object and the background. As for the image of an unidentified flying object in glow, here it is confused by its perfectly even shape.


Photo: Credit unknown /

“It’s difficult to judge from the picture whether it was shot with a camera or created in a graphic program,” says Zaporozhye photographer Anton Filonenko. - There is no perspective distortion in the photograph, but on the other hand, such an effect can occur if the object was very close or cut out, like a still frame from some video file.