Understanding The Language Of Animals - Alternative View

Understanding The Language Of Animals - Alternative View
Understanding The Language Of Animals - Alternative View

Video: Understanding The Language Of Animals - Alternative View

Video: Understanding The Language Of Animals - Alternative View
Video: Do animals have language? - Michele Bishop 2024, July

Do you think people are only able to understand the language of animals in fairy tales? 39-year-old Briton Mandy Carr, whose specialty is grooming cats and dogs, claims to be able to read the minds of her four-legged clients. Moreover, she shows the makings of a medium - she even communicates with dead animals. The owners pay her for pet diagnostics and Ouija sessions.

For the first time with Mandy this happened at the age of 20. She was cutting one of the dogs and suddenly heard a "voice" begging for a treat. Realizing that it was her client "talking", the girl thought that she had lost her mind.

Subsequently, Mandy got used to her gift and even learned how to extract income from it. For £ 100 (by the way, a considerable amount), she can tell the owners what their pet is sick with or what he thinks about. She also assures that she is able to communicate with animals that are no longer in the world, and to convey to the owners "messages" from them.


One day Mrs. Carr was approached by a poodle owner named Zach. He could not understand why the dog walks as if dropped into water. The man was skeptical about Mandy's talent for talking with animals, curiosity led him to her. After "talking" to Zach, Mandy learned that his sibling had recently been torn apart by a pack of greyhounds, and this became the cause of longing. After people kindly "talked" with the poodle, he calmed down a little.

Mandy Carr doesn't have to see the animal in person. To get information, she just needs to look at the picture.


“I hear their thoughts even when I'm driving,” she says. “Once I heard the voice of one of the cats I’m cutting. I still thought - oh, no, just not now … However, they do not ask when it is better for them to get into my head.

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Once a resident of Australia contacted Mandy and said that her golden retriever Nala was dying of an incurable kidney disease. Mandy kept in touch with Nala while she was sick, and consoled her owner, and when the dog died, she contacted her spirit and conveyed to the owner that everything was fine with the dog. Nala also asked to tell the woman that soon colleagues at work will give her a new puppy.


Mandy Carr associates her unusual gift with the fact that she has congenital hearing problems. She has to wear a hearing aid in each ear. According to her, it is deafness that helps her to "hear" animals.


Mandy donates most of her "side" income to charities and foundations that deal with animal problems. By the way, Mrs. Carr herself has no pets, as her husband is allergic to wool.