Why Dream Of Shoes - Alternative View

Why Dream Of Shoes - Alternative View
Why Dream Of Shoes - Alternative View

Video: Why Dream Of Shoes - Alternative View

Video: Why Dream Of Shoes - Alternative View
Video: SPIRITUAL MEANING OF SHOE DREAM - Evangelist Joshua TV 2024, October

Why do shoes dream? There are thousands of dream books with different interpretations of dreams. But basically all values come down to a common denominator. If you saw old and tattered shoes, you shouldn't expect any good. Find out exactly what your dream means.

This is what shoes dream about:

  • To measure shoes in a dream - to a new acquaintance with a promising man.
  • Seeing shoes means the road ahead, the journey. If you see many pairs of good shoes, there will be many fans or travel.
  • Why dream of buying shoes? This means happiness for employees, subordinates.
  • Losing a new pair means leaving subordinates.
  • Taking off your shoes is a failure.
  • Seeing shoes in a dream is a sign of short-term success in business or happiness in a relationship.
  • Losing shoes - imminent obstacles await. Repairing the sole is for pleasure, and changing it is for change.
  • To tidy up shoes - to the appearance of a new person in life.
  • To measure shoes that are small in a dream - to problems in personal relationships.
  • Choosing a worn pair is an opportunity to take someone else's position.
  • To borrow shoes - to meet a rival.
  • A stranger puts on your pair - betrayal of a loved one.
  • Why do children's shoes dream? For positive changes in life.
  • Big shoes fall off your feet - unjustified expectations and hopes.
  • Rubbing calluses with shoes is an unfair accusation of an unsuccessful business.
  • Throwing out shoes is a problem at work.
  • Selling shoes - an old acquaintance will appear that you forgot about.

Now you know what the dream book means for shoes.

Pay attention to the state in which the couple appeared in the dream. New and clean shoes always mean positive change and joy, but old and dirty shoes always mean trouble.