The Mystery Of The Libyan Desert - Alternative View

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The Mystery Of The Libyan Desert - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Libyan Desert - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Libyan Desert - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Libyan Desert - Alternative View
Video: Libya's Forbidden Deserts | Full Documentary | TRACKS 2024, October

To the west of the blessed life-giving Nile, the majestic Libyan desert spreads its expanses.

She is perhaps the most mysterious, cruel and romantic part of the formidable Sahara. An amazing, fantastic world is piling up, capturing everyone who has ever visited these places!

Monstrous heat during the day, from which there is no escape, and wild cold at night. However, the Libyan Desert is not dead scorched earth. Life is in full swing here, the elements are raging and amazing secrets are hidden …

An inexperienced traveler is scared to be here during a sandstorm. The sky near the horizon becomes an amazing lilac color. A frightening cloud approaches at a breakneck speed and soon all the air around is filled with raging sand.

Getting into a desert sandstorm is not an adventure for the faint of heart. The wind speed reaches one hundred kilometers per hour and can last for a whole week. Sometimes giant tornadoes can even occur.

But it is even worse to get into a dusty fog. Dead calm reigns in the desert. Fine dust densely fills the air and stands as a motionless curtain. The dust just hangs in the air so tightly that even an outstretched hand cannot be seen. The "dry fog" is completely impenetrable. The sun barely shines through as a dull spot and burns through a dull veil. Because of the near zero visibility, moving forward is very dangerous.


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The Libyan Desert is not an endless sandy landscape. Here you can find rocky formations and stunted tough vegetation. The rare wells found on Bedouin trails are simply holes in rocky soil. And even more so, a fabulous and heavenly place may seem to a tired traveler an oasis raging with life, greenery and freshness, like a mirage arising in the middle of an endless waterless desert.

One of these oases, Siwa, even went down in history. Once there was a magnificent temple. Alexander the Great himself, having become the ruler of Egypt, made a difficult journey into the Libyan desert to visit this place. The servants did not let the soldiers accompanying the famous commander into the oasis. Only one Alexander was admitted to the holy of holies of the ancient temple.

Nobody knows what rituals he had to go through there, what secrets the priests entrusted to him. But when a few days later Alexander left the walls of the temple, he uttered the following phrase: “I learned what I wanted to know. And I liked the answers!

Only once did he publicly remember his visit to an ancient temple, saying strange words:

- Now I will sacrifice to those gods who confirmed in Siwa my descent from Amun.

As you know, the ancient Greeks associated the Egyptian Amon with their great Zeus. So, Alexander was convinced that Zeus himself was his father. And this served as his superhuman confidence in victory, which swept away the enemy's resistance in fierce battles with a hurricane.


But not only fertile oases keep the memory of ancient human settlements. In the Libyan desert, not shapeless on the piling up of huge boulders hide drawings depicting running people with bent bows, various animals - giraffes, antelopes and bulls with huge horns … So, once here someone was already hiding and whiled away the time, painting the walls of his little hideout. Or maybe life here once reigned and vegetation raged around cool reservoirs.

Perhaps … But these are the secrets that these ancient drawings reveal to us. Images of savannah dwellers prevail here, there are no drawings of camels. Numerous scenes from people's lives show that they did not live in a lifeless world of sand and stones, but in rather fertile lands with rich vegetation and turbulent rivers, swampy lakes. What happened? Why has this land changed so much?

Scientists suggest that man is to blame. Back in the Stone Age, people began to radically change the world around them. They burned forests for hunting game. There were also fires after religious rituals. Over time, the number of wild animals was greatly reduced and people were forced to engage in cattle breeding. Huge areas were burned out for pastures. The vegetation has become very scarce. Rivers and lakes began to dry up. Massive soil erosion began. This process was cruel and irreversible.


For some time now, mysterious information about a certain mysterious "zone" located in the desert began to appear. Locals see there strange foggy mirages depicting unprecedented terrain, and sometimes even extraordinary densely populated cities. These pictures are very realistic. Sometimes from the "zone" you can hear unusual, unlike anything else sounds. It is like music that is unfamiliar to the human ear, sometimes chilling the soul, sometimes pleasing the ear and bringing people into a trance state.

There were daredevils who dared to find out more about this zone. But they either disappeared without a trace, like the lost goats that belonged to local Bedouins, or returned in a strange morbid state, did not tell anything and died very quickly.

It is believed that in the "zone" there is a certain entrance to a parallel world, which sometimes breaks through into our reality. Scientists, however, suggest that a powerful source of radiation is located here, which has a destructive effect on all living things. In any case, no one dared to study this anomaly.

Strange glass fields discovered back in 1932 are equally questionable. Huge pieces of greenish glass are densely scattered among the desert for many kilometers. Similar things are observed in Scotland and India and resemble the traces of the consequences of a nuclear explosion. There are several versions of the origin of this extraordinary glass. Perhaps it appeared after the fall of numerous meteorites, perhaps the Earth was attacked by the monstrous weapons of aliens, or maybe these are traces of the war of ancient earthly civilizations? It is difficult to answer this question now.


The desert keeps its secret, replacing a tired, viscous hot day with a cool thick starry night. But soon the sky of the east will gradually turn gray again and the red land of the vast Libyan desert will illuminate with a majestic proud sunrise. It is difficult to convey the incredible beauty of the beginning of a new day in the desert. The sun's rays, rising from the horizon gradually, slowly illuminate and paint the chains of low mountains in joyful terracotta colors.

The sun's rays quickly heat the air and the earth, covered with amazing morning dew that occurs in the desert due to the sharp temperature changes between day and night. Very soon it becomes unbearably hot, the damp earth is covered with a dry crust.

A world of silence and silence, a world of free wind and sand. The world of endless unity of the eternal earth and the eternal sky …