Mystery Of Mount Iremel - Alternative View

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Mystery Of Mount Iremel - Alternative View
Mystery Of Mount Iremel - Alternative View

Video: Mystery Of Mount Iremel - Alternative View

Video: Mystery Of Mount Iremel - Alternative View
Video: Трагедия на горе Большой Иремель 2024, October

In the mining zone of the Chelyabinsk region there is a mysterious place - Mount Iremel. Since ancient times, people have encountered the unknown here. Literally everything in the area is covered with mysticism: at the foot of the mountain there used to be sketes of the Old Believers, followers of esoteric culture hold trainings here, ufologists say that UFOs often appear over the mountain, and ethnographers collect legends about the ancient underground people who lived in the vicinity - Chudi

Why is it this place that attracts people who want to know the spiritual essence of man? Why is it on the slopes of Iremel that people discover in themselves some hitherto hidden opportunities, they interpret life differently? It turns out that not only our contemporaries came to Iremel to communicate with the unknown, this has been the custom since ancient times. As a rule, such places are called places of power.

Iremel has its own mysterious story. The very name of the mountain came to us from time immemorial, so the Turks who inhabited these lands (the ancestors of the modern Bashkirs) called it. Translated from the ancient Türkic, the word "Iremel" means "a place that gives strength to a person", and the name of the village Tyuluk, located at the foot of the mountain (founded two centuries ago), translates as "desire". It is because of Tyulyuk's neighborhood with Iremel that the legend that supposedly on the top of the mountain comes true any wishes, it is enough just to present a gift to the spirits of Iremel. In ancient times, human souls were brought to spirits. According to legend, the priests of the ancient peoples performed bloody sacrifices on the top of the mountain in order to appease the gods and beg for a rich harvest from them.

Nowadays, they say, it is enough to tie a ribbon to the Wish Tree growing at the top. Be that as it may, at all times, Mount Iremel was considered sacred by the Bashkirs.

Some people see the remains of the once large man-made blocks in the placer of stones on the top of the mountain …


Insidious perfume

For many years, only priests or heroes were allowed to climb the mountain. Even in our time, someone zealously defends the "holy mountain". There is a known case when tourists put an Orthodox cross on the top of Iremel, but after a while it was found thrown off the pedestal …

Iremel appears in many legends of both the Bashkir and Russian people. They say that its bowels keep innumerable riches, acquired by a mysterious people - Chudyu. People believed (and still believe to this day) that the water in the rivers originating on the slopes of Iremel has wonderful properties - it gives a person strength, heals the sick, and glows at night, on certain days and hours!

The way to the top of the “holy mountain” is not open to everyone. If a person goes to Iremel with a pure soul, then the mountain accepts him with joy, if his thoughts are black, it builds all sorts of intrigues on the way, as if not letting go to the goal.

Modern tourists are already making up legends about the tricks of Father Iremel. The most common joke of the mountain is the loss, and then the sudden appearance of tourists' belongings or the inability to go home. It is believed that the spirits lead people, making them wander in three pines.

Nowadays, experts on anomalous phenomena talk about the fact that one can often observe UFOs over the mountain, meet Bigfoot and see such monsters for which there is no name yet. Indeed, according to esotericists, it is on Iremel that the channel for the exit of positive energy from the earth is concentrated.

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New Hyperborea?

There are hypotheses according to which Iremel is the ancestral home of the entire Slavic civilization, something like Hyperborea. This hypothesis is based on archaeological excavations carried out near the village of Akhunovo (Uchalinsky district), allegedly indicating that it was on Iremel that the Slavic civilization originated. It is even possible that it was in those places that the Slavic Vedas, the Book of Veles, and also the Book of Kolyada were written. And the village of Akhunovo itself is the abode of the god of light Kryshen.

According to the adherents of this hypothesis, the legend of Hyperborea is confirmed by the healing properties of the water of Iremel Lake, located near the village of Baysakal (about 12 kilometers from Iremel). This lake has the outlines of a regular circle, which suggests a cup with Surya, a solar miraculous drink, brought by the god Roof, and the lake itself, according to legend, is the abode of the mystical bird Gamayun, on which the god flew in order to generate light - to ignite -flammable stone.

Not far from Iremel there is a stone slope, popularly called the Tribune. It is somewhat reminiscent of a bird's head. And ten meters from the mountain, there is a huge snow-white boulder. Is this just a coincidence, or does the legend of the Roof really have real roots?

There are many legends about Hyperborea, they are looking for it in the North, in Siberia, but, as we see, there is a hypothesis that it is located in the south of the Ural Mountains.

Legends about chudi

For a long time, there are legends that a certain mysterious people lived in these places long ago - a white-eyed chud. In folk beliefs, Chud are skilled craftsmen and sorcerers. According to legend, this people lived in the Iremel caves shortly before the inclusion of the Urals in the Muscovy.

Old residents of the surrounding villages say that in reality there was once a people living on the slopes of the local mountains. He was peaceful, he lived quietly in the neighborhood with other people. Chudi had their own religion, in the sacraments of which they did not initiate newcomers. Allegedly, to this day, the sacred altars of the Chudi can be found in the Iremel caves. According to legend, people found out that the Chudi have untold wealth. And they wanted to profit. But the Chud was not going to share with people, realizing that they would not be left alone anyway. And this people decided to hide in the depths of Iremel forever, in order to take with them all their secrets and riches. What kind of knowledge was so zealously guarded by the chud, the legend is silent.

To this day, people believe in this legend, but slightly modified. So, among tourists there is a legend about gnomes - a small people living in a mountain. There are supposedly caves, having climbed into which, a person forever becomes a prisoner of a stunted mountain people, dragging the unfortunate deep into the ground.

Once the author of these lines managed to write down the following story of a Baisakal old-timer: “There is one heaped cave on Iremel. Once a treasure seeker got into it. I didn’t find anything, but later told me that I saw some books and ancient scriptures in the cave”.

Esoteric tourism

However, no matter how incredible the legends about the “holy mountain” may seem, people go to Iremel with specific goals in order to improve themselves, to strengthen the spirit. Many of those who have been here noted that they began to think differently and look at life, acquired spiritual values that they could not even think of before. Some, after visiting the mountain and solitude at the top, where, as they say, people "look into their souls", after returning home, never return to bad habits. According to esotericists, it is in this unique place that a person has a harmonization of subtle bodies, recharge with energy, and spiritual rebirth. The reason for everything is the emergence to the surface of the earth of that very positive energy for which Iremel is famous among the initiates.

According to the assurances of specialists in anomalous phenomena, Iremel is a region of higher knowledge of the laws of nature, a high concentration of spiritual energy, as well as a more subtle transmission of energies in time and space, the relationship between man and the Universe, and connection with the information field of the Earth - the noosphere.


Secrets of the 20th century.