Secrets Of Crimea And Barchenko's Expedition - Alternative View

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Secrets Of Crimea And Barchenko's Expedition - Alternative View
Secrets Of Crimea And Barchenko's Expedition - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of Crimea And Barchenko's Expedition - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of Crimea And Barchenko's Expedition - Alternative View
Video: Крым: темная тайна России 2024, October

In 1921, Vladimir Bekhterev, the head of the Institute of the Brain, decided to study the phenomenon of psychological deviation, the so-called "measuring", cases of which were observed on the Kola Peninsula. For this purpose, a full-scale scientific expedition is being organized, headed by Alexander Barchenko. Barchenko failed to find out the true reasons causing the psychological disorder. However, the peninsula revealed incredible secrets to expeditions - an ancient underground tunnel protected by psychotropic fields of unknown origin, and the remains of very strange buildings.

Five years later, in 1926, Dzerzhinsky personally gave the order to conduct a second such expedition aimed at exposing the secrets of the Crimea. The expedition was entrusted to Barchenko and the Laboratory of Neuroenergetics, which he headed. Some of the preserved information reveals to us the place of research - this is the southern coast of the Crimean peninsula, the region of Bakhchisarai, where the most ancient "underground cities" have been preserved, and its purpose is to study the remains of ancient civilizations and their secret knowledge of managing energy and human consciousness. Probably, with the help of the information received by the expedition, Gleb Bokiya, the head of the secret department of the Cheka, and Felix Dzerzhinsky, its chairman, planned to use it as a psychological weapon and a tool for the mass control of Soviet Russia.

The first secret of Crimea - the Crimean pyramids

And now, after the collapse of the Land of the Soviets, the South Coast began to reveal the secrets of the Crimea to the former nuclear submariner Vitaly Gokh. Unexpectedly for everyone, the researcher discovered a network of pyramids, in structure and size, reminiscent of the pyramids in Egypt. This phenomenal discovery fully proves that Dzerzhinsky did not waste public money in search of ancient civilizations and unraveling the Crimean secrets.


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The chain of pyramidal structures, the height of which varies from 36 to 62 meters, could not be discovered by either scientists or residents of the peninsula, since they are completely hidden underground. The tops of the pyramids are only a few meters from the surface. The buildings are approximately 7-10 thousand years old. V. Goh made his discovery by accident, scanning the soil with a device of his own modification in order to detect sources of groundwater. It was not possible to find the desired objects, but the device clearly showed the presence of certain voids under the ground. The decision to drill a hole gave results already at a depth of 10 meters - the first of many pyramids was found, built in the same way as the Egyptian ones according to the principle of the golden section (the ratio of the base length to the height has a coefficient of 1.6).


But this is not the end of the secrets of the Crimea associated with the pyramids. Not having time to move away from one find, the scientists discovered the figure of the "sphinx", an exact resemblance to the Egyptian. Laz, located in one of the parts of the giant figure, leads to a chamber 10 meters in diameter. Having freed the sphinx from the ground, they found the entrance itself, which was thoroughly covered with limestone boulders. The excavation workers claimed that those who were inside the figure significantly improved their mood, and those who visited the cell felt a powerful surge of strength and energy.

The second secret of Crimea - Chersonesos

After the existence of the pyramids was confirmed by excavations, Vitaly Goh noticed a direct relationship between the position of the buildings and the Crimean “places of power” - energetically active zones located in the region of Bakhchisarai, Sevastopol, ancient Mangut. This is only an assumption, but quite convincing, that Barchenko was looking for the psychotropic weapon of the ancients, without even assuming the existence of the pyramids. But he was armed with legends about the ancient city of Eski-Kermen, which covered the Byzantine port of Chersonesos. According to the legend, it was in this area that non-standard events were observed, very reminiscent of a massive impact on the psyche of people.


So one of the legends told about the descended from the fresco of the Church of St. George the Victorious, who struck with his spear all the ships trying to approach the city. In panic, the sailors turned back. Those who dared to go forward, in a kind of hypnotic trance, directed the ships to the rocks.


The incredible legend is confirmed by the very real fact of the sinking of the submarine "Kambala" in 1909. The captain of the newest ship, Lieutenant Akvelonov, having fallen into a state of euphoria, without changing course, confidently placed himself under the stem of the battleship "Rostislav". An autopsy showed that the captain had not taken any psychotropic drugs before the death.

The explanation of the legends and what happened was able to give a German specialist in the study of inexplicable phenomena - Eugen Siebert. After conducting numerous studies, the scientist found the reason - the sounds of ultra-low frequencies, sometimes occurring in the Eski-Kermen area, and became the culprit for the inappropriate behavior of the deceased captain.


Whether Barchenko was able to reveal this secret of Crimea and whether he found the pyramids is not known thoroughly. But the fact that the expedition worked precisely in the "places of power" cannot be refuted. According to Goh's research, the energy of these zones is so strong that it can be recorded even with a simple dowsing frame, without the use of special devices.

The third secret of Crimea - Chufut-Kale

In Crimea, a legend is spread about the ancient cave city of Chufut-Kale, located in the mountains of Bakhchisarai. It was ruled by Khan Takhtamysh during the Golden Horde. Khan's cellars were filled with gold, but the main treasure was the young beauty Dzhanyke.

Once the city-fortress was besieged by enemies, who expected to starve it out. The inhabitants of Chufut-Kale resisted for a long time until the city ran out of water supplies. An insatiable thirst mowed people down like grass. Dzhanyke learned about the terrible torment from a shepherd boy who risked climbing into Takhtamysh's harem. The boy told that there is a spring, a small crevice, capable of watering everyone, but he could not get through it, and Dzhanyke could. All night long, the beauty and the shepherd carried water to the city storage, and in the morning the girl's heart could not stand it and stopped forever. The inhabitants were able to withstand the siege and the city resisted.


Nobody could have imagined that the familiar legend actually tells about real events. A long search allowed us to guess where exactly the legendary well is located.

In 1998, archaeologists unearthed a backfilled well located at the southern wall of Chufut-Kale. The reservoir goes deep into the rocks for more than 40 meters. During archaeological work, a dungeon was opened, with passages and chambers, which served as storage facilities for collecting water from an underground source.


Despite the fact that the conclusion asks for itself, the hydrogeologists are confident that the underground was built for completely different purposes. Based on the location of the ancient city (it is located in the "place of power"), a hypothesis arose that the found system of structures concentrated the energy of the earth.

All information collected by Barchenko, revealing the secrets of the Crimean Peninsula, disappeared in the secret archives of the Cheka. The scientist himself received money and another "ticket" to Altai. This, albeit indirectly, confirms Dzerzhinsky's interest in the results of the expedition to the Crimea.
