Ufologist From Krasnoyarsk Earned A Million For Rods Of Unknown Origin - Alternative View

Ufologist From Krasnoyarsk Earned A Million For Rods Of Unknown Origin - Alternative View
Ufologist From Krasnoyarsk Earned A Million For Rods Of Unknown Origin - Alternative View

Video: Ufologist From Krasnoyarsk Earned A Million For Rods Of Unknown Origin - Alternative View

Video: Ufologist From Krasnoyarsk Earned A Million For Rods Of Unknown Origin - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, October

The TV-3 channel decided to dot the i's in the question of the existence of aliens and a few months ago announced an award of one million rubles to anyone who proves that people are not the only intelligent beings in the Universe.

According to the press service of the TV channel, over the next three months, TV-3 collected evidence of the existence of aliens. Anyone could take part in this action.

Already the first week of the competition showed how relevant the UFO topic is - the editorial office received more than 200 letters, and every day there were more and more of them. From all over Russia, photographs were sent, strange alloys - either missile wreckage, or meteorites, alien alphabets and messages, even mummies of alleged aliens.

The unique project was gaining momentum, and in the meantime, a specially created expert commission checked every artifact sent by eyewitnesses for authenticity. The commission included criminologists, psychologists, astronomers, ufologists, computer graphics specialists and even former intelligence officers. Comprehensive research, up to DNA analysis, excluded any possibility of falsifying materials.

The Krasnoyarsk ufologist Yuri Lavbin came to the telethon studio with a small black suitcase containing two strange-looking rods. Lavbin has been talking about these strange rods in the press since 1998.

“I found them during my expedition to the Vanavara region, not far from the epicenter of the Tunguska explosion. One of them was melted into the rock at a depth of one and a half meters, in a crater. Another lay on the surface. These rods are remarkable in that they do not lend themselves to mechanical processing, and the instruments with which they try to determine their composition fail,”said Yuri Lavbin.

He is sure that these items came to Earth, thanks to aliens.

Moreover, during the next expedition, Lavbin discovered the famous "Deer-stone". This porous and glazed rock has become a real mystery to scientists.

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The findings of Yuri Lavbin were recognized by the commission of the action "Million for UFOs" as the most striking evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. But, despite the fact that scientists already have irrefutable facts in their hands, Yuri Lavbin will continue his work on the riddles of the Tunguska meteorite and promises to present even more sensational facts after a while.

Yuri Lavbin was born in Krasnoyarsk. Graduated from the Polytechnic Institute. He worked at a radio engineering plant. In the early 90s, when the defense industry began to decline, he began, as they say, to look for his own niche. Found. All his adult life he was fond of astronomy and the study of the universe. For more than 10 years he has been researching the mystery of the "Tunguska meteorite".

He organized and led many expeditions across the Krasnoyarsk Territory in order to search for the wreckage of the legendary space alien. In 1996 he created the Siberian public-state fund "Tunguska space phenomenon". Over the past years, the fund's expeditions have discovered and delivered to Krasnoyarsk a significant amount of "space material", which formed the basis for the creation of the museum "Tunguska meteorite" and space objects."