Was Sannikov Land? - Alternative View

Was Sannikov Land? - Alternative View
Was Sannikov Land? - Alternative View

Video: Was Sannikov Land? - Alternative View

Video: Was Sannikov Land? - Alternative View
Video: Земля Санникова 2024, October

In ancient times, absolutely amazing maps were compiled on the basis of even more ancient ones.

Until about 1515-1570. these cards were not there. But in the middle of the century, all of a sudden, at once amazing maps appear at different cartographers. They were issued by the Turkish admiral Piri Reis, Bushmehirs, the wonderful cartographer Mercator, the cartographer Finay. These maps have come down to us. And in this century they are engaged.

For about 50 years, very serious scientists, geographers, cartographers have been trying to analyze them using modern technology. What are these cards? What is amazing about them? These cards are amazing in many ways. They depict Antarctica in the south, and Arctida in the north. The whole continent is depicted right at the North Pole, and is painted in great detail. Turkish Admiral Perireis writes in the introduction to the set of maps that there should not be anything in this book that is not based on facts. This is such a claim to be scientific and reliable. He immediately warns here not to think that they are dealing with nonsense. Why does he have such confidence?

The fact is that in the same place, in the preface, he writes about Columbus. The mystery is how Columbus discovered America. Perireis knew perfectly well that Columbus had the same book as he did. This book may be about three thousand years old. It contained maps showing North America and South America. Columbus knew where he was sailing, why and why. The book also contained a description of the peoples who lived in America: what they love there, what they do not have there, and what they have. Namely, they have a lot of gems, gold; and wild peoples are bought for glass beads and cheap jewelry.

Let's remember from history, Columbus came and exchanged glass trinkets for gold with the locals. How did he get them? He didn't know where he was going. He knew everything perfectly, read everything in this rare book.

It should be noted that there were five copies of these books all over the world. It is, of course, a jewel. Perireis based this book on his maps. On our maps Antarctica is shown under a two-kilometer layer of ice, and on the maps of Perireis Antarctica is without ice! Moreover, mountain ranges, riverbeds and other details were mapped, which were only discovered in the 20th century. With the help of satellites, aerial photographs, they discovered that under the ice there are mountain peaks and river beds, as on the maps of Perireis.


And scientists all prove to us, alone - that the ice was formed 200 million years ago, and has not melted since then; others claim that it is at least 15 million years ago; still others give a million, - who is in what is much. And they write a lot of works, dissertations, books on this topic, but no performances.

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Let's reason. If these maps, where Antarctica and Arctida are depicted without ice and, moreover, as a blooming land, have long been compiled somewhere by someone, and came to us only in the middle of the century, then a conclusion suggests itself. If the maps were drawn up a very long time ago, then, indeed, maybe the ice has also been lying for a long time. But maps cannot be a million years old. Do you agree? But it can't be. And the manner in which they are depicted suggests that they were created 3-4 thousand years ago. Moreover, modern scientists come to the conclusion that, perhaps, the Arctic and Antarctica, in fact, from time to time, for the last millennia, are freed from ice. I will give this reasoning.


In the 60s, Professor Habgood from the American University was engaged in the maps of Mercator, Phineus, Perireis. By that time, the first satellites flew and the first photographs were obtained. So, he came to an amazing discovery. He compared the structure of the maps and areas of Antarctica and the Arctic with these photographs. In the construction of maps there is a spherical image, distortion of distances, footnotes, it is very difficult to calculate relative distances. Higher mathematics is used to get everything done accurately. He compared and came to the conclusion that the maps of Perireis were made using aerial photography, from an altitude of about 8 thousand kilometers. It's a bit clearer where these cards came from. Of course, they were planted by cartographers. But for what do you think? In order for you and me to begin to reflect in hints: what is it, where, is it, is it not. After all, Hyperborea is shown on these maps, but in reality everything is covered with ice. This is the preparation of consciousness. Notice how they are made. This is the level of space technology, the height is about 8 thousand kilometers. Modern scientists unanimously say that there was ice, and everything proves that six thousand years ago it was not. In addition, the Bering Strait was not on the map. The map has been drawn up with such precision, but there is no Bering Strait on it?

Remember N. K. Roerich often carried out such a thought, a thought of the Eurasian plan. All continents are inhabited by one people, one humanity.

The American Indians are the degenerate Mongols of Asia. How did they get there? Very simply, there was a dry bridge, there was no Bering Strait, and the Mongols could pass through it to North and South America. The connection of all continents is a connecting thought. And when Atlantis was there, a dry bridge connected Europe and Africa with America. In ancient times, it was very easy to move from one continent to another, you could hardly get your feet wet. Here - across the islands across Atlantis, and there - from Asia to America along the dry isthmus. Therefore, it was warm quite recently, even, probably, after the immersion of Poseidonis (Atlantis) into the ocean. It is this period that has been like this for the last 10 thousand years.

The conclusion of a French scientist and glaciologist is interesting. The chief glaciologist of polar expeditions visited the Arctic many times and studied the state of glaciation. He came to an interesting scientific conclusion that glaciation began about 9-10 thousand years ago, and before that it was warm in the Arctic. Scientists, almost all, incorrectly determine ice layering by years. But even with all the mistakes, we are talking about 9 thousand years ago. Consequently, the Arctic was without ice, that is, it was warm. This is a very important point!

… Remember that the mission of N. K. Roerich was to gather the people of the Sixth Race all over the planet, to consolidate them, to give the Teaching, to hand over the important Teaching of Agni Yoga, the Secret Doctrine, so that they develop their consciousness and come out, indeed, to the level of the Sixth-Seventh Race? Hitler, moreover, on the other hand, led the whole of Germany under the leadership of the Black Lodge. Whole institutions have been created to study this issue. How he yearned for this island of Thule! But not destiny.

… Let's get closer to our days. What mysterious things do we meet in the North? Probably everyone has read the book "Sannikov Land". You have no idea how much this book is written about real things. How prophetic and visionary she is, and what V. A. Obruchev, of course, was inspired by Heaven. But since it is written that this is a science fiction novel, no one took it seriously - fiction, a fairy tale after all. No, this is not a fairy tale, but a great reality! Great novel, be sure to re-read it. This is precisely about Arctida, about Hyperborea. And what is real known about Sannikov Land? Where did it come from?

At the beginning of the last century, the industrialist Sannikov on business got to the north of Russia and visited the nearest islands in the Arctic Ocean in order to establish contacts for the purchase of furs.

And so, once from the cape of one island he saw, as they say in the North, "Mother Earth", that is, the mainland, not ice, but blue, rabble. He was very interested and told the others. And the local Chukchi confirm to him that they also saw the Earth in those parts, but have not been there.

The next year he decided to go there again and see. I arrived but saw nothing.

Many years later. Again he gets in and sees "Mother Earth" in the same place. Approximately determines - 150 kilometers from the observation point. He writes reports to Moscow, to Petersburg, to the Academy that the Earth has been discovered. He writes that he tried to get there, but could not, the path was blocked by a large hole. The Academy is assembling a large expedition, equipping a large brig.

The scientist Tol led the expedition. Toll also sees, there is such a "Mother Earth"! Many years have passed, and the expedition was designed for three years. It ended, oddly enough, with nothing. It seems that they swam to this "Mother Earth", but she disappeared somewhere. They went back. We landed on some island to spend the winter. He sent part of the expedition to the mainland, but he himself decided to stay so that in the spring he was removed from the island, he and three assistants. Toll believed so much, saw with my own eyes! I believed that Sannikov Land is! In the spring they come for him to take him off the island. In the dugout they found a diary, in it the last entry - where he went. And since then no one has seen them, neither him nor his three assistants. The expedition ended in nothing.

In the middle of the 19th century, military specialists got there. And they see "Mother Earth" with the naked eye. They sit in sleds with deer, dogs, ride. Closer and closer. Suddenly, a huge hole blocks the path, you have to return. The next year they return there again, go. Suddenly - a huge hole. You have to turn. There were about seven such cases in the last century. So no one reached this "Mother of the Earth" and swam. Everyone saw and believed. People had nervous disorders, they believed one hundred percent that there is! “I saw! Where is she? Where did you go?"

There is a lot of evidence in ancient and modern stories. Sailors often observed various objects sailing from the Pole. Where from? Why? How could they get there? Moreover, this is the last century and the beginning of ours, so there were almost no expeditions. Polar travelers all, as one, talk about the increase in temperature as they move north. Interesting fact! For some reason, it gets warmer the closer to the Pole. Almost all of them noted this incomprehensible phenomenon. Around solid ice, suddenly open up, quite unexpectedly, huge open seas, completely free. Very often sailors observed these phenomena.

In the photographs that were taken from satellites over the Pole, strange shadows were noticed. The Americans say Russia has built missile silos there. Mine, in two-kilometer ice - there is no land there? But, strangely, some shadows. So it is not visible, but from Space they are clearly visible.

In the area of the Scottish Islands, already in our century, mysterious events took place. They are detailed in the British Admiralty report. British sailors landed on these islands, and many unusual things began to happen to them. From somewhere there were people who were very different from the British. Strange things began to happen with their consciousness and vision. The sailors returned to the ship completely demoralized, shocked, devoid of any courage. Strange report.

There is an amazing story told by the pilot. A fairly famous pilot, in the 30s, he flew over the Pole and conveyed an incredible message: when he emerged from the haze of clouds into an area of good visibility, he found himself flying over a large green oasis without ice. Communication was immediately terminated. When he arrived, no one believed him, they considered him a madman. I think this is a typical case. An experienced pilot, maybe he saw a mirage. Mirage is a mirage, but he saw it, why not admit it. For some reason, the surrounding people did not want to just believe, even if in a mirage. After all, even this is not accepted. Nonsense, I thought it was not. This fact is very striking. Notice that we are getting closer and closer to 1998.

An American expedition discovered the ruins of an ancient city on one of the islands. “I'm sure this is Atlantis,” Dr. Jaime Hamer said at a press conference in Amsterdam. It remains to be amazed to fellow scientists how they are personally confident of what Atlantis in the North will do. It has already been proven 1000% that Atlantis was between Africa and America. No, I'm personally sure, says Hamer, if not Atlantis, then it's boring. Some city, somewhere in the ice. And Atlantis is a sensation. But it can be understood. He's writing:

“There are houses, palaces, cultural buildings, temples there. The Eskimos could not build such a city. This is the work of a highly developed civilization. " I think that this conclusion and we would have made too. Dr. Hamer discovered the polar city at the Pole. “90% of the Buildings are hidden by eternal snow, but the tops of the houses are visible. Already the first surveys showed that the buildings are more than one thousand years old. Of course, it is not easy to excavate in the Arctic, so we know little about the unusual city and the civilization that built it. The architecture of the buildings, which we partially managed to see, is reminiscent of the ancient Greek."

These houses and palaces are real art. We know that Ancient Greece became famous for its art. Sculptures, architecture, handicrafts, everything was at a high level. Hamer is sure that the mystery remains why it was necessary to build a city in such conditions? It is no longer a mystery for us. It is already clear to us that this city was being built when it was warm, moreover, the climate was almost subtropical. The place was simply heavenly. Obviously, the same place will be for us. That we are suffering in vain and suffering on earth?


More recently, scientists have discovered that often the stripes of aurora located off the mainland and large islands acquired the outline of the coast. This discovery made it possible to reveal an even stranger phenomenon: in the Laptev Sea, opposite Tiksi, the aurora appears mainly in three places: off the coast of the mainland, near the New Siberian Islands, above the sea - somewhat north of this Archipelago. That is, approximately, in the place or area where Sannikov saw his land. But the Earth is not there - these are scientific data.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that, perhaps, Sannikov saw the landscape of a temporary mirage either from the distant future or from the past. Therefore, Sannikov Land is not a figment of imagination, but reality!

The polar lights give a kind of arc, an outline of a non-existent continent. Or does it exist?

In Indian scriptures Hyperborea is called "White Island", "Shveta - Dvipa", that is, the eternal, indestructible Earth. All Vishnu Avatars come from the White Island. Soon the tenth Avatar of Vishnu - Savior Kalka Avatar must come from this Earth.

According to Tibetan legend, White Island is the only area that avoids the common fate of all continents. It cannot be destroyed by water or fire, for it is the Eternal Earth.

"The mainland, first manifested to being, covered the entire North Pole like an intact undisturbed crust, and remains so to this day outside the inner sea, which seemed like an unattainable mirage to those few polar travelers who saw it."

And, indeed, many polar travelers went there, saw him, but did not find him. That's the mainland, that's the secret! And our greatest prophet Nostradamus is so aware that he has a whole great prophecy on this topic:

“The elect will live in the Arctic Circle. The rest are near the Equator. They will live outside the law, free from politics."

Ragno Nero, a medieval prophet, a powerful astrologer, also left several prophecies on this topic: "In the North, the ice will melt, lush, blooming lands will appear at the poles."

Francia A. La Dew: "As a result of the displacement of the Earth's axis, a completely new continent will appear, the New Earth, the habitat of the New Race."

Another prophecy: "The Sixth Race will live on Lemuria, the Seventh Race - at the North Pole in the future Hyperborean period."


… Where is this Earth all the same? Where did she go? Is it there or not?

We got acquainted with the mass of information, it seems, there is, and, it seems, no. And the sailors saw it, but it moves away like a mirage that can never be reached. Well, where is she?

This is also one of the moves of the Hierarchy of Light, our Masters. It is clear how the maps of Mercator and Phineus were created, they are approximately several thousand years old. It is clear that even then the lands of Arctida and Antarctica clearly existed, not covered with ice, and it was possible to get on them. Note, Arctida, in general, is an eternal earth, it cannot go anywhere, it must remain in its place throughout Manvantara. But she's not there! Where's she?

Where did you go? But this is where … In principle, you have probably already drawn the conclusion yourself, since I indirectly touched on this. Since this Land is considered the Holy Land itself, you can imagine if it were now open. As if it was desecrated by various burials of radioactive substances. In a word, they would turn it into a trash heap. Do you agree? So this is what our Masters have decided. Several thousand years ago, this Earth, the mainland, was temporarily dematerialized. He is now in the fourth dimension, and people have lived there, and live there, in the astral world. Thus, the mainland is saved for us.

This is our new future Earth, where the Sixth Race will live.


According to VV Sobolev's article "The Secret of the Legendary Hyperborea"