The Most Mysterious Plane Crashes In History - Alternative View

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The Most Mysterious Plane Crashes In History - Alternative View
The Most Mysterious Plane Crashes In History - Alternative View

Video: The Most Mysterious Plane Crashes In History - Alternative View

Video: The Most Mysterious Plane Crashes In History - Alternative View
Video: 10 Unsolved Air Crash Disasters 2024, October

Perhaps the most mysterious incident in aviation history happened with the American writer and aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart.

Aviation history knows of cases when planes also did not send a distress signal, and after disappearing did not leave any traces and debris.

Here are just some of the loudest and most mysterious plane crashes, which were not without mysticism:

Amelia Earhart (1937)

The mystery of the last flight of Amelia Earhart, the first female pilot, remains unsolved. In 1937, Amelia Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan went missing in the central Pacific while attempting to fly around the world in a Model 10 Electra twin-engined aircraft. According to one version, the plane simply ran out of fuel, according to the other, Amelia Earhart and Frederic Noonan were captured by the Japanese, who were building their military bases on the islands located in this part of the Pacific Ocean.


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Airplane "Cessna" (1972)

On October 16, 1972, Democratic Congressman Thomas Hale Boggs and politician Nick Begich boarded the twin-engine Cessna bound for the Alaskan capital Juneau. However, the plane was never destined to deliver passengers to their destination - it disappeared without a trace. Even the 39-day searches, which were called "the largest in the history of Alaska," 70 aircraft were involved in them, they did not give any results.


Various assumptions were made about the cause of the plane crash. It was rumored that the plane was shot down by the Serbs because of Begic's Croatian roots. Another version pointed to the political past of Boggs, who was a member of the Warren Commission.

Flight 800 TWA (1996)

A Boeing 747, heading from New York to Rome, exploded in mid-air and fell into the Atlantic Ocean. All 230 passengers on board were killed. Experts from the National Transportation Safety Board determined that the likely cause of the plane crash was an explosion in a fuel tank, which occurred due to faulty electrical wiring.


However, conspiracy theorists believe that the explosion was caused by a bomb or a collision with a US Navy missile.

During a briefing last summer, the National Security Council confirmed that neither eyewitness testimony, wreckage found, nor flight recorder records support the assumption of a missile collision.

EgyptAir flight 990 (1999)

The Boeing 767, which operated regular flights between Los Angeles and Cairo, crashed and fell into the Atlantic Ocean almost immediately after takeoff. The disaster took the lives of 200 people. After 2 years of investigation, it was established that the plane crash was caused by the wrong actions of the crew commander.


All the evidence collected by the National Council, including the flight path of the aircraft and data from the flight recorders, indicated that the commander and senior assistant in the last minutes of their lives tried to take control of the aircraft into their own hands. The senior officer said repeatedly, "I trust in God." This version did not suit the Egyptian side, and it put forward its own - the cause of the disaster was a malfunction of the aircraft control system.

Air France flight 447 (2009)

This fatal air incident occurred in 2009 with an Airbus A 330 flying from Rio de Janeiro to Paris. The plane with 228 passengers on board fell into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. As with the missing Malaysian plane, the Air France pilots did not send a distress signal. A full-scale search and rescue operation for five days yielded no results. Then some fragments of the tail section of the plane were found.


The search for the plane that fell to the ocean floor dragged on for two years. And a year later, as a result of the investigation, it was found that ice crystals blocked the airspeed sensors of the aircraft - this is what led to the tragedy.