Animallike People And Humanoid Animals - Alternative View

Animallike People And Humanoid Animals - Alternative View
Animallike People And Humanoid Animals - Alternative View

Video: Animallike People And Humanoid Animals - Alternative View

Video: Animallike People And Humanoid Animals - Alternative View
Video: Animal Illusions by Johannes Stoetter on Chinese Talent Program BEYOND SHOW 2024, June

Previous Part: Gods and Demigods

Images of gods with zoomorphic and anthropogenic features - animal heads and human bodies - are found among different peoples.

A joint Australian-American expedition, studying the cave paintings of primitive people, in Australia and South Africa found more than five thousand images of the Stone Age, among which there are sketches of half-human-half animals - with the body of a lion and a human head or with a bull's head and a human torso. Drawings of unknown creatures discovered by the expedition were made at least 32 thousand years ago. Anthropologist Christopher Chippendale from Cambridge and historian from Sydney Paul Tacon, who studied ancient petroglyphs, came to the conclusion that primitive artists painted mysterious creatures "from nature", that is, they depicted what they saw with their own eyes. It is noteworthy that prehistoric Australians and Africans, who lived on different continents, decorated their caves with drawings of the same creatures.

In Australia, scientists have found images of centaurs, although it is reliably known that horses were not found on this remote continent. How the Australian aborigines managed to portray a horse with a human torso is unknown. It remains to assume that in ancient times on our planet, hybrids of humans and animals really existed.

Probably, all these mysterious creatures are the result of genetic experiments of aliens. Moreover, the in vitro hybrids were intelligent. For example, the god Thoth was considered a scientist among the Egyptians:

He knows the heavens, able to count the stars, enumerate everything on earth, and measure the earth itself.

The centaur Chiron, the son of the god Crohn and Filyra, taught by Apollo and Artemis to hunt, heal, music and divination, was the teacher of the heroes of Greek myths - Achilles, Asclepius, Castor, Polydeuke, Jason.

Centaurs in Greek mythology are creatures with a horse body and a human torso (there are also images of hybrids with a man's torso and the body of a bull, donkey, sheep or goat).

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According to Greek legends, centaurs lived in the mountains of Thessaly and Arcadia and were, with the exception of Chiron and Folus, wild and violent creatures. One of the most famous acts of the centaurs is the attempt to kidnap Hippodamia, the bride of the Lapith king Pirithous. In a battle with the Lapiths, they were defeated. Legends say that the horse-men came to Greece from the mountains, but because of the excessive craving for alcohol they were expelled from Hellas by people.

A beautifully preserved Mayan fresco discovered in a temple in Bonampak in the Mexican state of Chiapas shows strange gods with mandibles for mouths and crocodile faces. Similar images are found among the Olmecs, Toltecs, Aztecs.

Before the creation of man, hybrids of the human beast or animals endowed with intelligence were a kind of service personnel of the gods and performed some economic functions. In Egypt, near the village of Deir el-Medina, a settlement for the builders of the Theban necropolis was opened. Among them were scribes and artists who painted the walls of the tombs. The ancient Egyptian masters left rough sketches and sketches of drawings made on clay fragments or limestone slabs, later named by the famous French Egyptologist Gaston Maspero "ostracons". During the excavations, about 5 thousand drawings were found depicting scenes from the life of the Egyptians. Many of them baffle scientists. For example, an Egyptian papyrus in the British Museum depicts jackals guarding goats. Both "shepherds" walk on their hind legs, carrying baskets behind their backs. The procession was closed by a jackal playing the flute. In front of the whole group, a cat stands on its hind legs and drives geese with a twig. Another picture even depicts a "chess tournament" between a lion and a gazelle: they are sitting in armchairs in front of the board; the lion bared his teeth, as if saying something, making a move; the gazelle "threw up her hands" and released the figure.

François Champollion, who was the first to decipher and read the Egyptian hieroglyphs, believed that such drawings were a kind of political satire. But there is no evidence of the existence of this literary genre among the ancient Egyptians.

Some figurines depict mysterious animals that command people or dictate something to scribes.

Pliny, Paul the Deacon, Marco Polo, Adam of Bremen wrote about people with dog or jackal heads as real creatures. Anubis, in the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, was originally the god of death, the patron saint of the dead, as well as necropolises, burial rites and embalming, usually depicted in the guise of a wolf, jackal or a man with a jackal's head. The god of wisdom Thoth was portrayed as a man with the head of an ibis or baboon, the goddess Sokhmet as a woman with the head of a lioness, etc. The murder of a sacred animal was punished by the Egyptians with death. After death, sacred animals and birds were embalmed and buried in special cemeteries.

In the early 1960s, during the construction of a highway in Crimea, a bulldozer turned a stone "box" onto the surface of the earth. The workers opened the lid of the sarcophagus: it turned out to be a human skeleton with the head of a ram, and the skeleton was integral, the head was one with the skeleton. The road master summoned the archaeologists whose expedition was working nearby. Those, looking at the bones, decided that the road workers had played a trick on them, and immediately left. After making sure that the find did not represent any historical value, the workers razed the sarcophagus to the ground.

Archaeologists sometimes find ancient burials, in which the bones of animals and humans are mixed, as well as the skeletons of different animals, and often there is no human head in the grave or there is an incomplete set of animal bones. It is believed that these are the remains of sacrificial gifts. But it is quite possible - these are hybrids created by aliens.

Unusual artifacts are found in various parts of the world. Not far from Glauberg, in 1997, a Celtic settlement of the 5th century BC was discovered. e. There, in a burial mound plundered in the Middle Ages, German archaeologists found a statue of a Celtic leader 1.8 meters high. The warrior is depicted in chain mail, with a Roman shield. And the head of the leader is decorated with huge "hare" ears.

It is curious that images of people with long ears are quite common, and in areas that are significantly distant from each other. Similar drawings are found on a rock near the Jordan River, on a burial box found in Gorny Altai. Huge ears are crowned with the heads of "stone women" in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakassia, as well as Chinese figurines of demons.

Many peoples have preserved myths about humanoid animals. In Greek mythology, the Minotaur, a monster with a human body and the head of a bull, was born by Pasiphae, the wife of King Minos, from a bull sent by Poseidon to Crete to be slaughtered. Minos refused to sacrifice the bull, then Poseidon instilled in Pasiphae an unnatural passion for the animal. The fruit of their bond, the Minotaur, was imprisoned in an underground labyrinth built by Daedalus. Every year, seven young men and women were sacrificed to him, sent by the Athenians as a tribute to Minos and as expiation for the murder of Minos' son in Attica. The terrible monster devoured the unfortunate. The Athenian prince Theseus voluntarily went to Crete among those intended to be devoured by the Minotaur, killed the monster and with the help of the thread of the royal daughter Ariadne, who was in love with him, got out of the labyrinth.

Images, reliefs and statues of bulls with human heads are especially common among the Assyrians and Persians.

The aliens conducted experiments on hybridization of a wide variety of animals. The historian Eusebius, based on more ancient sources, describes the monsters that the gods created in ancient times:

Human beings with goat thighs and horns on their heads; others are half human, half horse (centaurs); bulls with human heads; dog-like creatures with fish tails; horses with dog heads and other dragon-like creatures.

In 1850, the famous French archaeologist Auguste Marriet discovered in the area of the Saqqard pyramid huge vaulted crypts (the so-called crypts), in which hundreds of sarcophagi were preserved, carved from solid pieces of granite. Their size surprised scientists: length - 3.85 meters, width - 2.25 meters, height - 2.5 meters, wall thickness - 0.42 meters, cover thickness - 0.43 meters; the total weight of the "coffin" and the lid was about 1 ton.

Inside the sarcophagi were crushed animal remains mixed with a viscous liquid similar to tar. In some burials, small figurines with images of ancient gods were found. After examining the fragments of the bodies, Marriet came to the conclusion that these are hybrids of a wide variety of animals. The ancient Egyptians believed in life after death and were convinced that a living creature can only be reborn if its body is embalmed and retains its appearance. They were afraid of the creatures created by the gods and, in order to prevent the resurrection of the monsters in a new life, they dismembered their bodies into small pieces, placed them in coffins, filled them with resin, and closed them with massive lids on top.

During excavations in the Gobi Desert, the Belgian scientist Friedrich Meissner discovered a human skull with horns. At first, he suggested that the horns were somehow cut into the skull, that is, they were transplanted, but the studies of pathologists showed that these are natural formations: they formed and grew during the life of this creature.

Similar skulls were found by an Israeli archaeological expedition led by Professor Chaim Rasmon during the excavation of the ruins of Subeit. In the lowest cultural layers, dating back to the Bronze Age, archaeologists have discovered human skeletons, the skulls of which were crowned with horns. They were so firmly held in the turtles that experts could not come to an unambiguous conclusion whether the horns grew naturally or were somehow "implanted". Images and reliefs of people with horns are found in other regions of the world, for example, in Peru.

Doctor of Biological Sciences P. Marikovsky, studying rock paintings of the Stone Age in the western spurs of the Dzhungarskiy Alatau on the territory of Mesopotamia, discovered images of obvious mutants: mountain goats with two heads; goats with long tails like wolves; unknown animals with straight horns like sticks; horses with humps like a camel; horses with long horns; camels with horns; centaurs.

Rock paintings, reliefs, sculptures depicting hybrid animals can be seen in different parts of the world among different peoples. Images of the sphinx are especially common - a creature with a human head and the body of an animal (lion, snake, dog, etc.), sometimes with the wings of an eagle. The Egyptians depicted three types of sphinxes: with the head of a man and the body of a lion, with the head of a ram and with the head of a falcon. The ancient Greeks created the images of half-maidens, half-ladies.

Perhaps aliens conducted genetic experiments to create humanoids, as well as various hybrids of humans and animals in the Middle Ages. In the chronicles of the Mongols, there are curious testimonies of unusual children:

To a khan named Sarva, who was the son of Kushal, khan of Indian Magada, the youngest of five sons was born with turquoise hair, his arms and legs were flat; his eyes closed from bottom to top …

Since Duva Sokhor had a single eye in the middle of his forehead, he could see at a distance of three migrations.

Medieval scientists reported the birth of various freaks: A Pare, U. Aldrovandi, Lykosfenes. There is information about the birth of children with the head of a cat, a dog, and also with the body of a reptile.

Currently, the media provides numerous information about the birth of ugly children with gills, with feline, vertical pupils, cyclops with one eye in the forehead, with membranes between the fingers and toes, with green or blue skin. In March 2000, it was reported that in India, in one of the hospitals in the city of Pollachi (Tamil Nad state), a "mermaid" was born - a girl with a fish tail instead of legs. She lived for a very short time, her body was transferred to one of the medical institutions for study. In March 2001, the Ananova news agency reported that in India, near Parappanangadi, a strange baby was born to an ordinary lamb. The unusual lamb had no hair on its body, and its nose, eyes, mouth, tongue and teeth were human-like, and its entire muzzle as a whole resembled the face of a bald man in dark sunglasses. The mutant (or hybrid?) Lived only a few hours after birth. Perhaps all these freaks are echoes of experiments conducted on humans by aliens in the distant past. Another option is not excluded - genetic experiments on our planet continue.

"Extraterrestrial footprint in the history of mankind", Vitaly Simonov

Next part: Flying monsters
