Kolchak's Treasure. Kazakh Version - Alternative View

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Kolchak's Treasure. Kazakh Version - Alternative View
Kolchak's Treasure. Kazakh Version - Alternative View

Video: Kolchak's Treasure. Kazakh Version - Alternative View

Video: Kolchak's Treasure. Kazakh Version - Alternative View
Video: Ataman Annenkov's Treasure. Reflections on history 2024, October

In the 43rd issue of the newspaper "Secrets of the XX century" for October 2009 was published an article by Valery Erofeev "Gold of Kolchak". Letters came to the editorial office, in which our readers offer their versions - where to look for the admiral's treasure. We are publishing one of the most interesting letters today.

Orders of Siberia

Valery Erofeev suggests that the missing gold in the amount of 35 million rubles was plundered by White Cossacks and Red Guards. Quite possible. The moral principles of both were rather low, especially among the ataman Semyonov. They took the admiral's gold piece to the bottom. But, on the other hand, among the stolen, besides the gold coins of the royal minting, were coins of other countries: German marks, Spanish gigolo, English sovereigns and even exotic Chilean condors. In addition, gold bars with the seals of the State Bank of Russia also disappeared. For 90 years, much has been found in Siberian soil, but Chilean condors and English sovereigns have not been found. Gold bars with seals have also sunk into oblivion.

In 1918, the Orders of Siberia were minted. Among them - "Liberation of Siberia" and "Revival of Russia". Siberian orders are unique, they have no analogues in Russia. 20 crosses of the first degree were ordered. 20 stars, 100 crosses of the second degree. 300 - third, 1000 crosses of the fourth degree. Made of precious metals, they were never presented to anyone, since Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak decided to return to the royal awards - the St. George's crosses. Until now, none of the orders of Siberia has been found. There are only sketches left. If they had been kidnapped, then for so many years they would surely have surfaced somewhere. If they got abroad, in any bank, there would certainly appear some trace. So there is no trace! They probably would not have melted them. Our ancestors perfectly understood that some things are not valuable as a precious metal,but as a rarity and a work of art.

In addition, according to Kolchak's adjutant, Gleb Sazonov, the gold reserve allegedly included very important church artifacts. We are talking, in particular, about documents brought by monks from a trip to Mount Ararat, which allegedly proved that Noah's ark really exists! Kolchak, anticipating an imminent defeat, as a Christian simply had to hide these relics from unbelievers. If they fell into private hands, they would have surfaced in 90 years.

So I'm sure: Kolchak's treasure really exists! Lies somewhere in a secluded place and waits for a successful person.

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In the far north

There are many controversies about the place where the treasure is hidden. Almost every region of Siberia claims that the admiral's gold is hidden in its territory. Tomsk, Tyumen, Tobolsk, Novosibirsk and many other cities. It got to the point where they quite seriously prove that the treasure is located in Yamal or in the Khanty-Mansiysk district. Gentlemen, fear God! Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak was not the most successful ruler, not the best politician, but he cannot be called a fool. To drag gold thousands of miles away without railways, through the dense taiga and tundra to the far north?

At the bottom of Lake Baikal, the remains of wagons of those times were found. It was immediately assumed that these were cars of the "golden echelon". The Mir bathyscaphes were delivered there, but they did not find anything interesting. If Kolchak had ordered to drive the cars with gold to those lands, there would certainly be written evidence: reports of the wreck, reports. documents on the punishment of those responsible.

More probable is the version with the steamers Permyak and Rostislav, which sailed along the Tobol, Irtysh and Ob to Surgut. On the ships, under the protection of the military commandant Kiselev, there were a silver gilded shrine from the relics of John of Tobolsk weighing 35 pounds, as well as values. belonging to the royal family, relics of the Orthodox Siberia and the White movement - the orders "Liberation of Siberia" and "Revival of Russia", other treasures. However, early winter found a strategically important cargo halfway, near the village of Tundrino. The steamers got stuck in the ice, and Captain Kiselev, with the help of other officers, unloaded the sealed boxes onto the high bank, and then buried them in deep secrecy somewhere in the taiga. Taking with them an inventory of gold and jewelry, the armed escort of the caravan along the winter road retreated to Narym, striving at all costs to break through to the saving Tomsk. Hopefully. of course come back. But history did not give them such a chance.

Finding a taiga

In 2000, a hunter Vasily Afanasyevich Selivanov came to the editor of one of the Khanty-Mansi newspapers and brought a bundle of gold and copper coins of the Tsar's minting. It turns out that in 1968 he found an unusual object in the taiga - an earthen pyramid. The base is about ten by ten meters. Height - seven to eight. Enthusiasts, headed by the military historian A. A. Petrushin decided that this is part of the Kolchak treasure. We equipped an expedition to the taiga, but found nothing. Selivanov forgot the landmarks. It is possible that the treasure found by the taiga really exists, but the fact that this is the admiral's gold is highly doubtful. First, it was too far from the highway, in the taiga, and Kiselev and his officers did not have time for too long a march through the taiga. And secondly. there were no copper coins in the gold reserves of Russia. Most likely the treasure found by Selivanovbelonged to some Siberian varnak, "ataman Kudeyar".

And nowadays, active searches for "Kolchak's gold" continue throughout Siberia.

Is the gold hidden under the corpses?

There are several versions confirming that Kolchak's treasure may be hidden on the territory of Kazakhstan. They mostly come from the logic of events.

First. In September 1919, 500 tons of gold in a specially guarded railway echelon for almost a month were on the railway line near the Petropavlovsk station, where the Kolchak people were raging at that time. Upon the arrival of the train in Omsk, it turned out that several cars were loaded not with gold, but with weapons and ammunition. All the same adjutant Sazonov, who, after the defeat of the White Guards in the Civil War, emigrated first to China, then to Europe, and then to the Congo, recalled in his memoirs that at the Petropavlovsk station, several cars were replaced in the train carrying gold …

By 1919, Petropavlovsk was a town with a population of about 25 thousand people and with outskirts passing through modern districts - Zaisan, Avangard Park zone. The Kolchakites committed atrocities, feeling an imminent defeat: they shot and tortured the communists, and indeed everyone who came to hand, and then took the corpses to the Fifth Log, which is four kilometers from the city. They took out five or six bodies on carts, supposedly loaded with coffin boards. Although it is known for certain that all those killed were buried in a mass grave. From the point of view of wartime, all this action was simply meaningless - in any other city, the bodies of the executed were thrown on the spot, and if they were taken, then several dozen bodies in a cart. But everything becomes logical if we imagine that Kolchak's people were carrying something else on these carts. It was almost impossible to hide many bulky boxes in the city itself, while at the same time there was no time to take the heavy load too far. But the hiding place, arranged under the dead bodies, is very reliable - hardly anyone will stick it!

Against this version, however, says the fact that it is unlikely that the white officers would decide to hide gold and artifacts in the ground. Kolchak - an old sea wolf, a polar explorer - perfectly understood that much in the earth could rot over the years. If not gold, then important securities.

Strange trip to Ayyrtau

Another version. According to historical data, confirmed by Kolchak during the last interrogations, he visited the North Kazakhstan village of Aiyrtau two months before his death. What the admiral was doing there at a time when affairs required his presence in the government and at the front is unknown. Yes. Kolchak is one of the culprits of the defeat of the White Cause, but not an idiot! In strategic, tactical and political plans, Kolchak's visit to Aiyrtau did not give anything. Steppe, forests, hills, controlled by a few detachments of the Alash Horde and a hundred Lobanov Cossacks. After his visit, one of the hills even began to be called Kolchakovka, or the Kolchak mountain, and since then the legend of gold has been walking there.

In the summer of 2009, two of my friends, Maxim Z. and Berik N., went with a group of like-minded people to the current resort area of Aiyrtau. We decided to look for the treasure, but, unfortunately, we did not find anything. They returned with the firm belief that if Kolchak's treasure exists, then it is hidden in one of the caves near the village.

So the admiral's treasures are waiting in the wings.

Berik Nurkhalov, Almaty. Secrets of the XX century magazine