Kyzyl Kum Desert. Kazakhstan - Alternative View

Kyzyl Kum Desert. Kazakhstan - Alternative View
Kyzyl Kum Desert. Kazakhstan - Alternative View

Video: Kyzyl Kum Desert. Kazakhstan - Alternative View

Video: Kyzyl Kum Desert. Kazakhstan - Alternative View
Video: Kyzylkum desert. Stone Forest. Violet lake. Navoi region of Uzbekistan. Uchkuduk. Mingbulag 2024, October

Kyzyl Kum is a Central Asian desert between the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and partly Turkmenistan), which has a number of poorly studied anomalous areas. For example, in the Central Kyzyl Kum mountains, unusual rock paintings have been found. Some of them depict people in spacesuits, others - the semblance of spaceships.


UFO sightings are not uncommon in Kyzyl Kum. In November 1990, workers from the Zarafshan cooperative "Ldinka" at night on the Navoi-Zarafshan road saw a long, about forty meters high, cylindrical object. From an invisible source, a powerful, focused, cone-shaped beam with very clear boundaries was beaming.

Sergei Azadov, a member of the coordinating council of the All-Union UFO Association, director of the Ufocenter (Tashkent), asserted that many stories are associated with this mysterious place, testifying to UFO visits. For example, in Zarafshan, members of Azadov's expedition met an amazing woman with extrasensory abilities and, according to her, who periodically has contacts with representatives of extraterrestrial civilization. In the spring of 1990, she was allegedly told that an alien ship was destroyed in the near-earth orbit of this civilization, the remains of which fell 30-40 km from the city. Six months later (September 26, 1990), two geologists, engaged in the breakdown of drilling profiles, stumbled upon strange spots. The analysis results showed the presence of a substance of unearthly origin.

In 2000, an automatic camera filmed an unidentified flying object moving towards the hills. The authenticity of the picture has not been confirmed, but also not refuted.