Where Is Tartary Located? - Alternative View

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Where Is Tartary Located? - Alternative View
Where Is Tartary Located? - Alternative View

Video: Where Is Tartary Located? - Alternative View

Video: Where Is Tartary Located? - Alternative View
Video: "Tartary" from Marco Polo to the Enlightenment : Exhibition Talk 2024, July

There is a version that for more than 5000 years Western papers were thrown out of Slavic history by the arak and Peter I, with his thoughtless invitation to the Russian Academy of Sciences some Germans. Here we looked at a large number of cards that depict Great Tartary

So where was she?

Great Tartary

In the previous millennium, the state of the Russ in Western Europe was called nothing else than the "Great Tartary". But about two centuries ago, this Empire was wiped off the political map of the world. The question arises: how is this possible? In 2004, academician Levashov published an encyclopedic edition, where he outlined his point of view on the development of events in the New Chronology.


To this day, the Russian Geographical Society keeps documents confirming the version not only of the might of the state, but also that the level of civilization of our ancestors was much higher than the height of development in which they are trying to convince us.

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Where did tartars come from?

The conclusions of academician Levashov about the origin of the Slavic peoples living in this territory are curious. He is convinced that the ancestors of mankind were thrown to the planet from space and this happened about forty thousand years ago.

Among the space aliens who flew from the planet Urai, there were definitely highly developed beings. It was decided to call them "Urami" and they had great opportunities. In this regard, foreigners have deservedly become mentors for the whole society. The closest wards were the Russ, to whom the aliens passed on most of their knowledge. The tribes of the Slavs inhabiting the territories of the Slavic-Aryan Empire and uniting together the Russ and Urovs were called Urus.

According to Levashov, no Roman Empire existed. And historical monuments, aqueducts and other ancient monuments were created by the Russ who lived on the territory of the Slavic-Aryan Empire in the countries of Europe, Asia, North America.

Origin of Tartary

Acquainted with the teachings of the academician, you can find out that the swastika has Slavic roots, and in ancient times it was endowed with only a positive meaning. Today there are several reasons for the name of Tartary. According to one of them, Tartaria received its name from the gods Tarkh and Tara, who were the "children" of the divine thunder, lightning and war of Perun.

It was believed that these gods protect the lands inhabited by the clans of the Urussians - people living beyond the Ural Mountains. You can read more about the mysterious territories in the book collections of the French historian Dionysius Petavius. He noted in his writings that in the ancient period they were known under the name of Scythia, and only then people began to be called Tartaria in honor of the Tartarus mountains. According to Petavius' information, this country was ruled by an emperor, in which there were many provinces.


The largest province, according to Levashov, was Great Tartary. In addition to it, there were at that time Chinese, Mongolian Moscow and other territories. The true borders of this state were considered lands not only from the Pacific Ocean to the Urals, but also most of Eastern Europe, Asia and America. Dagestan, Circassian, Kalmyk and Uzbek tartars lived on the lands of this state.

From this we can conclude that the territories were inhabited by all sorts of peoples united by one state. Tall white-skinned people with light brown hair and blue eyes are the Slavs of the Aria. They were a kind-hearted and friendly people in times of peace, but turned into merciless and brave warriors during the war years. The Russians lived from Alaska to the Urals, and from Tibet to New Land.

At the end of the 17th century, due to the influence of monotheism (Christianity, Islam and Judaism), bloody wars took place in the European part of Tartary. As a result of this, as well as because of political intrigues, riots, a split occurred between Europe and Asia (present-day Asia). In the newly formed state, the border ran from the Indian Ocean to the Arctic Ocean along the Ural Mountains, along the shores of the Caspian Sea.

Today, many events of those wars are known to us as the suppression of the Pugachev rebellion. Despite the collapse of the empire into two continents, as well as numerous bloody wars, Tartaria remained the most powerful state in the world.

Death of Tartary

Why has such a large state disappeared from the political map of the world? Some of the researchers believe that the country ceased to exist as a result of internecine wars, intrigues and an internal political crisis. But where did the people living in the country go? And why, starting from the 18th century, nowhere in history books and encyclopedias is this Great State mentioned, as if it never existed?

There is a hypothesis that the state disappeared due to a powerful nuclear explosion at the beginning of the 13th century. And after that, a large fire occurred in Siberia, which engulfed the entire territory, and with it Tartarus. Then many mysterious lakes and craters appeared at this place. They began to develop the deserted territories only after 50 years. Although humanity did not know nuclear weapons for another 200 years, many researchers believe that Tartaria was destroyed as a result of the atomic bombing.

It is quite possible that the Slavic-Aryan Empire came to an end as a result of its destruction by the same space aliens who once "gave birth" to humanity.

Mongol-Tatar yoke

The controversy about the Tatar-Mongol invasion and the outcome of their invasion - the so-called yoke, will probably continue for a long time. In the Annals of the Orthodox Old Believers about the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars, an unambiguous interpretation of some phrases is given: yoke - discipline; mogul - great; thief is a robber. It turns out that "tati Arias", according to the chroniclers, meant "Tartaria" (another decoding of the word Tartary). And the yoke is order (discipline). Horde is derived from the word "Order", where "Ohr" is strength and den is daylight. Hence, this sign means the power of light, and the Horde means Light forces. Thus, the Light Forces under the rule of the gods: Perun, Svarog, Tarkh and Tara stopped the internecine wars that arose due to forced baptism in Russia and kept discipline there for three centuries.


It would seem that there is a discrepancy: after all, the army of the Mongols and the Tatars implies warriors with narrow eyes. Yes, there were such detachments of mercenaries, but they made up a small number of the total.

The myths and reality of the invasion

An analogy between the "Mongolo-Tatars" and the "Great Tartaria". If you look at the map of the ancient State published in 1754, compiled by the theologian Mercator, it turns out that the Urusses included many powers and principalities. All the countries of Scandinavia, Denmark belonged to the territory of the Slavic-Aryan Empire, while the principality of Muscovy was at that time a separate state and did not belong to Russia. The map shows that behind the Ural ridge, the principalities of Siberia, Yugoria, Lukomorye and other lands are shown, which together formed the Great Power - Tartaria.

Hence we can draw an analogy: "Mongol-Tartary" is consonant with the expression "Mogolo-Tartary" - "Great Tartary". The researchers argue that such a designation of the nationality also existed on the map of 1754.

Falsification of the chronicle

The main document confirming the events about the Golden Horde is Radziwilov's manuscript "The Tale of Bygone Years" (Koenigsberg Chronicle). But is everything really so reliable in the manuscript? After all, a copy of this manuscript was taken as a basis, which Peter I brought from Königsberg in the 10s of the 17th century. Currently, there is irrefutable evidence that part of the chronicle was falsified. It turns out that the history of Ancient Rus before the 17th century is not known for certain? But during this period, the formation of the Romanov dynasty to the throne took place.


But what was the reason for rewriting the history of our state? Perhaps in order to show the Russian people how uneducated they are, since they have been under the yoke of the Tatars and Mongols for so many years, and that their fate is obedience and obedience?

Unusual deeds of princes and mysteries of chronicles

In the manuscript "The Tale of Bygone Years" it is found that among the Tatars there are Russian warriors who established close relations with the khans of the horde. In addition, some princes were even placed on the "throne" and they fought on the side of the khan. But such a relationship is unnatural with the "occupiers". There are still many strange deeds among the warriors. In separate sections of the chronicle there are phrases: "With God" - said the khan and, crossing himself, set off galloping at the enemy. Exploring the chronicle, when describing the appearance of warriors, one comes across too many Caucasian people with blue eyes and light brown hair.

There was no invasion of Russia! Several scientists led by academician Fomenko came to the conclusion that there was no invasion of the Tatar-Mongols! And there was an internecine war among the principalities, or, more precisely, there was a struggle for a single power in Russia.

The state was formed gradually, and the principalities fought among themselves - this is a generally accepted fact. During the period of the Golden Horde, along with secular subordination, there was also military power. Consequently, the prince was a secular leader, and the khan was a military leader. In the manuscript, you can find the following record: - "they fought together with the Mongols and rovers, and their governor was Kochubey." In other words, the army of the Horde was led by warlords!

Hence, the researchers concluded that the Russian army is called the Horde in the annals, and the Tatar-Mongolia is the Great Tartary itself. It turns out that the warriors of the Russ have conquered a vast territory from the Ice to the Pacific Ocean. It was the Russian troops who forced Europe to tremble. It is most likely that the fear of the fearless Russians was the reason that the Germans rewrote history with distortions and, thereby, got rid of national humiliation. This fear and hatred, before Russia, we observe today in all of Europe.


But even in the 19th century, both in Russia and in Europe, the memory of her was alive, many knew about her. The following fact serves as an indirect confirmation of this. In the middle of the 19th century, European capitals were fascinated by the brilliant Russian aristocrat Varvara Dmitrievna Rimskaya-Korsakova, whose beauty and wit made the wife of Napoleon III, Empress Eugenia, turn green with envy. The brilliant Russian was called "Venus from Tartarus".

“TARTARY, a vast country in the northern parts of Asia, bounded by Siberia on the north and west: this is called Great Tartary. The Tartars who lie south of Muscovy and Siberia, are those of Astracan, Circassia, and Dagistan, situated north-west of the Caspian-sea; the Calmuc Tartars, who lie between Siberia and the Caspian-sea; the Usbec Tartars and Moguls, who lie north of Persia and India; and lastly, those of Tibet, who lie north-west of China."

(Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. III, Edinburgh, 1771, p. 887).

Translation: “Tartary, a huge country in the northern part of Asia, bordering Siberia in the north and west, which is called Great Tartary. The tartars living south of Muscovy and Siberia are called Astrakhan, Cherkassky and Dagestan; living in the northwest of the Caspian Sea are called Kalmyk Tartars and which occupy the territory between Siberia and the Caspian Sea; Uzbek Tartars and Mongols, who live north of Persia and India and, finally, Tibetan, living northwest of China ).

(Encyclopedia Britannica, first edition, Volume 3, Edinburgh, 1771, p. 887).


“As follows from the Encyclopedia Britannica of 1771, there was a huge country of Tartary, whose provinces were of different sizes. The largest province of this empire was called Great Tartary and covered the lands of Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia and the Far East. In the southeast, it was adjoined by Chinese Tartary [please do not confuse it with China]. In the south of Great Tartary there was the so-called Independent Tartary [Central Asia]. Tibetan Tartary (Tibet) was located northwest of China and southwest of Chinese Tartary. In the north of India there was Mongolian Tartary (Mogul Empire) (modern Pakistan). Uzbek Tartary (Bukaria) was sandwiched between Independent Tartary in the north; Chinese Tartary in the northeast; Tibetan Tartary in the southeast;Mongolian Tartary in the south and Persia in the southwest. There were also several Tartaries in Europe: Muscovite or Moscow Tartary, Kuban Tartars and Little Tartary.

What does Tartary mean, was said above and, as follows from the meaning of this word, it has nothing to do with modern Tatars, just as the Mongol Empire has nothing to do with modern Mongolia. Mongolian Tartary (Mogul Empire) is located on the site of modern Pakistan, while modern Mongolia is located in the north of modern China or between Great Tartary and Chinese Tartary."

Information about Great Tartary is also preserved in the 6-volume Spanish encyclopedia "Diccionario Geografico Universal" published in 1795, and, already in a slightly modified form, in later editions of Spanish encyclopedias. For example, back in 1928 in the Spanish encyclopedia "Enciclopedia Universal Ilustrada Europeo-Americana" there is a rather extensive article about Tartary, which starts from page 790 and takes about 14 pages. This article contains a lot of truthful information about the Motherland of our ancestors - Great Tartary, but at the end the "spirit of the times" is already felt, and inventions appear that are familiar to us even now.


We provide a translation of a small fragment of the text of an article about Tartary from this Encyclopedia of 1928:

“Tartaria - for centuries this name has been applied to the entire territory of inner Asia, inhabited by hordes of Tartar-moguls (tartaromogolas). The length of the territories bearing this name is distinguished by the area (distance) and the relief features of the 6 countries that bear this name. Tartaria stretched from the Strait of Tartaria (the strait dividing Sakhalin Island from the Asian continent) and the Tartaria mountain range (also known as the Sikhota Alin - coastal mountain range), which separates the sea from Japan and the already mentioned Strait of Tartaria on one side, and to the modern Republic of Tartaria, which extends to the Volga (both banks) and its tributary Kama in Russia; to the south are Mongolia and Turkestan. On the territory of this vast country lived tartars, nomads, rude, persistent and restrained, who in ancient times were called Scythians (escitas).

On old maps, Tartaria was the name for the northern part of the Asian continent. For example, on the Portuguese map of 1501-04, Tartaria was called a large area that stretches between Isartus (Yaxartus) to Okcardo (Ob), to the Ural Mountains. On the map of Ortelius (1570), Tartary is the entire vast area from Catayo (China) to Muscovy (Russia). On the map of J. B. Homman (1716), Tartary has an even greater extent: Great Tartaria (Tartaria Magna) stretches from the Pacific Ocean to the Volga, including all of Mogolia, Kyrgyzstan and Turkestan. The last three countries were also called the Independent Nomadic Tartaria (Tartaria Vagabundomni Independent), which stretched from the Amur to the Caspian Sea. Finally, on the world map, la Carte Generals de toutes les Cosies du Blonde et les pavs nouvellement decouveris,published in Amsterdam in 1710 by Juan Covens and Cornelio Mortier, Tartary is also mentioned under the name of the Great Tartary (Grande Tartarie) from the Amur Sea, which is located in the Amur delta to the Volga. On all maps published before the end of the 18th century, Tartary is a huge area that covers the center and north of the Asian continent …”(Translation by Elena Lyubimova).

The fact that the Europeans were very well aware of the existence of various Tartarii is also evidenced by numerous medieval geographical maps. One of the first such maps is the map of Russia, Muscovy and Tartary, compiled by the English diplomat Anthony Jenkinson, who was the first plenipotentiary ambassador of England to Muscovy from 1557 to 1571, and concurrently the representative of the Muscovy Company - the English a trading company founded by London merchants in 1555. Jenkinson was the first Western European traveler to describe the Caspian coast and Central Asia during his expedition to Bukhara in 1558-1560. The result of these observations was not only official reports, but also the most detailed map of the regions at that time,practically inaccessible until that moment for Europeans.

Tartary is also in the solid world Atlas of Mercator-Hondius of the early 17th century. Jodokus Hondius (1563-1612) - Flemish engraver, cartographer and publisher of atlases and maps in 1604 bought printed forms of the world atlas of Mercator, added about forty of his own maps to the atlas and published an expanded edition in 1606 under the authorship of Mercator, and indicated himself as a publisher.


Abraham Ortelius (1527-1598) - Flemish cartographer, compiled the world's first geographic atlas, consisting of 53 large-format maps with detailed explanatory geographical texts, which was printed in Antwerp on May 20, 1570. The atlas was named Theatrum Orbis Terrarum (lat. The spectacle of the globe) and reflected the state of geographical knowledge at that time.


Tartary is also found on the Dutch map of Asia in 1595, and on the map of 1626 by John Speed (1552-1629) of the English historian and cartographer, who published the world's first British cartographic atlas of the world A Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World). Please note that on many maps the Chinese Wall is clearly visible, and China itself is located behind it, and before it was the territory of Chinese Tartary.


Let's see a few more foreign cards. Dutch map of Great Tartary, Great Mughal Empire, Japan and China (Magnae Tartariae, Magni Mogolis Imperii, Iaponiae et Chinae, Nova Descriptio (Amsterdam, 1680)) by Frederik de Wit, Dutch map by Pieter Schenk.


French map of Asia 1692 and map of Asia and Scythia (Scythia et Tartaria Asiatica) 1697.


Map of Tartary by Guillaume de Lille (1688-1768), French astronomer and cartographer, member of the Paris Academy of Sciences (1702). He also published a world atlas (1700-1714). In 1725-47 he worked in Russia, was an academician and the first director of the academic astronomical observatory, from 1747 - a foreign honorary member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences.


We have cited only a few of the many maps that unequivocally indicate the existence of a country whose name cannot be found in any modern textbook on the history of our country.

For more information, see the tag "Tartaria".