1772, On The Eve Of The Uprising Of E. Pugachev, According To The Textbook History, It Would Seem, Everything Is Painted - Alternative View

1772, On The Eve Of The Uprising Of E. Pugachev, According To The Textbook History, It Would Seem, Everything Is Painted - Alternative View
1772, On The Eve Of The Uprising Of E. Pugachev, According To The Textbook History, It Would Seem, Everything Is Painted - Alternative View

Video: 1772, On The Eve Of The Uprising Of E. Pugachev, According To The Textbook History, It Would Seem, Everything Is Painted - Alternative View

Video: 1772, On The Eve Of The Uprising Of E. Pugachev, According To The Textbook History, It Would Seem, Everything Is Painted - Alternative View
Video: Episode 127 The Pugachev Rebellion Part One 2024, October

However, independent researchers increasingly question the reliability of the events of that era described in modern textbooks (G. N. Nosovsky, A. T. Fomenko, etc.). Let us turn to the book by AI Andrushchenko, published in 1969, "The Peasant War of 1773-1775," not long before his death, the author defended it as a doctoral dissertation.

In his book, he calls the war civil, and the troops of Catherine II - punitive. Here are some facts that this could not have been a simple peasant revolt:

- there were banners in the army of E. Pugachev;

- all Pugachev's documents reached only in copies (on the face of the falsification of the investigation of 1775);

- the rebels had their own Military Collegium, the central headquarters of the uprising and the supreme body of civil power;

- distinguished fighters were awarded orders and medals;

V. E. Markevich: "Orders and medals of the people's army of E. Pugachev", 1957: "The organizing core of the armed forces of Pugachev was the main army, divided into regiments. There were regiments consisting of different peoples (Bashkirs, Kalmyks), of Cossacks (Isetsk, Yaik, Iletsk), of factory peasants, etc. Discipline was maintained in the army, desertion was persecuted. Military exercises were held. Along with the main army, separate regiments formed by Pugachev appeared in different places”;

- the rebels skillfully built their engineering structures, trenches, trenches. For these purposes, special knowledge is needed, which is definitely not present among the peasants.

Promotional video:

- Ural factories worked for the rebels. That is, the troops of the peasants had factories? Do you believe it?

- the alleged peasants even had "bombs" of their own production;

- E. Pugachev is called the "Emperor"

A. S. When writing "The Captain's Daughter", Pushkin faced the fact that all the materials of the criminal case were classified, although he lived only 60 years after the events described, and then Alexander Sergeevich, driven by an internal "impulse", went to the scene of events, namely the city of Tobolsk (One of the capitals of Great Tartary. This trip was well described in the diary of A. S. Pushkin, which for some unknown reason is available only for official use), there he meets a living participant in the uprising (A man is about 90-110 years old, since A. S. Pushkin lived 60 years after the events described. This is by the way of long-livers in Russia). Alexander Sergeevich asks him: "How do you feel about Emelyan Pugachev?" To which he replies: "For you, he is Emelyan Pugachev, and for me the sovereign-emperor Peter Fedorovich!"

Andrushchenko A. Andrushchenko says this, but from another source. And …

- E. Pugachev's army had its own money, but information about this was preserved only by Western authors, and all sources in Russia itself were “brutally cleaned up”. The slogan of the uprising is Redivivus et ultor in Latin, translated as “Risen and revengeful”, A. S. Pushkin describes that allegedly E. Pugachev did not beat coins with such a motto. But do not forget what kind of A. S. Pushkin was watched and constantly subjected his works to "strict censorship", while the poet makes a reservation that "foreign writers" did write it down! Could an illiterate man come up with a motto in Latin?

- Administrative division of the territory of Siberia: districts, for example, there was the Yalutorovsky district, Krasnosloyudsky district, Tyumen district, which were part of the Turinsky and Verkhotursky districts, which were already part of the Siberian province. There were also cities of the Great Siberian Route, here such a city as Tara is interesting. After the defeat of Great Tartary in the war, not only the name of this country, but also all namesake names were erased from the face of the earth.

Great Tartary was located on 2 continents. In North America, there is still a similar structure of territorial division, for example - Washington DC, where DC is the District of Columbia, in the literature it is mistakenly translated as "District of Columbia", in fact it should read "District of Columbia";

Conclusions: Companions of E. Pugachev called him "Tsar-Emperor", he had a well-armed army, divided into regiments, was literate and knew Latin, minted personal coins and handed out awards, the army had banners and its own factories providing the army not only with cannons, guns, but also bombs. The part of the country controlled by the "rebels" had a different territorial division. Allegedly, the "rebels" had their own governing bodies of the army and cities. The population greeted them as liberators. On the face of all the signs of statehood - the flag, money, army, cities, territorial division, and therefore - this is a civil war between Great Tartary and Muscovy.