Cucumbers Grow Better With Accordion Music - Alternative View

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Cucumbers Grow Better With Accordion Music - Alternative View
Cucumbers Grow Better With Accordion Music - Alternative View

Video: Cucumbers Grow Better With Accordion Music - Alternative View

Video: Cucumbers Grow Better With Accordion Music - Alternative View
Video: How to grow Cucumbers 2024, October

Who Said Plants Can't Hear? A resident of the Russian village of Tes in the Krasnoyarsk Territory proved that they not only hear, but also listen to music with pleasure.

Valery Danilenko, who has fifteen cucumber greenhouses with seven thousand roots, collects an unprecedented harvest every day, playing with plants from the pumpkin family on a button accordion. The plantation really loves this kind of music and grows thanks to it by leaps and bounds.

Every morning our compatriot receives one hundred and sixty kilograms of selected cucumbers. Any botanist will tell you that this is physically impossible, as no vegetable can ripen that fast. Valery, on the other hand, claims the opposite and invites specialists to verify his words on their own. However, scientists for some reason are in no hurry to come and expose a successful farmer who treats his plants as living, and highly intelligent creatures.

As soon as evening falls, Danilenko picks up a harmonica and goes around all his greenhouses with it. There he plays compositions in the bolero genre, sings Russian, military songs, ditties. From the music, cucumber bushes grew taller than human growth and began to resemble tropical vines. Nevertheless, according to the agrarian, this is not the limit. Cucumbers, planted according to a special lunar calendar, grow weighty, with a delicate skin and incredibly tasty pulp. Such a delicacy can be eaten without salt and any sauces. This is probably why Valery has no end of buyers. A Russian person can easily distinguish between products grown with love and mass Chinese synthetics.

Cucumbers liked the sounds of the harmonica

Growing vegetables is a family business for Danilenko. Valery himself, his wife, son and daughter-in-law are doing this today. Peat is used as fertilizer, and pipes with water for irrigation are buried in the ground so as not to interfere with the beds. The business, which began more than twenty years ago, is so profitable that Danilenko can afford to hire specialists to work in greenhouses. Nevertheless, only Valery gives concerts to cucumbers, since only he knows what kind of music the plants like.


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In addition, vegetables have long been accustomed to a man and his kind energy. It is not known how the cucumbers will behave if, say, some violinist comes to the greenhouse, who wants to work out his money as soon as possible and go home.

Danilenko noticed such a miraculous influence of music on his plants quite by accident several years ago. In the spring, frosts suddenly hit, and the greenhouses had to be heated around the clock. Remaining on duty at night, the Russian took the button accordion with him and had fun playing alone. A week later, he noticed that the greenhouse where he preferred to play music began to bear fruit much better. Valery did not immediately understand what was the matter, but his wife somehow, jokingly or not, said that perhaps the vegetables like the sounds of the harmonica. The Russian decided to test this guess and began to play in all the greenhouses. The result, to the amazement of the couple, was not long in coming - the cucumbers began to ripen right before our eyes and became much tastier.

Valery, among other things, is a collector of accordions. He has several dozen instruments, including electronic ones. Some harmonics are especially fond of cucumbers.

It is worth noting that experiments on the effects of music on plants have been carried out since the sixties of the last century. For example, in 1963, the American botanist Alexander Gallagher proved that tulip-like pelargonium (geranium) blooms almost one and a half times faster if calm orchestral melodies are periodically played near it …