Where Are They, The Keepers Of Knowledge? - Alternative View

Where Are They, The Keepers Of Knowledge? - Alternative View
Where Are They, The Keepers Of Knowledge? - Alternative View

Video: Where Are They, The Keepers Of Knowledge? - Alternative View

Video: Where Are They, The Keepers Of Knowledge? - Alternative View
Video: Best 10 Note-Taking Apps for 2021 2024, July

May Mercury wish to eclipse the sun,

Setting up your horn in the second sky, Volcano Hermes will burn incense, So that the sun flashed with golden fire.

Nostradamus. Century 4.

For the past forty years, humanity has lived in a relatively calm dash. The danger of a global nuclear war has receded, natural disasters are rare and do not take as many casualties as before. The changes taking place in the world are almost imperceptible, but we are not ready for them.

Why? Even the ancient Greek sage Plato reported the warning of the Egyptian priests: "There have already been and will be multiple and different cases of death of people, the most terrible because of fire and water, and others, less significant, because of thousands of other disasters …"

And a little further: "… the luminaries moving in the sky and around the earth, deviate from the path and after long periods of time destroy everything on Earth by means of strong fire." (Timaeus).

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In July 1994, 12 large fragments of comet Shoemaker-Levy crashed into Jupiter's atmosphere. Five debris carried an energy one and a half times the energy required to launch a self-expanding thermonuclear reaction in the planet's atmosphere. What then?

Burning Jupiter could become the second Sun of the Earth, "giving birth to the burning sky" of ancient legends. Under the influence of the increased flow of hard radiation on the Earth, massive mutations would begin, an increase in temperature would return the plant world of the planet to the Mesozoic era.

The blow has occurred. Even today, many months after the fall of the comet, traces of disturbance vortices, spots are observed on Jupiter (in the atmosphere). But Jupiter did not explode. Why?

Astronomers today cannot give an exact answer to this question. But maybe this is not their problem profile?

The myths of many peoples of antiquity preserve the memory of the epochs of the early youth of the Solar System, when huge asteroids, comets, and wandering moons fell on the Earth and on other planets.

The well-known researcher of the past, Gurdjieff, in his book "All About Everything" wrote: "The East contains information about the origin of the Earth and civilizations that drowned hundreds of thousands of years ago. The priests of the secret gods have a special organ-transmitter of psychic energy. Modern religious traditions have preserved a degenerated memory of the task, which was once the main task for man, to promote the balance of cosmic forces. Faint echoes of this great power are the Egyptian legends that the pharaoh caused the floods of the Nile with his magical power. Western sorcerers knew how to summon rain and conjure hail. Polynesian sorcerers even now know the spells that cause rains … But now all this is almost forgotten! " So Gurdjieff thought. But is it forgotten?

French researchers Jacques Bergier and Louis Povel in the book "Morning of the Magicians" tried to prove the existence of a certain Circle of Initiates, who have kept the secret knowledge of the Earth since ancient times.

In 1991-1993. a number of Russian newspapers have published information about the existence and activities of a certain Great Circle of Initiates who maintain planetary stability. ("Confessions of the Magician", newspaper "Continent", 1992). Jupiter's explosion is a serious threat to planetary stability. It was a task worthy of the work of the Great Circle. And in this regard, a strange story becomes understandable, which has become the property of Samara ufologists. Briefly, it was about the fact that representatives of the Great Circle or a similar structure, having learned about the possible explosion of Jupiter, made an attempt to activate the cosmic forces of protecting the Earth, to take advantage of the ancient heritage. The calculations showed that in order to awaken the planetary Forces of the Earth, capable of deflecting the impending disaster, it is necessary to perform the Ritual (activation) only at two specific points on the Earth. One point is on the Columbia River in North America, the other is in the Middle Volga region. It was necessary to activate them in tandem. A hike to our "point", the adventures and disasters of our "compatriots, experienced along the way, is the topic of a separate large story.

Few of them managed to reach, create a "magic network" and "absorb" the released destructive energy of the comet's impact into Jupiter …

- Fantastic? - many may exclaim. And only a few will see the consistency and coherence of this story. Yes, today we do not know the physical mechanism through which a person could influence cosmic processes. But only half a century ago, man also did not know how to extract the energy of nuclear fusion.

And the place where this Ritual supposedly took place was clearly not chosen by chance. Much has already been written about the unique geology and energy of Samarskaya Luka. Here, for a number of historical and geographical reasons, over the past 300 years, adherents and keepers of all the main secrets - and apocryphal teachings of Russia - have gradually gathered. According to a number of circumstantial evidence, it is here that the secrets of the most ancient civilizations can be kept (as the “Samara Gazeta” already wrote on July 4, 1991, “Griffins of the Riphean Gorge”).

More recently, the advances in 20th century science seemed to have done away with miracles forever. But now very little time has passed, and according to the ancient Chinese beliefs about the continuous transition of Yin-Yang, the belief in "miracles" got stronger, revived and began to actively influence the consciousness of people.

The raised topic gives rise to many questions: “Do the keepers of ancient cosmic knowledge live among us? Is some Great Circle working to maintain the balance of life on our planet? Can they prevent space disasters? etc.

Answering these questions takes a lot of hard work. In the meantime, it is enough for us that Jupiter (an unborn star) still shines peacefully and calmly in our sky, I. Pavlovich
