The Darkness Penetrates Through The Photo - Alternative View

The Darkness Penetrates Through The Photo - Alternative View
The Darkness Penetrates Through The Photo - Alternative View

Video: The Darkness Penetrates Through The Photo - Alternative View

Video: The Darkness Penetrates Through The Photo - Alternative View
Video: Freaky Clips That'll Have You Questioning Reality 2024, October

Since ancient times, the image of the surrounding world has been a completely natural human need. The one who owned the image of a person became dominant over his health and even life.

An indispensable rule of such witchcraft was the obligatory similarity of the image used and the original. It could be a portrait or a small figurine. Further, a ritual was performed, symbolizing baptism, and the figure was named after the person whom it represented. For example - a rose flower for a girl, a weapon for a warrior or a crown for a king. They used such figurines to cause love or illness, and sometimes death. Such actions were called involutions.

In addition, if you keep a carefully made figurine with you, then it gave the owner power over the person depicted. There were special rituals and spells for involutions. Usually such actions were mercilessly persecuted and publicly condemned, but many powerful of this world used such methods for their own purposes. Let us recall, for example, the novel by A. Dumas "Queen Margot". In him, such "pampering" ended in a chopping block.

Nowadays there is a much more dangerous system of creating images than portrait or sculpture - photography. And people began to happily take pictures, photographing their friends, loved ones, as well as complete strangers. Humanity received a new toy and enthusiastically began to play.

Why is it that we, who know about wax figures, damned portraits and many other things, so easily allowed such an invention to walk around the world, which captures, stops a moment of our life, creates one of our most reliable and accurate images.

Let's see what you can do with a photograph of a person. First, absolutely everything that has been done with images of a person in the past. That is, to inspire this person with certain feelings and actions, cause harm, strive to cause illness or death. Secondly, your influence can be used for good, by exactly the same means, but with a good purpose. Thirdly, photography allows you to learn a lot about the person himself, even predict his approximate future. And, fourthly, you can influence your relationship with an individual by working with his photograph. He can love or stop loving you, make up or quarrel, and much more.

Modern psychics know that the main thing in establishing interaction through a photo is to find the thread of the channel leading from the photo to the person. Now it has become quite simple. Why now, you ask? Will explain. Photos used to be well protected. For their creation, silver salts were used - this metal with miraculous properties, which all evil spirits do not like so much. Now technology has changed, and the link between man and photography is not interrupted.

There are quite a few everyday superstitions associated with photography. Why try not to photograph babies? Yes, because they have not yet formed sufficient energy protection. And the newborn organism is especially sensitive to external influences. Together with the photographs, we give everyone the opportunity to leave an information program for our child for the future.

Promotional video:

But not only we affect photographs, they also affect us, especially if these are photographs of blood relatives. Unconsciously, most parents are jealous of their children for their new families. If the young have left to live in another place, then by hanging photographs of their beloved dads and mothers on the wall, they will not improve their situation, maybe even worsen.

The husband, not understanding the true reason for his dissatisfaction with his wife, is increasingly mentally turning to his mother, whose "everything was fine." And this mental appeal only strengthens the bond with photography. The destruction of family ties continues, although the newlyweds live separately from their “ancestors”. The fact is that during the move, the internal protection collapsed, the psychoenergetic barrier, which previously protected the personality of young people from exposure. They defended each other in front of their relatives. Having settled separately, they already considered this kind of blocking unnecessary.

Now let's get back to the photos again. Photos of deceased people, including relatives. The attitude towards such photographs is ambiguous. This is completely natural - after all, the photograph of the deceased is a channel of communication with him even after his death. Only this channel exists no longer in the material world, but connects our world and the other world. This is the danger.

There are rules here that should be followed in order to avoid harm that can be caused to us through such a communication channel. For such phenomena or entities, a negative charge is a good recharge, and such a channel is a passage to the material world. And if this channel is used by any of the phenomena with a black aura, then you will be practically doomed. But not only you, but your whole family, your relatives - everyone will be in danger if such a creature reaches out to them.

Secondly, photographs of blood relatives pose a rather serious danger. Only the channel of pure love, connecting you with the parent shown in the photograph, cannot become an outlet for the phenomenon of the other world into our world. In any other case, this can happen. In addition, the photography itself with its aura can also quite actively influence you.

For example, a photograph of a deceased father-in-law on the wall at the time of a scandal between spouses can have a very strong effect on the further fate of a son-in-law with its personal aura. So be careful when handling family albums and photographs in general.

Thirdly, we should carefully consider all those photographs "for memory" that we like to take against the background of some sights. Of course, I really want to preserve the memory of a pleasant trip for a long time, but there is one significant danger: you can inadvertently capture yourself or your loved ones against the background of one of the "active" energetic places. We are talking, for example, about monuments, the aura of which opens a direct channel of communication with the souls of the people to whom the monument is erected. You run the risk of letting in the aura of such a place, an energetically not closed channel, into your home together with the photograph. In addition, photographs can bring an ominous aura of "black space" into your home. When filming against the backdrop of picturesque ruins, pay attention to your feelings. It may turn out that the location you have chosen is unsafe.