"Heavy Eye" Destroyed The Family - Alternative View

"Heavy Eye" Destroyed The Family - Alternative View
"Heavy Eye" Destroyed The Family - Alternative View

Video: "Heavy Eye" Destroyed The Family - Alternative View


My cousin got married at twenty-two to a very nice guy. I remember that shortly before the wedding, the women in our family joked, they say, not a groom, but gold: thirty years, an apartment, a car, an orphan, and the closest relatives live two thousand kilometers away. In general, there are no problems, live and be happy. But as always, the devil was in the details.

From a young age, my sister adores everyone the mystical. She herself often wondered, and she traveled around all the attendants in the area for the sake of sports interest. In general, when she met Victor, that is the name of her husband, it was only before the wedding that she found out that he had a solid dacha left over from his parents. Victor even offered to celebrate a wedding celebration there, but decided to walk in the city.

In general, after the wedding a few months later, Lenka called me and offered to meet. It's over, I could not refuse. She seemed to be agitated, and I even thought that her family was beginning to break up. But it turned out that it was different.

During the meeting, my sister shared her fears with me. It turned out that the newly-made family decided to move temporarily to the suburbs to their dacha. And if they take root there, they will make repairs to the house and stay forever.

But during her stay in the country, the sister noticed one strange feature of her husband. According to her, everything he said came true one way or another. And as an example, she told several episodes.

The first time they didn't have enough money for a boiler. The husband remembered that the neighbor owes exactly the same amount. And the sister objected, they say, he will not repay the debt soon. But in the evening the neighbor brought everything to a penny.

Another time, the husband noticed that the neighbor had not cleared the snow from the path to his house. All would be fine, but he seemed to say by the way - here is a lazy person, he himself can slip … On the same day, a neighbor broke his arm on this path.

At one time, the sister's yard dog constantly barked at drunken passers-by. Once my husband said that the dog is certainly good, but it would be nice if it barks more quietly. Two days later, the dog had to be taken to the vet. The dog developed severe otitis media extremely quickly. After that, the dog could not bark for three weeks. Even now it rarely barks and not so loudly.

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All these incidents greatly frightened my sister. She loved Victor, but feared that his abilities might harm her too. You never know what will happen, suddenly swear. But the story didn't end there.

One day, my husband saw a neighbor through the window, who drank well almost every day and staggered past their house. Victor simply decided to philosophize about the fact that someone is given good health, drink without a breath and at the same time there is nothing to complain about, while others do not drink and are sick. The next day, Lena was not even surprised that her neighbor, a drunkard, was taken to the hospital with a heart attack.

Moreover, if the husband remembers someone from old acquaintances, then the very next day they will definitely meet. And the sister could give a great many examples of such.

We talked for a long time and Lenka gave more and more examples of the strange abilities of her husband. But it was time to part and after calming my sister a little, I took her to the bus. About a year has passed since then. We never returned to this question, and now we saw each other very rarely.

One night I was woken up by a doorbell, a frightened sister was standing on the threshold. I immediately noticed that she was pregnant. Entering the apartment, she burst into tears. It turned out that Victor had forbidden his wife to tell relatives about her pregnancy. He explained this by the fact that he did not want to be jinxed.

After these words, I already laughed. Nevertheless, the sister decided to remain silent. One day the child began to push hard and the sister became worried. Victor had just come home from work and wanted to rest. But his wife's anxiety put an end to Victor's rest. He was so angry that in his hearts he yelled at the child to calm him down. As a result, the sister ended up in the hospital and almost lost her child.

Victor looked after his wife and carried hot soup to the hospital. When his sister was discharged, on the way home, Viktor said that when his parents drove to the city by car, he was very offended that he was not taken and in his hearts wished that their wheel burst and they returned home. But it turned out that the wheel had really burst, but not in the parents' car, but in the truck driving towards them. The parents did return home, but in two closed coffins.

After this story, my sister felt bad and when her husband went to the shower, the sister grabbed the essentials and ran to the station at a run. Victor pounded the doorstep for a long time, but his sister was adamant. She was convinced that Victor would definitely harm her or the child. As a result, they parted, but the sister is still terribly afraid of the words of her ex-husband.

