"Jericho Trumpets". The Bible About Artillery - Alternative View

"Jericho Trumpets". The Bible About Artillery - Alternative View
"Jericho Trumpets". The Bible About Artillery - Alternative View

Video: "Jericho Trumpets". The Bible About Artillery - Alternative View

Video: Jericho Trumpets: The Sound of War! "Shofar" Horns & Gideon's 300 in Judges [the Bible] @Adam II 2024, October

“There are always three: one who does not understand, who does not understand,

how can you not understand, and not understand, how can you not understand that you can not understand it”.

- (E. Ermolova)

Very often, in search of a sensation, scientists try to interpret fairly simple things using incredibly complex explanations. Take, for example, the biblical legend of the destruction of the walls of Jericho with pipes. They agreed to the point that the Jews possessed a certain prototype of acoustic weapons.

Well, the absurdity of this version, which has practically become a scientific fact, can be discerned by any person who has received a full secondary education. Anyone … Except for official historians who are concerned with the fight against "pseudosciences". And let these historians gather in a large team and try to destroy at least a dog kennel with the help of pipes, for a start?

But let's start with the legend itself. The fact that Modern Jericho, to put it mildly, is not exactly the place that was mentioned in the legend described by the authors of the Bible, it seems clear to everyone. According to the Old Testament, the Jews met the first Canaanite city in the forty-first year of their journey from Egypt.


Promotional video:

Several questions at once to the "Holy Scripture".

- Suppose that between Egypt and the city that is now called Jericho, in fact, there were no cities, which does not correspond to the truth, because they were, how can you manage to walk in circles on this "patch" in order to spend as much as forty years ?

- If we assume that in fact, they walked for forty years, and came to the first Canaanite city, then how to explain that the Russian city is so far from Russia? After all, Jews consider the Russians to be Canaanites (Canaanites), and Scythia was called Canaan!

- If, after all, modern Jericho and Canaanite, this is the same city, which most likely corresponds to the truth, then it must be recognized that either this territory was part of the lands of Scythia, or was a city - a colony, or even a province - a colony, which was called Samaria. But in fact, and on the Volga there is also Samara. By the way, its name fits well into the Russian tradition, sounds something like Yaroslavl. In Arabic, Jericho is pronounced "Yarikha" (أريحا). But then, what were the Russians guilty of before the Jews? For what sins did Joshua decide to destroy the city and massacre its population?

- If there were really four million Jews, why such difficulties with the "acoustic weapon"? With such a crowd, the fortress can be disassembled with bare hands in half an hour.

- But even if the army was one third of the "declared delegation", then why did they not arm themselves, at least with swords, but preferred to carry copper pipes on themselves across the desert?

One hundred thousand Jews for six days walked in circles around the fortress and blew pipes and whistles, then, on the seventh day, they burst throughout the desert and the walls collapsed. What kind of pipes are we talking about? First, let's see how the "battle" was portrayed in the Middle Ages.


Pay attention to the clothes of the Jews. Is that how they dressed in the Middle East? And the landscape … Pure desert! Well, the funny thing is … Canaanites built themselves in 1420 BC. Swabian houses on three floors. Did you get an illiterate artist? Come on! There are hundreds of examples of such "discrepancies"! There is even a picture where the crucifixion of Jesus is produced by people in caftans and hats trimmed with fur, against the background of a wide river or even a sea bay. No, all artists won't lie. Biblical geography is completely lame. Compare the picture with the real Jericho.


Is there anything in common? Of course not. Now compare the people blowing the fanfare and this guy:


This is a resident of Astrakhan of the 17th century. Doesn't it look like anything? And the landscape is behind….

Well, now, actually, about the pipes. There are a lot of examples in history when not understanding what he saw and heard leads to a free interpretation, which was initially incorrect. Hence the angels, heavenly chariots, thunders, alien plates, etc. What could have caused such awe in people who first encountered a phenomenon that does not find a logical explanation? Yes, that's what! Here are the copper pipes:


Now, the mechanism of the birth of the myth becomes clear. I believe the following happened:

Some goat herder, who did not know about the existence of gunpowder and artillery, accidentally witnessed artillery preparation during the siege of the fortress. What did he see? And he saw copper tubes emitting a deafening roar, and the next moment after the shot, the collapse of the fortress walls. Of course, he could not see the projectiles flying out - the nuclei. And, accordingly, due to his limited knowledge, he told his fellow tribesmen what he saw with his own eyes: - the rumble of pipes, and connected, somehow with a crash, the fall of the walls.

Further, the process, known to us as "OBS", or "one grandmother said", developed. In other words, a damaged phone. This is when people, having no idea about the event itself, try to retell it from the words of an illiterate witness. Exactly as in that joke:

- Do you like the Beatles?

- What is there to listen to? They shout, lisp, fake.

- Where did you hear them?

- Neighbor Izya sang.

The position of the official science, which has risen to the defense of the myth of the “antiquity” of the Bible, is now understandable. Instead of admitting that the Bible was written already in the era of the existence of artillery weapons, they are ready to go even to support the version of the existence of "the ancient Hebrew acoustic-resonant type of ground forces."

Meanwhile, everything falls into place. Jericho city was destroyed by artillery fire!

In search of information about copper guns, I came across a sample that does not fit into the overall picture:


This is an exhibit of a museum in Bali.

Museum curators claim that this is a small-caliber weapon. The channel in the barrel is of a ridiculous diameter, like a musket. Why such a wall thickness !? And why such a ridiculous dragon head decoration? It's simple. Take a look at this mural. This is the so-called "Greek Fire", the prototype of the modern flamethrower:


Well, everything fell into place. It's a flamethrower! He did not shoot with cannonballs, but shot at a distance an ignited liquid! And for a snack: What do you mean “Pass fire, water and copper pipes? Haven't guessed?

And I think so: - It's all about the wrongly placed punctuation marks. The first comma is not needed. There must be a hyphen.

"Fire-water and copper pipes". Those. it's not about the elements, fire, water, and glory. We are talking about copper pipes pouring fire water (napalm) on the enemy. The flamethrower test is truly a terrible thing. Those who have passed it have nothing to fear.

The original version of this article was published on October 5, 2012.

Author: kadykchanskiy
