Forgotten Gods Of The Slavs: Dazhdbog - Alternative View

Forgotten Gods Of The Slavs: Dazhdbog - Alternative View
Forgotten Gods Of The Slavs: Dazhdbog - Alternative View

Video: Forgotten Gods Of The Slavs: Dazhdbog - Alternative View

Video: Forgotten Gods Of The Slavs: Dazhdbog - Alternative View

Dazhdbog - Svarozhich. among the pagan Slavs - the god of fertility and the Sun, life-giving power. His name is not from the word "rain", as it is sometimes mistakenly thought, it means "the giver of God," "the giver of all blessings." The Slavs believed that Dazhdbog rides across the sky in a wonderful chariot drawn by four white fire-maned horses with golden wings. And the sunlight comes from the fiery shield that Dazhdbog carries with him. Twice a day - in the morning and in the evening - he crosses the Ocean-Sea in a boat pulled by geese, ducks and swans. Therefore, the Slavs attributed special power to talisman amulets in the form of a duck with a horse's head.

Dazhdbog had a dignified gait and a direct look that did not know a lie. And also wonderful hair, sunny golden, easily flying in the wind. The eyes of all three were the same, blue-blue, like a clear sky on a sunny afternoon, like a gully in black thunderclouds, like the blue, intolerable core of a fire.

The Son of Heaven carries a wonderful shield on a light chariot drawn by four snow-white horses, began to illuminate the beauties and wondrous diva of the Earth: fields and hills, high oak forests and resinous pine forests, wide lakes, free rivers, ringing streams and cheerful student springs.


The first ancestor of the Slavs (the Slavs are according to the text "The Lay of Igor's Host" - dazhdbozh's grandchildren) "Then under Olza Gorislavlich he sows and spreads feuds, the life of Dazhdbozh's grandson will perish, in the princely sedition of the vetsi human being scrapped."

"A resentment arose in the strength of Dazhdbozh's grandson, entered the land of Troyan as a virgin, splashed her wings with swans on the blue sea near the Don: splash, lose the fat times."

According to "The Word of John the Zlotoustom … what was the first trash who believed in idols and put their treasures …", the god of the sun and life-giving power.

Probably, Dazhdbog could, following the white Sventovit, correlate with Apollo (Targelius) as the god of sunlight. In the teachings against paganism, among other gods, it is mentioned next to Artemis: “and approaching the idol and began to eat lightning and thunder, and the sun and the moon, and the druses to Pereun, Hours, the pitchfork and Mokoshi, we were stubborn and berezynyam; Believe in Svarozhitsa and in Artemis, imzhe neveglash people pray, and chickens slaughter them … and the ice in the waters will sink the essence. And druzsh to the storehouses comes to pray and throw into the water … offering sacrifice, and druzsh fire and camet, and rivers, and fountains, and banks, and firewood - not just the same in trash, but people still do that."

Promotional video:

Day of Dazhdbog is Sunday, its metal is gold, its stone is yacht. The celebration may fall on the day of Rodion Icebreaker. The largest cult center of Svarozhich was located on the lands of the Retari lutichi, was repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt again - in 953 it was ruined by Otgon the First, in 1068 by the Saxon Bishop Burkhardt II and was finally burned by the Germans in 1147-1150. during the crusade against the pagans of the Bavarian Duke Heinrich the Lion. Bronze images of lutich gods and ritual objects from the Retrinsky temple were found in the land of the village of Prilvits at the end of the 17th century. The figures are covered with Slavic runic inscriptions. On the lands of the Vyatichi, in honor of God-Svarozhich, fortifications were also named. The sacred animal of Dazhdbog was considered a lion (like the Persian sun god Mithra), Svarozhich was depicted either with a lion's head,or riding a chariot drawn by lions.

The symbols of Svarozhich are not only royal lions, but also boars (a boar is also the embodiment of the Indian Vishnu and the Scandinavian Freyr). One of the attributes is a sword, later an ax, as well as a spear, possibly a scarlet banner:

“In this converge the devil Svarozhich and the leader of the saints, yours and our Mauritius? Those. Who raises the sacred spear in front, and those who stain the devil's banners with human blood?

The idol's head is placed on the rise of the sun or to the southeast so that he can follow its progress.

Dazhdbog was called Savior, i.e. A savior, but not in the sense of the salvation of the lost sheep of Israel, but in the sense of a military one - a defender. Therefore, Apple (August 19) and Honey Savior (August 14) are the days of Svarozhich's celebration. Together with Yarila, he is also honored on Yuri Zimny (December 9).


One of the names - Dazhbog - is obviously Slavic, consisting of two roots. Linguists have determined that the word "god" in ancient times meant not only deity, but also wealth, share: this is indicated, for example, by the opposition of the words "rich" and "poor" with their original meanings "endowed with a share" and "deprived share”, although in the modern language these words have acquired somewhat different semantic shades. Therefore, based on the meaning of the roots that make up the name of Dazhbog, he can be regarded as a deity "giving wealth, share." For the Slavic peoples engaged in agriculture, well-being and prosperity depended on the harvest, and the harvest, in turn, depended on the life-giving power of light and the heat of the sun. Therefore, most likely, the Eastern Slavs called the sun god Dazhbog.

Indeed, in the Ipatiev Chronicle under the year 1114 there is an insert from the translation of "XPOHIK" by John Malala, which speaks of the pagan gods and, among others, Theostus (Hephaestus) and his son the Sun (Helios). The Slavic translator "Xpo-niki" by Malala identifies the ancient Greek Theostus with Sva-horn, and the Sun with Dazhbog:

“According to the death of Theostov the hegozh and Svarog, to name and reign the son in his name, the Sun, whom he will call Dazhbog. The sun is the king son Svarogov hedgehog is Even-god"

It follows that Dazhbog was perceived as the son of Svarog, the god of fire, and was associated with the sun.

According to the name and function, the East Slavic Dazh-god is comparable to the South Slavic sun deity Dabog (or Daybog).