The Curse Of Stone Heads. - Alternative View

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The Curse Of Stone Heads. - Alternative View
The Curse Of Stone Heads. - Alternative View

The ancient Celts, the aborigines of the British Isles, since ancient times worshiped the deities of fertility and magic, whose idols were carved out of stone in the form of human heads. The Celts used them to decorate their dwellings, barns and other buildings. According to Celtic legends, these deities are favorably disposed towards people only if they are worshiped and appeased. However, they are quite capricious and vindictive, they are difficult to please. If they are "offended" by any one person, then, according to legend, they can send a curse in revenge on everyone who looks into their eyes. Eyewitnesses claim that the ancient deities have retained power over people to this day

A few years ago in England, brother and sister Leslie and Colin Robson, while playing in the garden of their parents' house, accidentally dug up two strange stones the size of a tennis ball in the ground. After clearing them of sand and dirt, the children discovered that the objects found resemble human heads. The kids took the stones to the house and showed them to their parents. Both faces were roughly hollowed out of gray-green lustrous quartz and looked like death masks. One of the heads looked like a man's, and the other, because of the hair on the back of the head, resembled a woman's.

Leslie and Colin's father, John Robson, looked at the amazing finds with interest. He decided to leave them at home and somehow show them to his friend, the archaeological scientist Dr. Ross.

But with the appearance of the mysterious stone heads, mysterious events began to take place in the Robsons' house. One day the whole family watched in amazement as these heads, which the children christened "the devil" and "the witch," suddenly, by themselves, began to rotate. After that, the Robsons began to notice that their dishes were breaking and completely new things were breaking for no apparent reason. In addition, all family members constantly felt anxiety and fear. Several times the neighbors of the Robsons, in their absence, saw that a strange bluish light was burning in the house. Soon, acquaintances who lived nearby began to claim that "something was going on in their houses."

Horrible dream

One evening Robson's wife, Anne, heard crying from the nursery. She rushed upstairs and found the children terribly anxious and frightened. The son and daughter claimed that there had just been a “terrible man” in their room, who appeared from nowhere and also suddenly disappeared. The mother, as best she could, reassured the children, convincing them that they had dreamed all this. But, finding herself on the threshold of her own bedroom, the woman was horrified to find in her an eerie creature: on top it was an animal that looked like a wolf, and the lower half of the body was human. Mrs. Robson screamed, and the strange creature jumped onto the windowsill and jumped out into the street. At the same time, Ann clearly heard a slap, and then the sound of receding steps. Later, she learned from her neighbors that on the same night many heard strange sounds and muffled voices in their homes.

Mysterious creatures

A few days later, the mysterious creature reappeared in the Robsons' house. This time, the head of the family himself noticed in the doorway of the living room an eerie, half-wolf ray-man. “I was terribly frightened,” recalls John, “but unexpectedly for myself, I rushed towards the terrible creature. I had the feeling that at all costs, I decided to drive the vile creature out of my house. Oddly enough, the wolfman ran away down the stairs. The unfortunate family reported the incident to the police. But the guards, as expected, advised them to turn to another authority, for example, to a psychiatric clinic. Meanwhile, in the Robsons house, all sorts of devilry continued to happen: a mirror broke for no reason, home appliances went out of order from time to time, incomprehensible voices were heard every now and then, doors slammed,terrible mysterious creatures appeared in the rooms.

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Once a neighbor of the Robsons, Mary Baba, reported that she saw a "wolf with human legs" in her house. She was so frightened that she decided not to return to her apartment and settled with relatives for a while. The reason for the strange phenomena remained a mystery to everyone around him, until John Robson accidentally noticed how one of the stone heads found by children in the courtyard of the house emits a strange bluish light. It occurred to him that all the trouble began after the mysterious idols appeared in the house. He urgently called his friend Dr. Ross. After talking about what was happening, John Robson asked him to come and pick up the "damn stones", otherwise he would just throw them in the trash. Ross was not slow to arrive and, having examined the find, came to the conclusion that in his hands were Celtic idols,one of which personifies the deity of fertility, and the other - the spirit of magic and witchcraft. In his opinion, both idols

were extraordinarily ancient. Dr. Ross decided to take the amazing finds with him to conduct a detailed scientific study. At the same time, he did his best to calm the anxious Robsons family, convincing them that all the stories about the magical properties of idols are nothing more than silly superstition and "children's tales." Jokingly, he even told a Celtic legend about how one hero pacified the raging spirits with one word "obey!" Supposedly this is enough to temporarily protect yourself from their evil power.

Witch smile

Saying goodbye to the Robsons family and laughing to himself at their "stupid superstitions", Dr. Ross went on his way back. But before he had time to drive a few kilometers, he began to feel discomfort and anxiety. All the time it seemed to Ross that he was

looks at the back of the head. But in the back seat-

his car was empty except for two stone idols. He turned and saw with fear that one of them was … smiling! Ross turned away in horror and accelerated. But his car, in the most unexpected way, suddenly stalled right in the middle of the road and stopped. Several drivers barely dodged a collision with Dr. Ross's car. He wanted to start the engine, but he couldn't bring himself to move. It seemed to Ross that if he did it, something terrible would happen. People passing by looked in amazement at the car standing on the road and the driver, pale with fear, clutching the steering wheel. Suddenly, Ross remembered an ancient legend told the day before to the hapless Robsons. He almost shouted out the cherished word: "Obey!" Immediately after that, the car started on its own, and the feeling of fear and despair began to disappear. Dr. Ross furtively glanced at the backseat and was relieved to see the strange smile on the idol's face gone.

He reached the house without incident, but did not dare to bring the idols into the apartment. After a while, he sent the "devil" and "witch" to the archaeological museum, where the research carried out confirmed Ross's own conclusions about their ancient Celtic origin.

After a while, Dr. Ross had an accident. He himself was hardly injured, but the car had to be sent to a landfill. He soon learned that a fire had broken out in the Robsons' house. And when he heard that in the museum of archeology "all devilry is going on", he was no longer surprised. After all, he felt the "curse of ancient idols" on himself.