Atta Ants And Teleportation - Alternative View

Atta Ants And Teleportation - Alternative View
Atta Ants And Teleportation - Alternative View

Video: Atta Ants And Teleportation - Alternative View

Video: Atta Ants And Teleportation - Alternative View
Video: Teleporting Carpenter Ants 2024, October

If a person could master teleportation, which is characteristic of ants for millions of years, we would soon reach the most distant stars!

Atta ants are insects of the American tropics. However, they are represented in the warm parts of North America in several varieties, and one of them even climbed into the state of New Jersey. These creatures live in communities in their underground cities, being engaged, like humans, in agriculture and succeeding in this no less, if not more than humans. But the atta also came up with something else, so incredible that it almost defies our logic. They seem to be able to teleport!

Incredible atta live in multimillion ant megacities reaching 15 meters in diameter and 6 meters deep. Life here is extraordinarily difficult, and the cities themselves are served by almost the same communal systems as our metropolitan areas. But unlike ours, these systems function flawlessly. The basis of the ant economy is the cultivation of small fungi on a substrate of leaves and petals obtained from the outside world. The whole life of the city, and primarily the reproduction of offspring, is associated with these agricultural works.


One or at best several huge queens are engaged in reproduction, each of them is several thousand times larger than the largest worker ant. Eggs flow from the queens in a continuous stream, and the queens themselves are on the strictest diet, which is monitored by nurse ants - this allows you to breed one of several types of adult ants in accordance with the needs of the city. Each uterus receives only one type of food and lays the same eggs.

From the anthill there are radial roads with underpasses, awnings protecting from heavy rains, ring tracks and even with cloverleaf junctions. On the roads, streams of ants go out without a burden, and crumbs loaded with pieces of leaves descend towards them. Weighing thousands of these leaves, experts came to the conclusion that their weight is at least twice the weight of an ant.

Having tied the finest colored thread around one ant, scientists followed its path out of the city. He moved without stopping to a lonely tree, which was about four hundred meters away. Then he climbed up this tree, climbed onto the crown, chose a leaf and began to gnaw off a piece from it. In the evening, watching the return of an ant laden with a heavy burden back to their city, scientists witnessed the formation of a real traffic jam.

The twig that the ant was dragging fell onto one of the ant roads. The incoming and outgoing streams of ants were mixed for several meters. Suddenly, a few larger police ants appeared among them. About two o'clock a dump was observed, but the ants raked aside old leaves and all kinds of rubbish and built a detour, along which the hard workers immediately moved.

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The researchers have a question: where did the police ants come from so quickly, which under normal conditions diverge many meters from each other?

Scientists on the same night set up an experiment on an ant road 60 meters long with very heavy traffic. They installed observation devices, then blocked the road. A minute later, a police ant appeared. Crashing into the ant crowd, he drove his antennae-mustaches (atta blind) and made them throw leaves to the side of the road.


Other policemen rushed in from the city and acted in the same way, and then began to drive the unloaded ants away from the fence set up by the scientists. Meanwhile, the road began to be built bypassing. Part of the police forces stuck around the barrier in order to direct the approaching ants, who had already dropped their cargo, into the city, indicating the direction of the roundabout. And now a new path has been laid. The ants were returning for the previously abandoned cargo - strictly on the left side of the road. They did not interfere with the oncoming traffic of the hard workers returning with the load along the new road to the city.

This opposition of the ants walking into the city again made scientists think: how did the ants know what to do, whether the police told them about it or not? Scientists decided that information about an unexpected obstacle on the road was transmitted to the anthill through serial contact with the antennas. However, the question arose: is it possible to transmit information at such a speed using the contact of the antennas? An analysis was carried out, here are its results: even if 60 thousand ants simultaneously turned in one direction and instantly touched each other's antennas, the signal would be transmitted a hundred times slower than the speed with which the police arrived! Therefore, atta has a telecommunications system, and not mechanical, not due to touch.

This is not a video system - after all, the police are underground, and the police have no eyes. The odor is also highly unlikely (although odors are now believed to have an electromagnetic nature).

Nevertheless, atta can transmit information over distances of about three to five kilometers, and its transmission occurs at a speed many times higher than any possible mechanical action.

There are several hypotheses on this score: electromagnetic, telepathic, acoustic.

If the secret is in acoustics, then either the police ants in the depths of cities are endowed with some kind of supersensitive organs for receiving sound signals, or the information is broadcast by some special ants. Could it be cop patrol ants? It is unlikely, in any case, not earlier than the policeman arrives at the place where something is happening.

Dr. X. Forrest discovered that ants of different species make sounds by clicking their paws, rubbing their paws and closing their jaws. She also became convinced that ants are capable of making much more complex sounds with the help of so-called chirping organs, reminiscent of those found in grasshoppers and locusts. Dr. Forrest believes that the sounds that arise may well be heard by a person with fine hearing, who is near insects. As proof, she presented tape recordings of the sounds of twenty-five species of ants.

Maybe this explains everything? No, most likely the last word hasn't been said yet.

Assuming acoustic communication, we will be forced to assume that the sounds made by ants should constitute the language through which information is transmitted. Any police officer can send a signal. Someone needs to determine its origin and take appropriate measures. What language is this? Unknown …

An even more incredible observation regarding atta has yet to be explained. This is teleportation. This term is widespread among parapsychologists and mystics. Initially, the term meant the instant transfer of objects from one point to another, even through a solid medium (abbreviated as MP).

Until recently, the very idea of the possibility of teleportation, serious science, if not ignored, then treated it with fear.

In recent years, the orthodox, primarily nuclear physicists, who allow tunnel junctions of microparticles, have begun to talk about this in an undertone. However, there are reports of large-scale MFs occurring both in nature and in laboratories.

The fact that instant transfers exist would turn all technologies upside down. But our lives would change so much that we could regret it and impose strict restrictions on them.

Perhaps it is just teleportation that helps atta.

Atta queens only eat and reproduce. While still small, they fly away from their hometown, copulate, descend to the ground, dig into it and found a new city. When the uterus gives birth to a galaxy of worker ants, they begin to care for her, and in the meantime, she grows to monstrous sizes and increases the productivity of her egg conveyor.

To protect the uterus, the worker ants construct a chamber so strong that it can only be destroyed with a heavy crowbar. The chamber completely surrounds the uterus, and only at the very bottom of it there are a series of small openings for the entry and exit of food carriers, channels for excrement and passage of midwives who watch the eggs, as well as an egg trough.

Often these chambers reach the size of a coconut, they are slightly flattened and slightly elongated, and their walls can be several centimeters thick. If you get to this chamber and carefully cut off the side of it, you can mark the uterus with a thin trickle of paint from a spray bottle (this large insect occupies the entire chamber).

As long as the camera is left open or covered with a piece of glass, nothing happens. In such cases, the queen often dies, or the worker ants transfer her to another place. Sometimes she continues to lay eggs, albeit dyed. However, if you close the chamber tightly for just a few minutes, the uterus will disappear!

Without a trace!

This fact could be explained by the fact that the ants kill the uterus and then remove its remains through the lower small holes. But don't forget about the paint! Her trace is gone.

Further excavations and searches in the same anthill, which sometimes lasted several hours, stunned all the participants in the experiment: a few tens of meters from the place where the uterus disappeared, there was another heavy-duty concrete chamber, in which there was the same uterus with all the identification marks in the form of spots of paint. - she felt great, took food and laid eggs! And this was observed time after time.

Isn't this MP? And if not, tell me, how does it happen? They want to convince us that they remove a concrete chamber 30 cm long, dig a tunnel with a diameter of 8 to 10 cm and a length of about several meters, dig another cavity 60 cm long, push the uterus into it and then build a new chamber around it - and that's it. it takes a few hours. This assumption does not hold water, since all reports say that uterus disappears from such chambers within minutes - without the chamber even being destroyed.

Wouldn't it be wiser to envision a teleportation system for the most important members of ant society?

From the point of view of some experts, there is something unpleasant in all this. Such things are clearly contrary to everything we have been taught, what we are used to seeing and what we like. But is it really more annoying than an electric current, which, being supplied to one end of a metal wire, does useful work at the other end? In the end, until very recently, no one had a clear theory of what electricity is.

Sound passes through matter, light passes through matter, so why can't matter pass through matter? In any case, matter is 99 percent made up of holes, and you can probably seep through it in the same way that any of us can pierce a metal mesh with a stream of water.

If we manage to embrace the principles of MP, going into deep space and even other galaxies can be extremely simple - maybe everything will come down to just a leak through space!

Kirill Butusov
