Real Scary Stories From Reddit Users. Part 11 - Alternative View

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Real Scary Stories From Reddit Users. Part 11 - Alternative View
Real Scary Stories From Reddit Users. Part 11 - Alternative View

Video: Real Scary Stories From Reddit Users. Part 11 - Alternative View

Video: Real Scary Stories From Reddit Users. Part 11 - Alternative View
Video: Scary Stories | True Scary Horror Stories | Reddit Horror Stories 2024, September

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 -

Werewolf in a brothel

“It happened in La Junquera in northern Spain, a small settlement in Catalonia surrounded by dense, dark forests. The place is mainly known as a collection of brothels with Bulgarian and Romanian prostitutes, and people regularly disappear there without a trace.

In the photo: A police officer checks the road prostitutes in La Junquera
In the photo: A police officer checks the road prostitutes in La Junquera

In the photo: A police officer checks the road prostitutes in La Junquera.

I was there in 2015 and saw everything myself. Most of the local brothels are arranged like this: on the ground floor there is a large hall for dancing, drinks and conversations, and above a dozen rooms.

So, one night, when music was playing in full swing on the first floor and prostitutes were dancing with potential clients, from somewhere in the upper room an almost naked "priestess of love" came running and she was in a panic and very scared (Paranormal news - paranormal-news. ru).

She shouted “Hombre Lobo! Hombre Lobo! “(Hombre Lobo-werewolf), and then turned her back and everyone saw that her back was badly scratched to the blood. The marks were as if from very large claws.

Promotional video:

The scratches were still bleeding, they were inflicted just a minute ago. And everyone was looking at her back. Nobody danced anymore, although the music was still playing. Everyone looked at this girl in silence. And then there was such a loud wolf howl that it could be heard even through loud music. And I remember how most of the visitors immediately rushed to the exit and ran out into the street.

I also ran out into the street and soon the police drove up. They entered the brothel and a few minutes later we heard the howl again, and then the sound of gunshots.

And then something big and hairy jumped out through another exit, but it flashed so quickly that no one had time to examine it in detail. Moreover, it was a dark night. Some people tried to photograph this creature on their phones, but it hardly worked.

Then the whole place was tightly surrounded and we were interrogated by the police, what we saw. We were even forbidden to take our cars from the brothel ourselves, they were driven to the parking lot."


Cold place

“As a child, I often had unusual dreams, but it is difficult to explain it simply by a dream. One summer, in a dream, I felt a fall into a hole, and when I tried to grab onto something, I grabbed onto someone's very long and wet hands. Terrified at the sensation of this, I woke up. I lay there with my eyes open and I was still very scared, and at the same time it seemed that someone was looking at me.

The time was 5 am, and for some reason the blinds were open on the window, and for some reason everything outside the window was dark bluish. It was not at all like a summer dawn and it was very cold. I got up and began to walk around the house, noticing that all the rooms were empty and my relatives were gone, just like my dog was gone. At the same time, I noticed that the blinds on all windows were also open, although we close them at night.

I got dressed and went outside. There were no cars anywhere, cars disappeared near neighbors' houses and ours also disappeared. People were also nowhere to be seen. At the same time, I felt that this was not a dream or even a lucid dream, because I could not pass through objects, I could not control anything and could not wake up.

I decided to go back to my house and noticed that the clock in the house was still stuck at around 5 am. Then I sat in a quiet and cold house for about an hour before I heard a loud sound similar to the operation of a car engine. I ran to my room, lay down, closed my eyes, and when I opened it again, everything was now normal, the cold was gone, and the blinds on the window were closed.

I ran outside and saw that all the cars were standing in their places, but when I returned to the house and looked at the clock, it was again at 5 am. However, now time did not stop, the arrow moved forward.

Then I went into the living room and saw my grandfather on the couch, he was scared and shivering all over. As it turned out, he now experienced the same thing as me. Then we both called this phenomenon "cold place", but we do not like to remember this, it is too creepy."


Hospital smell

“I don't remember when it happened, but around 2002-2006, when I was 3-6 years old. At that time we lived in a private house with a large garden with my mother and my brother. The house was in a remote countryside and as soon as we got there, it began to cause us uneasy feelings. We lived in it for about three years and during this time several terrible anomalous phenomena happened in it.

The first happened on a warm summer night and I remember how my brother, who was 5 years older than me, ran into my mother's room in horror and crawled under her blanket. He said that he woke up at night and decided to play a video set-top box on the TV, and then he saw something very scary in the reflection of the screen. He described it poorly, but it seems there was someone's face.

Then it was my turn. That night, I had to sleep in a room with my cousin, who was the same age as my older brother. Before going to sleep, he read me a book and everything was fine, and then a terrible scream or even a scream full of pain came in my head. And I heard it for at least five minutes. I was so scared that I also ran to my mother's room and even cried with fear.

Then my uncle came to us. We chatted all evening. he drank wine and was very cheerful and a little drunk. And then he went to the kitchen to grab a couple more cans of beer from the refrigerator, and came back pale as a sheet. According to him, when he left the kitchen, a tall, dark figure appeared in front of him, which seemed to float out of the floor. Uncle even managed to make out that it was a man in a farmer's clothes before it disappeared.

The most interesting thing is that our mother never saw anything disturbing or strange in the house. However, once something unusual happened to her. She liked to sit in the living room until 11 or 12 o'clock and watch TV, and that evening, a distinct hospital smell suddenly filled the living room. You probably understand what I'm talking about, this is the specific smell of drugs.

Later I thought about these phenomena and thought that most likely in that house there was once a man who was very ill, suffered from severe pain, took many medications, and then died there. At the same time, why we all faced different manifestations of this, I could not understand."

Spooky phone call

“It happened 8-9 years ago. I was at the mall with my daughter on the weekend, and then we decided to go to the pastry shop and have a cake. Before we had time to sit down at a table with portions of cake, someone called my phone and the screen showed that my sister was calling. At the same time, I knew that at that time she was at work and she usually does not call me at such a time and she never gives her phone to any of her colleagues. So I immediately got worried and thought that something very important had happened.


When I answered the call and said “Hello,” a very eerie and plump voice answered me, which was completely different from my sister's. And do you know what that voice said?

"Ah, so you just sit here and eat the cake?"

I remember that I tried to answer something, but this voice did not listen to me, but began to laugh just as terribly. And he kept laughing and laughing. And it was not clear whether the voice was male or female.

I looked around in bewilderment. Maybe I was the victim of some kind of prank? But then I thought, how would they get my sister's phone number for the prank? I, still in confusion, interrupted the call and looked at my daughter. She sat and calmly ate her cake and the people around also behaved as usual.

Later I told my sister about everything and she also did not understand how this could happen. Her call log did not indicate a call to my phone at this time, she showed it to me. So I still don't understand. What was it.

Orange peels

“I was then 4 or 5 years old and one day I went to sleep on a bed in my room on the second floor of our house. But before I could close my eyes, something light and small flew at me from the side of my box with toys, which stood against the wall. This thing landed on my blanket, I picked it up and thought it looked a lot like an orange peel. It could have been something else, as I understand it now, but then I decided it was orange peel.

I wasn't even scared, but I was confused, and then I ran out into the corridor to see if my stepfather was hiding there. My stepfather was quite capable of such a joke. But he was far from my door, and when he saw me he complained that I should sleep and not walk around the house. When I told him about the "crust", he got angry and said that there was no need to invent anything just not to go to bed.


I was a little nervous, but went back to my room and went back to bed. However, probably 5-10 minutes passed and something flew in my direction again. This time it hit me in the face. Out of fear, I dived headlong under the entire blanket, and then I saw how something walked over my blanket, I saw how it sagged. However, when I got out from under the covers, I saw nothing.

In the evening my mother came home from work and I told her about the crust and the blanket. But both my mother and stepfather just laughed, and then said that I dreamed everything.

It took a few days or maybe a couple of weeks. I sat on the floor in my room and played with toys. And when I was digging in a toy box that stood against the wall, I found a dry orange peel in it. I grabbed her and ran to show her to my mother, but she said that apparently she herself had left her in my room.

However, over the next couple of years, I found pieces of dry orange peel in various places in our house, including my room. They lay in boxes under the table. At the same time, I was forbidden to eat in the bedroom, and I myself never brought oranges there.

I understand that all this is very strange and you can hardly find anything like this on the Internet. The only thing I found there is that dry orange peels are used to exorcise demons, while these peels must be burned. In addition, I will note that our home was in Salem, Oregon, and in the place where there used to be an Indian cemetery."

Shadow creature behind my little brother

“This strange shadow was behind my brother when he tried to make a video on his laptop. He and his mother were the only people in the house at that moment, his father was at work. The doorway, where this shadow stands, leads to the bathroom and mom at that time was in the bathtub and washed, she did NOT go outside.

So I don't know what the hell this is. By the way, this house is quite creepy and always scared me. I lived there from 14 to 18 years old, and then I moved."


Continued: Part 12