40-meter Adam And 30-meter Eve - Alternative View

40-meter Adam And 30-meter Eve - Alternative View
40-meter Adam And 30-meter Eve - Alternative View

Video: 40-meter Adam And 30-meter Eve - Alternative View

Video: 40-meter Adam And 30-meter Eve - Alternative View
Video: Billie Eilish - NDA (Official Music Video) 2024, July

People portrayed many gods as giants. Such is Shedd Ad-Ben-Ad among the ancient Arabs, such is the titan Prometheus among the Greeks. It was considered prestigious for all peoples, without exception, to lead their ancestry from the giants. Ceremonial royal clothes, utensils, armor and weapons were made larger than required, this emphasized that the ancestors of the kings were giants. The tradition to erect majestic and large-scale monuments to heroes also comes from the past - the figure of the Colossus of Rhodes, statues of Egyptian pharaohs …

In ancient times, the church believed that the first man Adam was 40 meters tall, and Eve was about 30! The "Father of History" Herodotus wrote about several finds of huge human skeletons. So, a blacksmith from Tegea was digging a well and came across the skeleton of a large man, which was 2.3 meters tall. Elsewhere, a 3.5 meter human skeleton was found. Residents of Sparta recognized that this is the skeleton of the legendary giant hero Orestes and took it with them on military campaigns instead of a banner. The Greek scientist Pausanias wrote that at the bottom of the Sront River in Syria, a well-preserved coffin with the skeleton of a man was found, reaching 5.5 meters in height! Blessed Augustine claimed that he was holding in his hands a human tooth found in Africa, from which one hundred ordinary ones could be made. To the Arab traveler Ibn Fadlan, the subjects of the Khazar king showed the skeleton of the "Volga hero" hanged by the order of the king. The skeleton was six meters high!

In Russian mythology, there were images of the mighty heroes Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. Who can guarantee that the legendary Slavic giants did not live in the northern forests in the 9th century!

After the giants were household items and buildings. Huge axes, large dishes, metal pipes … Powerful skeletons have been found in both the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Egypt, Central and South Asia, India and the Pacific Islands. All these structures are distinguished by the fact that they are made of huge stones, sometimes weighing hundreds of tons. These are giant statues from Fr. Easter. Cyclopean buildings in the Hawaiian Islands. A giant stone gate, a multi-ton six-meter trilithon, erected on one of the islands of the Tonga archipelago. Abandoned temples on the uninhabited atolls of the Great Ocean. An alley of two rows of stone columns of four meters in height on the Micronesian island. Tinian. On about. Kusae is a cyclopean fence and a temple. In America - the mysterious "Gate of the Sun" in Tiahuanaco, in Europe - Stonehenge …
