Mummies Of Giants From Iowa - Alternative View

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Mummies Of Giants From Iowa - Alternative View
Mummies Of Giants From Iowa - Alternative View

Video: Mummies Of Giants From Iowa - Alternative View

Video: Mummies Of Giants From Iowa - Alternative View
Video: When Were There Giants? 2024, September

Evidence that people of the modern type found the remains of giants are found even in the days of Ancient Greece and Carthage. But for some reason, especially many similar finds were made precisely in the 19th century. However, they happen in our days.

An unexpected find

On July 23, 2001, a resident of eastern Iowa (USA), farmer Marvin Rainwater decided to dig a new well on his site. At a depth of 2.5 meters, he came across a stone. Trying to dig up and extract it to the surface, Marvin noted that the stone is square, measuring about 120 × 120 centimeters. After long but vain attempts to move the find, Rainwater decided that he probably encountered a bed of bedrock, although it usually does not come close to the surface. In his youth, the farmer studied geology, so he easily determined that the stone did not resemble the limestone that is widespread in Eastern Iowa. Having examined the find more closely, he noted that the surface of the stone is very smooth, as if polished.

The next day, Marvin called for help from friends from a neighboring farm in the hope that together they would be able to extract a strange find from the ground. However, it turned out that the stone is not solid, but consists of squares measuring about 25 × 25 cm each, so closely fitted to each other that even a knife blade cannot be inserted between them.

Rainwater and his friends got to work, but after clearing a space of several square meters, they did not find the edges of the neatly laid slabs. Striking the cleared slabs with a sledgehammer, they heard a characteristic sound - there was clearly an empty space under them. It became clear that some unusual structure was hidden in the ground.

Then Rainwater contacted his friend, a doctor of geology, who worked at the University of Chicago. He arrived and determined that the slabs were cut from basalt - a very hard and dense volcanic rock that is not found in Iowa. This building material, for example, was readily used by the ancient Egyptians. The depth at which the polished slabs were found indicated that the structure was built in ancient times, possibly even before the Ice Age. The geologist was inclined to believe that the Rainwater find may be of great historical value.

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Crypt with mummies

Soon, an entire expedition from the University of Chicago arrived at the farm, which included archaeologists and anthropologists specializing in the study of the indigenous tribes of North America. When the stone slabs were finally completely cleared of the pound, it was revealed that they were stacked in an almost perfect square with a side of 50 meters. Digging it around the perimeter, scientists realized that it was a large structure, going quite deep into the ground. The Cyclopean structure was similar in shape to the pyramid in Marriette, Ohio. However, the last was built by the Indians not of stone, but of bricks made of sun-dried clay mixed with reeds.

Excavations lasted several months and revealed under the ground a square building without windows, made of polished stone slabs, which definitely has signs of similarity to ancient Greek temples. On the east side, it was adjoined by a vaulted passage, entering into which the scientists found themselves in the corridor, at the end several steps led somewhere downward, from where the smell of decay emanated. As the flashlights cut through the darkness, an exclamation of surprise erupted from those who descended: around the conical stone in the center of the room, in vertical stone boxes, similar to sarcophagi, were located seven unusually large mummies. They were either fabulous giants, or representatives of some kind of extraterrestrial humanoid race of enormous stature.

In 1986, near the Armenian village of Tandzatap, during earthworks while planting a garden, peasants stumbled upon

Eternal mysteries

The growth of the mummified giants reached three meters. It can hardly be said that their faces retained traces of their former beauty: narrow, sloping foreheads, strongly protruding brow ridges, dense wrinkled skin on their faces was of a dark brown color, red hair was braided in short pigtails. The arms of the mummies were crossed on the chest, the faces with drooping eyelids had a rather mysterious expression: it seemed as if they were making fun of people who had disturbed their thousands of years of sleep.

On a conical stone that stood in the center of the crypt, scientists have found writing in an unknown language, as well as images of horses, deer and birds.

Clothes made from your own hair

With all possible care, the outlandish mummies were removed from the ground and sent for research to the laboratory of the University of Chicago. There, experts came to the conclusion that the anthropometric characteristics of the giants from the Rainwater site are characteristic of the peoples who inhabited North America in the pre-glacial period. Only their colossal growth is unusual. The interest of scientists was also aroused by the robes in which the mummies were wrapped: they turned out to be woven from red hair, identical to those preserved on the heads of the giants. It turns out that these strange people made their own clothes from their own hair!

Thomas Holder; an expert on North American Indian folklore, a researcher at the University of Chicago, made an interesting suggestion. In the legends of the Payute Indians, red-haired giants are mentioned, whom they called si-te-cash and fought endless wars with them. Lived si-te-cash on the territory of the modern state of Nevada. According to Holder, the mummies found at the Rainwater site belong to this giant tribe, for some unknown reason, moved east to the territory of the present state of Iowa. However, it should be noted that there is no other historical evidence of the existence of the si-te-cash, except for the legends of the Payute Indians.

Strange burials

Research into mysterious mummies continues to this day. It is possible that genetic tests will give a long-awaited clue. The inscriptions on the conical stone also cannot be deciphered yet - it is only clear that they are not characteristic of any ancient language known to science. It remains unclear where the giants brought the basalt to Iowa for the construction of the crypt. Around the sensational find, as one might expect, there was a fuss. American ufologists suggested that the mummies belong to some extraterrestrial civilization, whose messengers visited Earth and left the dead members of their expedition on it. The inscriptions on the conical stone, it cannot be ruled out, carry a message to earthlings about the race of giants and from which corner of the Universe they flew to our planet. True, it is not clear why deer and horses are depicted on the stone. So researchers from the University of Chicago do not even want to jokingly consider the version of ufologists.

The very phenomenon of finding the remains of giants for the United States is far from new. Here are just a few examples. In 1821, in Tennessee, the ruins of an ancient stone wall were discovered, under which were two human skeletons, 215 centimeters in height.

In 1833, while excavating the Lompoc Ranch, California, workers stumbled upon a human skeleton more than 3.5 meters tall. Large stone axes and other artifacts were found near him. An interesting feature of the giant's skull was the presence of two rows of teeth on the upper and lower jaws. However, the Californian Indians demanded not to disturb the giant's peace, and the remains had to be buried again.

In 1879, during the construction of a granary in Wisconsin, huge human vertebrae and cranial bones were found, as a newspaper note reported, "of incredible thickness and size."

In 1885, in Gasterville, Pennsylvania, a stone crypt was found in a large burial mound (mound), which housed a skeleton 215 centimeters high. The walls of the crypt were carved with unsightly images of people, birds and animals.

In 1912, mummies of a red-haired man and woman were discovered in the famous Lovelock Cave, Nevada. The height of a woman during her lifetime was about two meters, a man - about three.

Magazine: Secrets of the 20th century №1 / 2. Author: Andrey Chinaev