Finally Exposed - 13 Families Who Secretly Rule The World - Alternative View

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Finally Exposed - 13 Families Who Secretly Rule The World - Alternative View
Finally Exposed - 13 Families Who Secretly Rule The World - Alternative View

Video: Finally Exposed - 13 Families Who Secretly Rule The World - Alternative View

Video: Finally Exposed - 13 Families Who Secretly Rule The World - Alternative View
Video: Who Is The Rothschild Family & How Much Power Do They Have? 2024, October

Are these people from 13 Illuminati families who secretly influence the media, secretly rule the world behind the curtain? Most Conspiracy theorists have believed this to be true, but let's take a closer look.

Humansarefree reports: The shadow forces behind the New World Order (NWO) are consistently implementing a plan to establish complete control over humanity and the resources of our planet. David Icke called it “Totalitarian tiptoe” because “they” are walking in small steps towards our complete and final enslavement.

As a result, many people are unaware of the fact that they are being gradually deprived of their independence, while the power of the NWO octopus is steadily growing.

Shadow forces on the NWO agenda?

Somewhere nearby, at the very top of the pyramid, is an elite organization known as the Council of 13 Families and governs all major world events. As the name suggests, the Council is made up of the top 13 most powerful families on Earth.

Most people are beginning to realize that 99% of the world's population is under the control of a 1% "elite", but the Council of 13 families consists of less than 1% of the 1% of the "elite" and no one on Earth can apply for membership in this Council. In their opinion, they have the right to rule over the rest of us all because they are direct descendants of the ancient gods and consider themselves royal.

These families are:

Rothschild (Bayer or Bauer)

Promotional video:


Cavendish (Kennedy)








Sinclair (St Clair)

Warburg (del Blanco)

Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe)

(I personally suspect this may not be a complete list, and some very powerful clones are still unknown to us).

The Rothschild Dynasty is by far the most powerful - visible - with ancestry on Earth and their wealth estimate is around $ 500 Trillion! They exercise their power through the world banking empire, which is almost entirely theirs.

The most important institutions that work for the IMP and have completely enslaved us are:

City of London (Rothschild controlled finance) - NOT part of the UK

US Federal Reserve (funding - private bank owned by the Rothschilds) - NOT part of the US

Vatican City (indoctrination, deception and intimidation tactics) - NOT part of Italy

Washington DC (military, mind programming, brainwashing and depopulation) - NOT part of the US

All of the above institutions operate as separate states, acting according to their own laws, therefore, there is no legal court on Earth that could ever bring them to justice.

Many secret societies in existence today act as branches of mega-corporations that belong to the Council of 13 Families.


Another tool of mass enslavement that they use against us is the so-called education system. Schools are not what they were before, children learn without thinking to remember and without hesitation to obey. In fact, this created education system is extremely expensive to get a job and just as outdated for the Internet age.

Why outdated? - you can ask. Because the Internet gives us free access to an almost unlimited amount of information, so why are we still paying huge sums of money for public education? Because the world's "elite" demands that our children learn to obey, not develop thinking.

What can we do about it?

Humanity's faith now hangs in the balance as the control of the NWO octopus spreads more and more. On the one hand, we are one step away from our complete enslavement, but on the other hand, we could easily destroy the pyramid of their power, simply by uniting against the deception on their part and carrying out a peaceful revolution in the minds, hearts and souls of people.

I have asked myself for years what is their greatest weapon of enslavement. Is this low education coupled with constant indoctrination? Is this fear generated by religion? Is this fear of being punished (imprisoned or killed) by the system, or is it an invisible enslavement of the monetary system?

In my opinion, all of the above in combination had a huge impact on our society and our thoughts, but their main weapon is definitely the financial system!

Currency slaves

The financial system covertly enslaved our species, and we are now being used as currency slaves. We work from 9 to 5 every day, in a boring and depressing environment, not stimulated by anything creative or constructive.

Most of the time, the only motive for a job promotion is a pay increase - and no matter how hard we work, we don't always seem to have enough money.

Have you ever wondered why mega-corporations (reaping $ billion / year in profits) are paying tens of millions to their executives and as close to the minimum wage for the rest of the employees?

This was carefully designed because a person who is constantly “on the edge” will never have time for self-education, introspection, and - ultimately - spiritual awakening.

Is this our main goal on Earth? In order to become spiritual beings (and spiritual, I obviously do not mean religious) and complete the cycle of incarnation?

"They" do not need educated people who are capable of critical thinking and have spiritual goals. No, these kind of people are dangerous to create!

"They" need docile "robots" who are smart enough to operate machines and keep the system running, but who are dumb enough to ask questions.

Money is the eye of the "devil"

All of the world's biggest problems have their roots deeply rooted in the financial plague: wars are profitable, disease is profitable, plundering the Earth is beneficial, human slavery and inhuman working conditions are beneficial.

Our leaders have been corrupted by money, and the universal mission of humanity on Earth has also been replaced by money.

So why do we need a financial system in the first place? In fact, we don't need it (at least we don't need it anymore). Our planet does not charge us a penny for the use of its natural resources, and we have the technologies to extract them without the use of physical labor.

(Read related article: Top of the Pyramid: The Rothschilds, the British Crown and the Vatican Rule the World.)

What solution?

More to the point, there are "brilliant minds" who have been talking about the raw materials economy for decades. One such example is Mr. Jacques Fresco, a distinguished industrial designer and applied sociologist who has spent most of his life designing the future.

The cities proposed by Mr. Fresco will be built by autonomous construction robots and will be environmentally friendly and self-sufficient without earthquakes and fires.

Other people are already discussing a plan for the transition to the economy of the future, where money is no longer needed, and all people will be offered the best conditions to achieve their highest potential - all for the benefit of our humanity as a whole.

So my question is this: are we ready to embrace the future and get rid of control of the "elite" in a world without money, or will we continue to allow the New World Order to rule?

Denis Komankov