Catholics VS Illuminati. Who Will Win? - Alternative View

Catholics VS Illuminati. Who Will Win? - Alternative View
Catholics VS Illuminati. Who Will Win? - Alternative View

Video: Catholics VS Illuminati. Who Will Win? - Alternative View

Video: Catholics VS Illuminati. Who Will Win? - Alternative View
Video: The Terrifying Truth About The Antichrist 2024, October

Among history buffs, books by Dan Brown are very popular, who was able to awaken a new wave of interest in the mystical order of the Illuminati, positioning themselves as open enemies of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Illuminati secret society ("Enlightenment") was founded in the 18th century by German professor Adam Weishaupt. Since the members of this mysterious order considered it their duty to protect the enlightened west from the persecution and persecution of the Vatican, in connection with which the relationship between the order and Rome immediately became hostile. At that time, the church actively and aggressively pursued any scientific research, destroying all who thought differently from the churchmen. The Illuminati, in their fight against the Holy See, used an unusual method: spreading misinformation about themselves in order to cause fear in the enemy and hide the real information about themselves.

An interesting fact is that most of the members of the Illuminati came to the secret society from the Catholic Church. These were the priests who disagreed with the actions of the Vatican. The Holy See hastened to immediately announce the expulsion of the apostates who had joined the ranks of the Illuminati.

The Illuminati secret society included some of the finest intellectuals from academia in Europe. And, of course, among cultural and scientific workers it was very prestigious to become a member of the Masonic order. They were attracted by the opportunity to be in a closed club of the most influential politicians and scientists in the world, as well as to participate in the mysterious mystical rituals of the Freemasons.

Masonic organizations gladly accepted the Illuminati into their ranks and paid for it: gradually the "enlightened" seized power in the higher structures of the Masons. Moreover, gradually a secret society was created within the Masonic order, which did not obey anyone.

Within the Masonic order, the Illuminati grew stronger and became even more dangerous for the Vatican. The war between the intellectuals of the order and the Vatican reached open clashes. The Illuminati used the fighting units of the Freemasons, and the Holy See resorted to the help of a force group - Opus Dey, created by the Vatican from fanatics who were ready to sacrifice their lives in the name of the holy fathers. But this cruel confrontation was hidden from the inhabitants.

It should be noted that the essence of the enmity between the church and the order was the unwillingness of Catholic priests to deviate from the dogmas of the Middle Ages and accept scientific achievements as a means to make people's lives better. The conservative position of the Holy Church, which does not correspond to the new realities of the time, led to the fact that the Illuminati strengthened their influence in Europe and America. The Illuminati have recruited some of the greatest scientific minds and have become a real force in world politics and economics. Members of the Brotherhood became members of the British Parliament, the American Treasury, created the largest banks, established universities, and became trustees of numerous scientific foundations. Using their knowledge and connections, they influenced all financial and economic world processes.

The fight against the Vatican gradually changed form - the Illuminati decided to create a World Government in order to establish a New World Order. And the first victim was to be the Vatican. This does not mean at all that the Vatican will be physically destroyed, it meant the use of the Catholic Church as a tool to achieve the goals set by the Illuminati. Many researchers are sure that for centuries the Illuminati infiltrated the Vatican environment, so the fact that they managed to influence the views of the Catholic holy fathers is an undoubted fact. This is confirmed by the fact that the leaders of the Catholics began to use the signs of the Masons, for example, the triangle, which depicts the "all-seeing eye".

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In addition, the actions of Pope Paul II give grounds to assert that he was a member of the Illuminati brotherhood or a Freemason: he canceled all papal decrees issued before his accession to the Holy See concerning Freemasons and allowed believers to join secret societies. In one of his public speeches, the Pope proposed to consider the city of Jerusalem as "the city of man", which, according to the ideology of the Illuminati, meant an indication of the location of the World Government. In addition, the Pope received the entire membership of the Committee of 300 at the Vatican, which, as many scholars believe, is the very World Government. The Committee of 300 itself was founded in the 70s of the twentieth century by David Rockefeller with the direct participation of the representative of the American government - Z. Brzezinski.

With the aim of establishing mutual understanding between the Vatican and the Illuminati, the philanthropist Templeton established the prize, which was awarded for achievements in the field of cooperation between religion and science. Among the laureates of this prize were famous physicists, geneticists, as well as Mother Teresa …

Scientists argued that belief in God does not contradict the scientific knowledge they promote. The most paradoxical thing in this situation is that in 2011 the prize was awarded to the scientist who developed the Big Bang theory, which, in its essence, excluded God from the process of creating the world. A well-grounded question arises - is the modern Vatican an outpost of the secret brotherhood of the Illuminati?

Many people remember how they celebrated May 1 in the USSR. But few people know that the Bavarian Illuminati Society was founded on this day in 1776. There is a version that Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin) was a member of this brotherhood. Interestingly, excerpts from the Communist Party program were similar to those of the Illuminati. For example, the destruction of private property, the rejection of any religion, the reform of family foundations, etc.

Despite keeping secrets, the government of Bavaria began persecuting members of the secret society. And so they had to urgently flee to other European countries, as well as to America. Today, many researchers are convinced that the organizers of the French Revolution, as well as revolutionary movements in tsarist Russia, were the Illuminati.

But back to the Vatican. Today, the Holy See is making every effort to create the prerequisites for the unification of all religions into one world. Wasn't that what the Masons dreamed about?

Today, many media outlets claim that the Committee of 300 seized power in the Vatican long ago. Is that why the presidents of many countries visit the Vatican so often?

And this is only the smallest part of the secrets of the Vatican. So, for example, the fact that the Mexican newspaper, the founders of which are the Freemasons, was still kept silent about the murder of Pope John XXIII a day earlier than this tragic event happened …

Researchers argue that the Committee of 300 is also actively working to create a World Government. During the Second World War, he was actively helped by such secret organizations as MI 6, the Freemasons propaganda department, members of the Italian secret society "Black Nobility" and many others. Today it became known that under the patronage of the Illuminati during the war, secret meetings were held between the director of the CIA and SS Lieutenant General R. Gehlen. From this we can conclude that the creators of the World Government were vitally interested in the involvement of the strongest states in the war. It was under the cover of the Vatican that many SS officers, disguised as priests, managed to avoid just retribution for the crimes committed by moving to South America. Gehlen also came in handy - he was entrusted with the creation of the radio station "Free Europe". A significant part of the SS officers joined the CIA. In the post-war years, Joseph Retinger became the liaison between the Vatican and the Committee of 300 and was able to strengthen contacts between the CIA and the Holy See.

The members of the Committee of 300 used the UN platform to achieve their goals. But the slow work of this international organization to unite industrial, political and financial giants (USA, Japan, Old Europe) to establish a "new world order" does not suit the shadow World Government.

The Committee of 300 is not afraid of any revelations. The average person cannot believe in the existence of a certain “World Government” that dominates the world, regardless of borders and states, and any information about it is quickly refuted by the numerous information resources of the Committee of 300 itself.

It is difficult even to imagine that there is an organizational mechanism created by the Committee of 300, which is able to exercise total control over Humanity, over its consciousness, actions, decisions … But it really exists!