How To Avoid Becoming A Victim Of An Energy Vampire? Some Tips - Alternative View

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How To Avoid Becoming A Victim Of An Energy Vampire? Some Tips - Alternative View
How To Avoid Becoming A Victim Of An Energy Vampire? Some Tips - Alternative View

Video: How To Avoid Becoming A Victim Of An Energy Vampire? Some Tips - Alternative View

Video: How To Avoid Becoming A Victim Of An Energy Vampire? Some Tips - Alternative View
Video: Spot an Energy Vampire Right Away with These 6 Steps (And 1 Surefire Way to Repel Them) 2024, October

Behind the most ordinary everyday day, but you feel as if some dark and otherworldly force has sucked all your energy. I have no strength, my eyes are closed, but I have a terrible longing in my soul. What has taken all your strength?

Energetic vampire

There are people among us who know how to feed on other people's energy. And there are many more of them than you think! In total, there are two main types of energy vampires:

- Unconscious

- Conscious

The first, feed on someone else's energy not of their own free will. For example, during stressful situations, the body itself seeks nutrition. Some people feed on energy through positive emotions and vivid impressions. Others take away the vitality of ordinary people.

The second feed on someone else's energy, perfectly aware of what they are doing. Such people can be seen from afar, as if a demon possessed them. They easily suck the strength of mere mortals. And only when they are satiated, they become positive.

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What is it? Disease? Congenital cruelty? Or possession by demons or other evil spirits?

Scientists argue that vampirism is laid in early childhood, when character and personality are just beginning to form. Young children have an extremely weak energy field, and the baby feeds on the strength of his parents and loved ones. If the child does not feel the proper attitude towards himself, he becomes rude and cruel. This is the birth of an energy vampire.

Much more dangerous are teenage vampires. They receive vitality from destructive activities: cruel treatment of animals, humiliation of weaker peers, hooliganism, disregard for teachers and parents, and so on. It is they who will become in the future cruel bosses and family tyrants.


Energy vampire at home

Finding an energy vampire in your family is easy. The main sign is a jealous person who, with his suspicions, sucks all the vitality from his spouse. An energetic vampire can make a scandal from scratch. And only when he is saturated with energy will he become docile.

If you can simply leave the house vampire, then the situation with the fiend boss is much worse. This person is used to pouring all his aggression on his subordinates, insulting and overwhelming with work, sometimes unnecessary, just to bring subordinates and deprive them of all their strength. Do you know where the most energy vampires are? In government agencies! Who among us has not faced a cruel and reckless bureaucratic machine?

Protection from energy vampires

Never, under any circumstances, conflict with such people. Remember, they themselves push you to aggression in order to take away your vitality. What to do in such a situation? Look him straight in the eyes, you can even smile insolently, showing with your whole appearance that you are not afraid of his aggression. So, you yourself can feed on its energy. Also, try not to communicate with people who constantly complain about life, blaming everyone around for their failures. And the most important thing. "Hammer" on public opinion. Society is the largest cluster of active energy vampires who only dream of conflict with you. Don't fall for these cheap provocations!