Is There A "fifth Column" In The Ranks Of Alternatives? - Alternative View

Is There A "fifth Column" In The Ranks Of Alternatives? - Alternative View
Is There A "fifth Column" In The Ranks Of Alternatives? - Alternative View

Video: Is There A "fifth Column" In The Ranks Of Alternatives? - Alternative View

Video: Is There A
Video: ТРИ ВЕЩИ крючком: ЖАКЕТ БОЛЕРО КАРДИГАН одним красивым и легким узором, МАСТЕР КЛАСС - УЗОР, СХЕМЫ 2024, June

I am getting more and more the impression that in the ranks of the "alternatives" the "fifth column" is beginning to show itself more and more actively - the servants of parasites specially introduced into their ranks, leading away from the "forbidden" knowledge for ordinary people. In principle, this technique has been actively used in the previous decades in order to extinguish interest in anomalous phenomena and the UFO phenomenon. So, for example, provocateurs were specially introduced into the ranks of ufologists, who began to carry outright nonsense and fables, while discrediting all ufology and ufologists. Unmasking their fakes, all sorts of "whistleblowers" instilled in ordinary people the idea that all ufologists are either swindlers and charlatans, or out of their minds eccentrics, and therefore no UFO phenomenon and other "anomalies" actually exist.

And I must say that this technique has worked flawlessly for decades. As soon as someone said that he saw some kind of UFO in the sky, then under malicious smiles they immediately wondered how much alcohol they had drunk the day before. But times have changed, and the Internet, created by the servants of parasites for the electronic enslavement of humanity, played a cruel joke with them. Ordinary people were able to communicate with like-minded people in different parts of the Earth and share interesting information. And the widespread videos and photos of unidentified flying objects have deprived the hired liars of most of the audience that blindly believes them.

We observe the same thing now in alternate history. And it seems that this awakening of mass interest in our true past seriously alarmed the very forces that carried out the total project of falsifying history. And since the outspoken "trolls" fail to shake off this interest in the true past, then this very "fifth column" was launched, trying to create a "split" between the alternatives and force them, instead of researching and exposing fakes of pseudo-historical myths of official history, to waste their time to sort things out with their opponents.

What would you like to say about these provocateurs masquerading as "alternatives"? I noticed some of their characteristic features. On the one hand, seemingly exposing the official history, the main directions of their activities are aimed at denying any high technologies in past civilizations (they are trying to "expose" any ancient artifacts), as well as the possibilities of contact with alien (otherworld) aliens both in the past and present.

And just these two directions can give us a key to the events of our true past. For some reason, the servants of parasites really do not want us to learn about the existence in our past of highly developed civilizations of the "golden age", whose people were truly free. It is possible that the point is not only in the concealment of ancient technologies, but also in the reasons for the death of these civilizations. Indeed, at the same time, they are diligently trying to inspire the idea that we are supposedly the only intelligent beings in the Universe. And who benefits from this? Yes, only to the force that does not want people to guess about its existence and about its true role in the death of ancient civilization and the enslavement of modern mankind.

At the same time, there is also indirect evidence that this force replaces some real "alternatives" with clones or biorobots, or other creatures that are given an external resemblance to humans. It can be seen, for example, how, instead of interesting topics, some of them change dramatically at a certain moment and begin to carry too frankly implausible nonsense. Of course, this can also be a consequence of moral pressure on such researchers and threats of physical harm, and in some cases, bribery from certain forces serving the parasitic system.

The latter is quite common among scientists. Such a person researched unusual phenomena somewhere on the periphery and suddenly he was invited to Moscow, given a prestigious position at the department in a well-known university or research institute, the opportunity to publish his works and give lectures. And he is changing, transforming from an independent researcher into a "respectable scientist", i.e. begins to take the side of official science and history more and more. The question is why? Because he was hinted that he could lose all these "bonuses" if he continued to tell people about "forbidden" knowledge. But you get used to good things very quickly. This is how the parasitic system transforms personalities for itself, making them its integral part.

Another variant. Many alternative people who have a lot of views on the YouTube channel are starting to make good money on advertising. And this is also another "hook" on which the system begins to "hook" them. As a rule, the amount of such earnings depends on the number of views. So such a researcher begins to focus on the number of videos, and not on the quality of the material presented in them. And this is the first "bell" that the system "hooked" someone (a fishing term) and begins to "fish out". I myself saw in some of my respected alternatives the appearance of unverified information in the videos, which is not confirmed by a serious check. Of course, this kind of "provocateurs" is not a deliberate attempt to discredit all alternatives, but just a haste during the installation of new videos.

Promotional video:

But, I would like to appeal to those talented independent researchers who are too immersed in this reality of the "film industry" - ladies and gentlemen, check the information before you voice it! Otherwise, you can seriously "substitute" all other independent researchers. Hired servants of parasites will definitely use all your "shoals" to create a negative image of the whole alternative history. And do not forget, please, call all those facts that have not been proven a "hypothesis", as, for example, O. Pavlyuchenko does on the ASPIK channel, although his number of videos has already begun to influence their information quality recently.

It is felt that Oleg (like many other popular alternatives) is already starting to engage not in creativity, but in "conveyor production". As the life experience of all creative individuals shows, such a "race" does not lead to good and can lead to serious psychological breakdowns and physical ailments. And it is not in vain that many "anomalies" and "alternatives" are not distinguished by longevity. This is precisely the insidiousness of the "trap" of the parasitic system. But on the same YouTube, she is already beginning to influence the subject of videos, removing those that are objectionable to her interests and promoting those that contribute to fooling ordinary people.

It is clear that many alternatives earn only by video clips, publishing books and conducting lectures and seminars. But. do not chop off the branch on which you are sitting. It is better to spend an extra hour or two on the Internet checking information than to diminish your own popularity after the speeches of "whistleblowers", whose level of training has seriously increased lately. These are no longer those old farts from the pseudoscientific commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who, apart from empty balabolism, are not capable of any concrete and scientifically substantiated evidence of their subjective opinions. I say, some representatives of this "fifth column" have a very developed intellect and they will not miss any opportunity to punish you for your carelessness and the use of unverified information.

For myself, I concluded that before citing some of the "alternatives" I respect, one should seriously check the facts they cite. Especially when they do not use the word "hypothesis" to characterize their statements, but begin to behave like those inflated turkeys from pseudoscientific projects (such as "Anthropogenesis" and "Scientists against myths") who believe that their subjective opinion is supposedly " the ultimate truth”, and that their unfounded“authoritative”statements are quite enough to prove this. In general, draw your own conclusions. And my most important conclusion is that the falsification of the official history is not in doubt, but blindly taking on faith any alternative hypothesis is also not worth it. That is why it is a hypothesis, which is not yet an absolutely proven truth.

We, all alternative researchers of the past, need to support each other in exposing the fakes of official history, but at the same time try not to produce our own fakes instead. Therefore, do not forget the magic word "hypothesis" if you do not have "reinforced concrete" proofs of your version. And let's not sort out personal relationships with each other. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if it is wrong. Any criticism should be correct and factually grounded, and not based on personal belief in one's own views and only one belief in one's own righteousness. But how to identify conscious "provocateurs" in our ranks, I roughly explained to you. Remember that any fanatical and blind faith, intolerance of dissent and the imposition of one's own opinion on others is by no means a sign of the Forces of Light.

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