The Influence Of The Mat On Health, Consciousness, Human Life - Alternative View

The Influence Of The Mat On Health, Consciousness, Human Life - Alternative View
The Influence Of The Mat On Health, Consciousness, Human Life - Alternative View

Video: The Influence Of The Mat On Health, Consciousness, Human Life - Alternative View

Video: The Influence Of The Mat On Health, Consciousness, Human Life - Alternative View
Video: Does Consciousness Influence Quantum Mechanics? 2024, October

Life now is such that swearing sounds almost everywhere, even in places with which it is incompatible - in educational institutions, in the family circle, in public places. And after another encounter with this alien destructive energy, there was a desire to systematize the thoughts that arise about this.

Let's start with the definition of mate given in Wikipedia: "Swearing, swearing, swearing, swearing, (obsolete) barking swearing) is the most rude, obscene kind of profanity in Russian and in languages close to it."

In ancient Russian manuscripts, mat is considered as a trait of demonic behavior. Pronouncing obscene words, a person, even if he does it involuntarily, invokes dark forces and participates in a fanatical cult.

Swearing among the Slavs performed the function of a curse. For example, one of the swear words on the letter "e", which is of Slavic origin, translates as "curse." The person who pronounces it, thereby curses himself and others. A person who utters obscene words automatically calls all the dirtiest and most sick on himself, his children and his entire family. At the same time, the swearing man often expresses surprise and regret at serious problems with the organs, primarily of the genitourinary system, oncological and other diseases, while continuing to use foul language.

It is appropriate here to recall a well-known fairy tale related to European folklore. The girl, who spoke kindly and cordially, had roses falling from her lips. And the girl who spoke dirty and rude had toads jumping out of her mouth and snakes crawling out … What a precise artistic image.

What is a "swearing" word, what is "checkmate"? There is an opinion that the origin of this or that curse, its etymological component does not matter much. These words are traditionally considered “the worst”. And when a person decides to use them for some reason, it is obvious that either extreme anger, or furious contempt for someone, or complete lack of control of himself makes him do this. The mystical component of foul language is the mysticism of anger seething in the human heart, anger that connects a person with the destructive forces of the Universe, makes him a slave, while love connects him with the Creator.

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of Medical and Technical Sciences P. Garyaev experimentally established that protein chromosomes contain all the information necessary for the formation of a living organism. In the course of numerous experiments, he proved that the genetic apparatus of any living creature reacts equally to external influences, causing changes in genes. How does this happen? It is known that man consists of more than 75% water.

The words spoken by a person change the structure of water, building its molecules into complex chains, changing their properties, and, consequently, changing the genetic code of heredity. With the regular negative impact of words, genes are modified, which affect not only the person himself, but also his offspring. Modification of genes accelerates the aging of the body, contributes to the development of various diseases and thus shortens the life span. And vice versa, under the influence of positive words and thoughts, the human genetic code improves, the aging of the organism is delayed and the lifespan is increased.

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Another scientist, Doctor of Biological Sciences I. I. Belyavsky for many years was engaged in the problem of the relationship between the word and human consciousness. With mathematical precision, he proved that not only a person is characterized by a certain spectrum of energy, but his every word carries an energy charge. And the word affects genes, either prolonging youth and health, or bringing diseases and early old age closer, significantly worsening the overall quality of life.

Thus, it has once again been proven that a tremendous destructive power lurks in foul language. And if a person could see what a powerful negative charge, like a shock wave of an exploded bomb, spreads in all directions from an obscene speech, he would never have uttered it.

Another interesting observation is connected with swear words. In those countries, in whose national languages there are no swear words indicating the genital organs, Down's diseases and cerebral palsy are not found, while in Russia, for example, these diseases are often found. If a person, when emitting negative energy, recalls the genitals, then this has a negative effect on them. This phenomenon is studied by psychosomatics (other Greek. Soul and body) - a direction in medicine and psychology that studies the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence and course of somatic (bodily) diseases. Therefore, swearing people become impotent early or acquire urological diseases. The difficulty is also in the fact that it is not necessary to scold yourself, enough inadvertently heard swearing, which is why people suffer from diseases,living surrounded by foul language. Of course, it is possible and necessary to develop the ability to withstand negative impacts from the outside. But even if such an ability is formed, how much effort is spent on the constant neutralization of the "linguistic bombing" …

Mat is used to express overt evil, manifested as anger and desecration. They fulfill their purpose, destroying the mind and health of both those who produce swearing and who heard it, even just bystanders.

Historical reference. Among the ancient Slavs, mate was equated with a curse. Its similar application is recorded in the Slavic writing. In the Bulgarian chronicle, the word "foul" did not mean "cursed", but simply "cursed". In Russia, until the middle of the nineteenth century, foul language was not only not common even in the villages, but for a long time it was a criminal offense. For obscene language in a public place, even under the Criminal Code of the USSR, 15 days of arrest were prescribed. In modern Russia, obscene language in public places entails administrative responsibility - a fine or administrative arrest for up to 15 days, this is provided for by article 20.1 of the Administrative Code "Petty hooliganism".

However, bans do not solve serious internal problems. Most people recognize that non-literary expressions demean a person, but the same majority nevertheless use these expressions. It's hard to imagine a hostess pouring out a bucket of slops in the middle of the room, but foul language is the same slop. Children are punished for bad words, and no one punishes adults, and a child, hearing a bad word, grins to repeat it later. This is how the circle closes.

When you meet a person using a mat, you involuntarily wonder: is everything in order with his head? Because so often in colloquial speech, the genitals and sexual intercourse can only be a sick, sexually concerned person.

You can often hear that there is nothing wrong with mat, a person simply dumps negative energy, and the language cannot do without mat. However, there is another opinion. Language not only reflects the system of values of a person and society (obscene vocabulary, for example, indicates an obvious vulgarization of such values), but also powerfully affects this system, subordinates it to itself, determines the very worldview of a person, his behavior. As a result, the character of the people as a whole, public consciousness, and the course of historical events change.

Swearing is based primarily (though not exclusively) on the vile and offensive use of the word "mother". One of the highest concepts for a person is degraded to the level of cynical vulgar. Here it is appropriate to quote the words of A. P. Chekhov: "How much wit, anger and spiritual impurity was spent to come up with these nasty words and phrases, aimed at offending and desecrating a person in everything that is sacred, dear and dear to him."

Defectiveness is always aggressive, and this aggressiveness manifests itself primarily at the language level. Mate is a “format” of losers, weak, unbalanced people who are unable to find their place in life. Swearing clogs the language, destroys its beauty and harmony, and leads to personality degradation.

Mat makes communication difficult. A swearing person is not able to convey his idea to the interlocutor in full and fills the voids with foul language, due to his own meagerness.

Swearing is a demonstration of disrespect not only for the interlocutor, but also for the world in general, it undermines trust between people, puts the one who swears in the most unfavorable light. Yes, there are social strata where those who do not swear appear as an inferior member of the corresponding group. But we are now talking about mate not from the standpoint of marginal circles, but from the standpoint of normal people.

In medical practice, there are cases when people with certain types of paralysis cannot say a single normal word, but they do not hesitate to pronounce whole expressions, consisting exclusively of mat. This amazing phenomenon indicates that obscene speech is formed along completely different nerve chains, not like ordinary human speech, which is suggestive …

Scientists, studying the phenomenon of the mat, came to the conclusion that its use suffers from the general health of a person and reduces the overall quality of life. They empirically proved that a spoken or heard abusive word carries an energy charge that negatively affects a person. For several years, researchers have been monitoring two groups of people. One included those who only had swear words in their speech, and the second group of the observed did not use harsh words at all. The results speak for themselves: people who used the mat have exacerbated chronic diseases; the members of the other group had a much better body condition, and their biological age was several years younger than their passport age.

Mate influences primarily on male potency and female health. A man, using obscene language, provokes the formation of infertility. It is male infertility that is currently of particular concern to specialists. The male factor accounts for about 40% of the causes of infertile marriage; in recent decades, there has been a progressive decrease in the number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate, inexplicable from conventional medical positions. Approximately 6-8% of men are infertile. About 40% is attributable to female infertility and 20% to mixed. The body of a woman who swears regularly goes over to functioning, in many respects similar to the functioning of the male type. A child who constantly hears foul language leaves the feeling of shame, and this is a bridge to future degradation. Swearing is noticeably reflected in intelligence. Children lag significantly behind in mental development, this fact has been scientifically proven.

“An affectionate word - a master of wondrous divas. The word is the commander of human strength. And sometimes silence sounds so beautiful - calm, conscious, benevolent.