About Educated People - Alternative View

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About Educated People - Alternative View
About Educated People - Alternative View

Video: About Educated People - Alternative View

Video: About Educated People - Alternative View
Video: The Biggest Myth In Education 2024, October

What a wonderful word "education"! Every parent wants their child to be educated. We value an educated interlocutor, we respect educated people. Many themselves try not to fall face down in the dirt and look educated.

But what does this mean? First of all, get a good education. Well, and to be erudite, intellectual, to be an expert in your field. And so on and so forth.

Antonym - education in our understanding - stupidity, narrow-mindedness. Simply put, an uneducated person is a fool. An uneducated person speaks nonsense, knows nothing, knows nothing.

How easy, simple and clear everything is! Is it really worth writing about it?


Let's listen to the word "education". Something related to "images" isn't it? Something educational? Something figurative? Thinking is figurative. No, stop! This is absolutely the wrong steppe! What is figurative thinking? Educational institutions, such as schools and institutes, operate with evidence, facts, and exact sciences. Provides basic proven knowledge. What are the images here? Apparently, this word is some kind of rudiment that has lost its meaning an echo of the past, when nothing was known and understood, and humanity lived in a world of all kinds of illusions and theories and was just making its first steps towards knowledge! Is it logical?

Or maybe it means that all kinds of educational institutions educate us as a person? Again, not that. To educate - what is it? Create images. Maybe these are images of exact sciences, knowledge? Why am I hanging on to the word?

Promotional video:

The point is that a person lives in the world of images. Everything for us is images. Images are not objects as they are, but our idea of them. The more educated a person is, the better he understands these all sorts of objects.

It's that simple!


But no matter how accurately we describe and no matter how well we understand - all these are only subjective opinions, not the essence. And no matter how accurate the compiled image is, there will always be an error, there will always be room for another look, a deeper image.

It's like art. Well, here, from year to year different theaters put on the same, it would seem, the play "Uncle Vanya" or, for example, "The Seagull". How many years have passed, how many performances have been staged, but no, new directors are finding new images, new depths and meanings.

So everywhere. An uneducated person is not one who does not read books or does not know anything. And the one who believes that he knows everything, who is completely clear, say that the earth is round, and the opinion that it is flat and rests on three elephants, and the elephants, in turn, on a tortoise are game and an invention of unreasonable savages.

And I will say more: there is in the expression "educated person" some kind of tragic finitude. Everything, a person, they say, has already been formed, he was formed and then he should not form anywhere!

Creative thinking

This is when it’s time to remember that “figurative thinking”. For knowing how to use imaginative thinking, we will immediately understand that the scheme with elephants is an image, not a photograph from space. We will dive into this image, into this ocean of meanings, and we will gurgle and snort with pleasure. And not just swim and tumble, understanding the secrets of this image, but create new ones, find deeper meanings for other events and objects. Some people compare this to how a puzzle is assembled, when seemingly previously known, understandable and long-found details suddenly add up to a single picture. Here's an image:) Any image is also a key! The key to the secret of the world and yourself in it. Such a golden key!

And those who do not see the door behind the painted hearth will scold and threaten. And even if they show such a person the door without a key-image, he will not be able to open it! Because he does not see, understands everything literally, does not have figurative thinking and sees the world as flat, such where everything is decomposed into elements of a chemical table. Such KaraBasyBaraBasy are obtained … And we are on their strings.


Does this word bother you? Scientists - what are scientists? What’s wrong with that? - people have learned and learned something, and now they are scientists. But strange, they were taught - they are scientists, but are there many of them who have learned? Have you become knowledgeable people, understanding people, and not just scientists? I find fault with words again, right?

For a long time, frankly, I could not understand why not a single person who considers himself a scientist entered into a dialogue with those who, in their opinion, are people, to put it mildly, who are mistaken in their conclusions, writing about silicon life, the soul and legends ancestors, the secrets of a drop cap, say?

Why do we see only contempt and insults in articles and in public speeches? And even threats?

Suppose one person writes that there is no space, that stars are holes in the celestial sphere, or that nuclear fusion does not exist, or puts forward a new theory about the nature of light, whatever. And a hail of insults will fall on him. Is that bad? Why?

I find any such expression of thought, any such version, beautiful and useful! For example, I listen with equal interest to statements that the earth is flat, that the earth is hollow or in the form of a pipe, that the world is honeycombs, or that everything around is a hologram!

The reader will involuntarily look at the seemingly unshakable canons from a different angle. Perhaps he learns something new, becomes interested, wants to get acquainted with other versions, maybe he finds something hitherto inconspicuous in the topic that will fundamentally turn our idea of the world upside down or vice versa, smash a new theory to smithereens. The main thing is for a person to think, compare, analyze, doubt!

It is doubt and dissatisfaction with the answers that help enrich the images!

Those images that are given to us as immutable truths, canons, make of people not personalities, but copies. Let them doubt, let them search, double-check and doubt again!

Yes, and who knows what this truth is, and where is it?


What about our academicians? With our scientists? With the luminaries who launch rockets into space, the engines of progress, the experience of science?

You will probably not believe it, but no matter how the so-called “alternatives” dreamed of getting such people into their circle, nothing happens. And comments from people who consider themselves to be truly knowledgeable and educated bring melancholy and sadness.

That's really where in time to remember such a word "monotony"!

What, in fact, is the matter? And the fact is that such comments do not contain any intelligible remarks. And they always contain personal insults. Any author is a schizophrenic, a psycho who must be locked up in a psychiatric hospital, an ignoramus who should familiarize himself with textbooks for grade 5, and so on and so forth. And in the most severe cases, insults turn into threats and intimidation by law enforcement agencies and Rosnadzor, which, of course, will block such harmful texts and punish the authors of such articles to the fullest extent of the law!

Well, after all, we all follow the path of knowledge. And everyone on this path has succeeded to varying degrees. Know more, understand better, your images are brighter and deeper? - this is a direct reason to share with others, to point out to the author his mistakes in detail, without getting personal. An, no. This requires imaginative thinking.

"There is only my opinion and it is correct!" - this is the main motto.


I honestly do not understand this term, which scares everyone. What is pseudoscience and why is it bad?

Seriously, as for me, everything can be declared pseudoscience. Falsification of experimental results is unacceptable, everyone will agree with this.

But when conducting any experiments, there is a percentage of error, as is known. You can find fault with everything and turn one way or another, as it will be convenient.

And it's worth doubting. It is to doubt that it would be good to teach in schools, to seek answers to questions and to question any truth. In order to provide this personality in the process of personality formation to personally make decisions and personally find answers to questions.

What is Science? Science is a process!

Notice critical analysis. Collecting facts. Putting forward hypotheses that are supported by facts or experiments! What is there to blame for the fact that the facts and experiences of some do not agree with the facts and experiences of others?

Hands off, don't go? This is not science.

And those who make mistakes today, moving along the path of knowledge, will come to an understanding of the truth.

There is even a commission on pseudoscience, which, it seems, like an evil teacher, is called upon to beat a pointer on the hands of those students who stick their nose where they should not.

Countering pseudoscientific publications? What's next? Burn at the stake?

Own opinion

Another companion of "monotonous" people is the love of prohibitions.

Anything can be prohibited, there is no room for absurdity, for understanding the absurd requires, apparently, a sufficiently high level of figurative thinking.

And they prohibit "for the good" different things: leaning, gathering more than three, holding hands in a public place, lace panties, smoking scenes in old films, the swastika, deny God, in short, think for yourself and express your own opinion.

Perhaps the worst thing is my own opinion. For it can be expressed completely uncontrollably and is completely opposite to the opinion of educated people.

How can an educated person express his own opinion, if he has been formed? It was precisely formed, forcing to memorize certain texts and formulas, and it was not he himself that was formed, did not carry through himself, did not absorb the experience of generations meaningfully and critically. How can a scientist put forward some new fresh idea, because he was taught, he did not learn himself.

They educated and taught on the basis of some knowledge obtained not by these educated (wow!) And students (even better!) People, but by materials prepared by someone before them. Moreover, with the verification of the information received in the form of exams - did not memorize, did not pass - did not become educated and a scientist.

Think about it, there is something to think about, all these words were not accidental.

Finally, I want to say one more thing: it is known that the one who does nothing makes mistakes, and the one walking will master the road.

And so what if some zealous explorer decides to wade through the swamps through the impassable thicket of the forest, when there is a beautiful trampled road nearby? To whom does this disturb? Those who pay tribute for travel on the road, perhaps.

Let us recall that many discoveries, both in history and in science, were made by dreamers, people without special education (here's another term! Educated specially! How apt!). Someone will say - it is understandable, the eye, as they say, was not blurred. But I will allow myself, on the basis of all of the above, to assume that the point here is in well-developed imaginative thinking.

Or better yet, not clouded. The child shouted about the fact that the king was naked.

However, I am not advocating being ignorant. Reach for knowledge, educate yourself and learn, but don't let it make you educated and learned. These are all processes, movement, paths - they have no end point.

And let's be more tolerant of each other, suddenly, a person whom we do not understand today is not crazy, but simply his images are richer than ours?

Reader, please do not waste your time on angry comments. We invite everyone to the community of the tart-aria.info website. Write articles, tell, provingly, where the authors are mistaken, let's enter into a normal dialogue and seek the truth together, helping each other.

I would very much like to hear the opinions of archaeologists and historians, first of all, on the mass of accumulated questions. We look forward to collaborating.

Author: Sil2