Body Parts That We Could Easily Do Without - Alternative View

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Body Parts That We Could Easily Do Without - Alternative View
Body Parts That We Could Easily Do Without - Alternative View

Video: Body Parts That We Could Easily Do Without - Alternative View

Video: Body Parts That We Could Easily Do Without - Alternative View
Video: Kids vocabulary - Body - parts of the body - Learn English for kids - English educational video 2024, October

If you look closely at our body, it may seem that this is a huge flea market: some of its parts are really vital for us, others are useless, and still others do more harm than good. If you suddenly come up with an idea to "pump" yourself and get rid of all that is superfluous, then here is a list of what you can definitely delete.


No, of course, while you are in the womb, the presence of the umbilical cord is the basis of your life. However, when you begin to exist independently, there is absolutely no need for this part of the body. Many people's navel is located inside the belly, making it a great place for contamination and bacteria to grow. If this bothers you, then there is always the opportunity to contact the surgeon and have an operation to remove it.



Doctors are still arguing about whether a person needs this process. Apparently, the appendix exists in our body only in order to one day become inflamed or (worse) burst, taking your life with it. It is also believed that this is a place where beneficial bacteria can collect during a bowel disorder, to re-enter it as soon as everything is normalized. However, this is a very dubious need, because the same effect can be achieved with the help of dietary supplements.

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Gall bladder

The essence of the work of this part of the body is that it supplies bile into the duodenum at the right time, prevents fermentation in the intestine and helps it digest healthy fats. In fact, the digestion process can occur without the gallbladder. People who have it removed for one reason or another adapt over time and do not have problems with digesting food.


Long ago, before people had electricity and warm clothes, they needed something to keep them warm in cold weather. This function was performed by the hairline. Nowadays, people often shave off their beards and mustaches, women depilate their legs, armpits and bikini area. The hair on the head is for decorative purposes only. There are also people with a condition called alopecia. This is a complete or partial absence of hair all over the body. And the only discomfort that people can experience while doing this is aesthetic. In our time, they will not freeze.


Wisdom teeth

Scientists agree that the third molars are atavisms. In primitive people, the head, skull and jaws were larger and the number of teeth, respectively, was larger. However, now only 28 is enough for us to chew food. Due to the fact that the jaws of most people are now smaller, wisdom teeth begin to grow into the bones, move the adjacent molars and cause pain and discomfort. Therefore, they should definitely be deleted!

Ear muscles

About 20% of people know how to move their ears. But apart from impressing the drunken company, the ear muscles have no purpose. The mobility of these parts of the head in mammals is often caused by the vital necessity - for example, turning the ear towards sound while hunting. However, even hunters today do not need to engage in such stupidity. This is definitely an atavism.

Nipples in men

Nature, apparently, adds this part of the body, when it is not yet fully convinced who it will be: a boy or a girl? Female nipples are necessary for breastfeeding a baby, but for a man these "accessories" are completely useless.


Unlike many other useless organs, the spleen performs very important functions: it serves as a reserve source of blood, controls the functioning of the immune system, and accumulates iron enzymes that your body needs. So if you do not have any diseases associated with this part of the body, it is better to leave it in reserve. In general, a person can do without the spleen: if it is removed, the bone marrow takes over the function of producing blood cells, and the liver provides protection.


Second kidney

You definitely need a kidney for normal functioning. But the second is located in the body, rather, in reserve. For example, in a situation when one of the kidneys fails, the other is taken to perform its functions. If suddenly both kidneys fail, then a donor compatible with you can donate his own without a threat to his life and health. And, of course, the presence of only one kidney in the body means that you will never become a professional athlete, but in general, your body will be able to function normally.


Pinky toe

Scientists say that if a disaster strikes and you lose one or two little fingers on your foot, it will not prevent you from even taking part in a marathon. While the thumb takes on the load and helps maintain body balance, the smallest one is completely useless.

Of course, we do not recommend cutting it off for ourselves … Unless you decided to start producing a fundamentally new type of footwear and turn it into a fashion trend.