Evidence Of Ancient Use Of Heavy Machinery Or Manual Human Labor? - Alternative View

Evidence Of Ancient Use Of Heavy Machinery Or Manual Human Labor? - Alternative View
Evidence Of Ancient Use Of Heavy Machinery Or Manual Human Labor? - Alternative View

Video: Evidence Of Ancient Use Of Heavy Machinery Or Manual Human Labor? - Alternative View

Video: Evidence Of Ancient Use Of Heavy Machinery Or Manual Human Labor? - Alternative View
Video: Evidence for Ancient High Technology - Part 1: Machining 2024, October

There is a point of view that the events of history are distorted, but in fact everything was far from what it was written there. Mistrust in official sources is associated with distrust of everything official in general and with a lack of understanding of how these or those "incredible constructions" were built, and all inconsistencies in the versions go into the hands of new research-alternatives.

  • For example, the technologies with the help of which St. Isaac's Cathedral was built are called cosmic, they come up with their points of view in a vacuum, answering the question so that we would think if we did not know what historians say about how it was built.
  • Or another example, in the BBC broadcast cycles, they covered the construction of the Temple of Apollo and touched on the manufacture of columns, and with all this they found defective remains of columns with obvious traces of a cutter. There are many examples of grandiose construction.

One example of the incredible construction of the ancients, which proponents of theories that there was previously a developed civilization, is the Western Barai reservoir in Cambodia, the exact date of construction of the object is unknown, probably 900 years ago.


The bottom of the reservoir is lined with a sand cushion, which did not allow it to overgrow, there is no quarry with sand nearby, so it was brought from somewhere, and this is 33.6 million cubic meters. That is, you need to dig a pit, then bring the sand there, carry it without roads on horseback. And remove the soil, there are fill hills nearby, one is 2 km away, others are 16 from the rest, they are approximately comparable in volume to the pit, it is hard work to fill them, with each meter of artificial hill poured, the work becomes harder, since you have to climb higher and higher.


The most interesting question is this, not so much the complexity of the construction, but why did they make a perfectly flat rectangle?

Now they are building and do not worry about making a reservoir of the correct shape, for example, the Tshchik reservoir, artificially made, and it was built with the help of manual labor in 1940.


64,000 people worked on it.

The barrai, of course, is a masterpiece of accuracy, there is really a thought that they could straighten out the natural formation and dig, they could, but they could build it, they built the white sea canal, where most of the work was done by hand with a shovel and a cart.