The Beginning Of The Slavic Tribes - Alternative View

The Beginning Of The Slavic Tribes - Alternative View
The Beginning Of The Slavic Tribes - Alternative View

Video: The Beginning Of The Slavic Tribes - Alternative View

Video: The Beginning Of The Slavic Tribes - Alternative View
Video: First Slavic Tribes 2024, October

According to The Tale of Bygone Years, the Slavs left Central Europe, from the banks of the Danube, and the history of Russia began in 853, when Russia was first remembered.

However, this is a rather late date for comparison with Rome, for example.

Do not trust Nestor the chronicler for the following reasons:

1. Nestor is a monk of the Christian church, a minister of worship. He could not write about the early history of the Slavs in pagan times. What history could the "animals" have? They lived in the forest, worshiped the wheel. This is also the opinion of modern church hierarchs.

2. There are no primary sources other than the Bible. They were all destroyed by the ministers of the same cult - Christians.

But there are other (foreign) sources that can be trusted, and which are included in the scientific circulation. We will be guided by them in order to approach the cherished goal, the definition of the ancestral home and the date of the formation of the Slavs, as an ethnos, the bearer of the national (tribal) idea.

The beginning of the Slavic clan-tribe, where is it?

According to The Tale of Bygone Years, the Slavs left Central Europe, from the banks of the Danube, and the history of Russia began in 853, when Russia was first remembered.

Promotional video:

However, this is a rather late date for comparison with Rome, for example.

Do not trust Nestor the chronicler for the following reasons:

1. Nestor is a monk of the Christian church, a minister of worship. He could not write about the early history of the Slavs in pagan times. What history could the "animals" have? They lived in the forest, worshiped the wheel. This is also the opinion of modern church hierarchs.

2. There are no primary sources other than the Bible. They were all destroyed by the ministers of the same cult - Christians.

But there are other (foreign) sources that can be trusted, and which are included in the scientific circulation. We will be guided by them in order to approach the cherished goal, the definition of the ancestral home and the date of the formation of the Slavs, as an ethnos, the bearer of the national (tribal) idea.

Let us first make a reservation that we will consider living peoples and tribes that existed in reality, having names, places of settlement, cities and villages.

In a little-known, but long ago included in the scientific circulation, a document called the Bavarian geographer (East Frankish table of tribes) provides a list of mainly Slavic tribes that were located east of the Frankish state (V-IX centuries). We will give this list in translation.

(1) Those who are closest to the limits of the Danes are called Nortabtrezi (northabtrici - apparently the northern invaders).

(2) Vuilci (Viltsy - lutichi).

(3) Linaa (clay).

(4-6) Not far from them sit those who are called Bethenici (bethenichi), Smeldingon (smeldings), Morizani (morichane).

(7) next to them sit those who are called Hehfeldi (Hefelds - apparently the Havelians).

(8) next to them lies an area called Surbi (sorbs - Luzhichians).

(9) next to them - those who are called Talaminzi (Talaminians - apparently Polabian Dolenchane).

(10) Betheimare (Bohemians - Czechs).

(11) Marharii (Moravians).

(12) Vulgarii (Bulgarians).

(13) Merehanos. These are the areas that border our lands (Frankish). Here are the ones that live close to their borders.

(14) Osterabtrezi (eastern emboldened).

(15) Miloxi.

(16) Phesnuzi.

(17) Thadesi.

(18) Glopeani.

(19) Zuireani (possibly Zverin / Schwerin region).

(20) Busani.

(21) Sittici.

(22) Stadici.

(23) Sebbirozi.

(24) Vnlizi (incriminate).

(25) Neriuani.

(26) Attorozi (for some reason it is interpreted by some researchers as Tiberians).

(27) Eptaradici.

(28) Vuillerozi.

(29) Zabrozi.

(30) Znetalici.

(31) Aturezani (Tiverians) [2].

(32) Chozirozi.

(33) Lendizi (Poles).

(34) Thafnezi.

(35) Zeriuani (Zeruyans) [3], who alone have a kingdom and from which all the tribes of the Slavs, as they claim, originate and descend from.

(36) Prissani (Prussians).

(37) Velunzani.

(38) Bruzi (Prussians).

(39) Vuizunbeire.

(40) Caziri (Khazars).

(41) Ruzzi (russians).

(42) Forsderen liudi (presumably - people, "forest people").

(43) Fresiti (possibly a name similar to Yu.-Slav. Berzites).

(44) Serauici.

(45) Lucolane.

(46) Vngare (Hungarians).

(47) Vuislane (Vislyans).

(48) Sleenzane.

(49) Lunsizi (puddles).

(50) Dadosesani.

(51) Milzane.

(52) Besunzane (runners-up).

(53) Verizane.

(54) Fraganeo (presumably from the distorted Prague).

(55) Lupiglaa.

(56) Opolini (opolyane).

(57) Golensizi (presumably Galindians).

In this list we have singled out the tribes "Zeriuani (Zeruyans), some of whom have a kingdom and from which all the Slavic tribes, as they claim, descend and descend," Zuireani (Zuryans), Serauici (Seravichi) and Sebbirozi (Sebirosi).

Zeurians and Zurians are a repetition of the ethnonym Zyryane in different vocalizations. Seravichi are natives of the Serica country, they were called seres and servs during the Hellenistic times. Sebirosi - Siberians, Siberians, Siberians. All these tribes come from Western Siberia, from the country of Serica.

Here it is the ancestral home of the Slavs - Serik! After all, the Slavs themselves claim that the state (kingdom) of the Zyryan-Serians is their ancestral home.

Zyryane is the Russian name for Komi-morts (Kama people, river workers on the Kama). The Komi people came to the Kama region from the Trans-Urals, from Siberia (see). In Siberia, even in times not so remote, there were settlements of Zyryan (Syrian), a large number of toponyms in Siberia bear their name (Zyryanka and the like).

There is no information about the origin of the ethnonym Zyryans, Zyryans, raw materials, all researchers refer to G. Miller (History of Siberia). And he himself writes that this is not known, there were Syrian people in Siberia, they were and fought with the Russians, but then they left somewhere, dissolved.

Undoubtedly, raw materials are the inhabitants of the country of Seriki or Syritsa (water, river), these are sulfur (ser, syr, raw from common glory). Serik began to call their country India Superior at a time when the Slavs had already separated from the Indo-European community. India = Serica = river, water. And raw materials are not - river workers. Later dew, rus, rash on the banks of the Ros, Race (Volga).

Yes, raw materials did not come to the Kama region at the beginning of our era. (III - V centuries) - Imenkovskaya archaeological culture - these are their traces. The Imenkovites went to the area of the Volyntsev culture (tribes of the north). Then … it doesn't matter.

Thus, during the time of Hellenism (5th century BC), the Slavs had a state in Siberia - Serik was called by the Greco-Roman writers (Ctesias, Ptolemy and others).

This is how the eternal question of Slavic studies in Siberian Slavic studies is solved.