Mystical And Practical Aspects Of Being - Alternative View

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Mystical And Practical Aspects Of Being - Alternative View
Mystical And Practical Aspects Of Being - Alternative View

Video: Mystical And Practical Aspects Of Being - Alternative View

Video: Mystical And Practical Aspects Of Being - Alternative View
Video: Dark Ages, An Age Of Light: Islamic Magnificent Art (Waldemar Januszczak Documentary) | TRACKS 2024, October

The supreme oracle of Tibet, Thubten Ngodup Kuten Rinpoche, paid a pastoral visit to Kalmykia in October, and also visited Kabardino-Balkaria. At the foot of Elbrus, he performed a ceremony in which he asked for peace for the Caucasus, paid tribute to the memory of those who fell during the defense of the Elbrus region, answered the questions of Nalchik local historian Viktor Kotlyarov about the mysterious death of everyone who disturbed the peace of the Chegem mummies, about Bigfoot, the reality of Shambhala and mystical research of the Nazis.

We give the floor to the author of the books "What the Hitlerites were looking for in the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria" and "In the role of hunters for secrets" Ahnenerbe "Viktor Kotlyarov:

- The questions that interested me were not previously asked to the supreme oracle of Tibet, therefore, answering them, he continually turned to his adviser, who helped the translators (and there were two of them) to most accurately convey the meaning of what Kuten la said.

To the main question for me - whether the episode described in my book with Tibetan lamas, who, according to the testimony of local residents, left the Focke-Wulf, which landed at the German Airfield, could actually take place, there is no clear answer followed.

The oracle has heard a similar story, but the details are unknown to him.

He spoke in more detail about the expedition of the German mystical organization "Ahnenerbe" led by Ernst Schaeffer, the first foreigner who was allowed to visit Tibet.

The leaders of the top of the Third Reich, in particular, Heinrich Himmler, approved the results of a many months (from May 1938 to August 1939) trip, but what they consisted and still really remains unknown. Many lovers of the mysterious believe that the Nazis were looking for an entrance to the mythical land of Shambhala in Tibet, artifacts that were supposed to confirm the existence of the Nordic race and the so-called "absolute weapon", which is reported by the ancient manuscripts. It is authentically known that they brought a message from the ruler of Tibet, confirming help from the lamas. And also gifts: the mantle of the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan mastiff (a guard dog in monasteries, one of the oldest breeds in the world) and a gold coin.

So did the Hitlerites find the entrance to Shambhala and the Hyperboreans after all ?

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The chief oracle of Tibet took a long time to find an answer. He turned out to be like this: "How can you find what is not."

- It turns out that Shabala does not exist, - I persisted. - Shambhala, which is depicted on an ancient Tibetan map. Shambhala, which, according to Helena Blavatsky, has a physical location on Earth and where the coming messiah will be born. Shambhala, displayed in numerous paintings by Nicholas Roerich, and about which his wife Helena Roerich, the founders of the religious movement "Living Ethics" (Agni Yoga), wrote about it existing "from time immemorial and standing on the permanent watch of human evolution."

The Tibetan oracle Kuten la was categorical: "There has never been a real country of Shambhala with a specific location, although many are still convinced that it is located somewhere in the North."

Shambhala, in his opinion, is not a country, but a concept - a certain state of a person in which he finds himself only at the moment of death.

- It turns out that it is impossible to find Shambhala during life, having achieved spiritual enlightenment. - I could not hide my grief and the oracle felt it.

- But there is another country, - he answered - it is called Belungia, it is an analogue of paradise, which is on our land. But where exactly is a secret known only to a select few.

- Who exactly?

- There are lamas who know the road to Belungia, but the one who decided to follow it knows that he must forget about his relatives, his past, for there is no turning back. There is no way back from Belungia to our world; do not return from there.

- And did someone decide to go this way?

- Yes, the last such fact was recorded 80 years ago. The name of this lama is known. He did not return back.

- And where, if not a secret, is this country - Belungia?

- On the border of India and Tibet.

So what kind of country is this - Belungia, which I have never heard of before and about which I have not found absolutely any mention on the Internet?

Belungia is practically consonant with the concept of the Nibelungs, by which they mean a mythical ancient family of owners and keepers of unseen treasures. The well-known German-Scandinavian epic "The Song of the Nibelungs" tells about dwarfs, "children of the fog", keepers of untold gold riches and the magic ring of power. But when asked what is the connection between these names - semantic, associative, structural - the oracle of Tibet did not specify.

So it remains to be wondered if there is such a country - Belungia or is it just another name for the same Shambhala. Or even more prosaic - a country born as a result of difficulties in translation - from Tibetan into English, then into Russian.

And then I asked another question: humanoid creatures - yeti, snow people, almasts - are they real or is it a folklore character?

Running a little ahead, I will say that for me personally there is no such production. For many years I have been collecting materials and information about the presence of Almasta (Caucasian name for Bigfoot) on the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria. Dozens of this kind of evidence have been collected. And together with the members of the forty-year (!) Expedition of the legendary Zhanna Kofman, whose base was located from the beginning of the 60s of the last century to the beginning of the century in the village of Sarmakovo, Zolsky district, there are hundreds of such testimonies. A small part of them are given in our books "The Mysterious Kabardino-Balkaria" (2011) and "In the Role of Bigfoot Hunters" (2016).

So who are they, Almasts - human ancestors, a kind of missing link in evolution, feral people, representatives of an alien life form, inhabitants of a parallel world?

I asked this question to the oracle not by chance, because Bigfoot was repeatedly seen in Tibet.

- No, not nonsense, yeti are real, - this is the answer I received from the Oracle. - A hundred years ago there were many, very many. They came to monasteries, lived in caves next to people. Now they are gone. Most likely, their population fell sharply, and the survivors, after active human actions, climbed high into the mountains, where there is solid snow, where it is impossible for us to survive. I have no doubt there is a yeti. You ask if they are human or not. No, they are not human. These are creatures that do not have intelligence, but rather a sense. An incredible instinct that allows them to avoid meetings, to live apart in their familiar world. But there are very few of them left. The last reports of encounters with Yeti in Tibet were decades ago. The snow lions, as we also call them, are likely to disappear altogether.

My next question was also mystical. In the books of the modern researcher Ernst Muldashev, who has repeatedly visited Tibet, there is a mention of people in the underground caves in a state of samadhi.

The phenomenon of samadhi is a stone-immobile state of the body due to a decrease in metabolism in the body to zero. In samadhi, the soul is located outside the body, which can be in this state for centuries, if not millennia. There are cases when people, having been in a state of samadhi for several years, came back to life.

Somati is not a lethargic sleep and not a state of clinical death; it is observed in water, glaciers and caves, where the average temperature is + 4 °, at which it is possible to preserve the body, primarily the brain. It is assumed that during samadhi, water passes into a fourth state unknown to science. And most importantly: people in this state have protection - a barrier of psychic energy that ordinary mortals cannot overcome.

And where does Kabardino-Balkaria, you ask?

The fact is that in 1767, in the area of the village of Eltyubu, in the upper reaches of the Chegem gorge, local shepherds discovered an underground "temple" (cave), and in it "an elderly husband and a girl", "not alive and not dead." And this is not folklore, swag, as the locals say, but a real story, confirmed by a number of documents, including the reports of the Kizlyar commandant, Major General N. A. Potapov, to the Holy Governing Synod (the highest collegial body of the Russian Orthodox Church); issued in May 1767 by the Decree of Her Imperial Majesty the Autocrat of All Russia; reports of the envoys of the synod who visited the site. Analyzing them, we can conclude that the "elderly husband and girl" were in a state of samadhi.

This mysterious story, which ended with the fact that everyone who disturbed the peace of those in the temple died one after another, we described in the essay "Chegem Mummies", included in the book "Mysterious Kabardino-Balkaria".

The oracle answered the question without hesitation: “ This is possible. This is happening now in Tibet. These people themselves chose a similar path, they attained enlightenment and crossed the border of the unknown. They, leaving the earthly circle of being and suffering, can be in this state for centuries. These are no longer people, but spirits. They meditate, they are constantly close to their bodies. In case of danger, they first warn those who disturbed their peace, and those who did not hear the voice are punished. That is why the Chegem shepherds died. A sacrilege was committed - an attempt on the life of little deities."

What to add to this? Just to remind that, according to the available reports on the Chegem incident, “in the whole village at three nights a voice was heard, who took this treasure, would bring the opposite, confirming that all inhabitants were not of a bad origin”;

Imperceptibly in the conversation an hour ran, followed by the second. I have already been repeatedly given to know that the Tibetan Oracle is tired, it is time to end the conversation. It ended with a question about the place where we met: what the representative of Tibet thinks about the Elbrus region, or rather, about the Caucasus in general.

Kooten la called our blessed land a sacred place, a place of power, a place where the pages of the history of the world are written. The light coming from the Caucasus illuminates not only those who live here, but all those who live. They, the members of the delegation, perceived and felt the purity of this place, felt a surge of warmth, turned their words about the gift of peace and prosperity to the Caucasus to the higher powers.

- And they were heard? - I almost burst out.

Having passed the tests, the Caucasus will become an island of goodness in the stormy world

Saying goodbye, the Oracle presented me with his photograph, and left a drawing of Elbrus in his notebook, as he saw it.


… Who is the venerable oracle Thubten Ngodupu, who is called Kuten-la in circulation?

"Kuten" in translation from Tibetan means a corporeal shell for the deities who periodically visit the Earth. The advice of the supreme oracle of Tibet, who is a kind of guide between the world of spirits and the world of people, is intended directly for the Dalai Lama. They relate mainly to the future, which may affect the present - world cataclysms, political upheavals, natural disasters, etc.

How did Thubten Ngodupu become an oracle?

Here is how he himself tells about it: “At the age of twenty, in 1978, I had a strong desire to become a monk of the Nechung Monastery. At the time of the death of my predecessor, I was the master of the religious ceremonies of the Nechung Monastery. Nevertheless, the Oracle did not manifest itself in any way for three whole years, and the Dalai Lama even composed a special prayer for the early acquisition of a new guide. In 1987, His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama gave teachings in all areas of Lamrim, so the abbot and monks of both Semey Monastery and Drepung Monastery gathered in Dharamsala, who have a special connection with the Oracle. The representatives of the Drepung Monastery insisted that all the necessary ceremonies be held in front of the Oracle statue, since, despite the absence of a guide, they hoped to receive some kind of sign. March 31, 1987 during a ceremony,in which I was in charge of offering incense, I unexpectedly entered a trance state. It was like an electric shock. In Tibetan, this first spontaneous trance is called She sik - "behold the face of the Oracle." After that, the Dalai Lama talked with me for a long time and advised me to conduct a special three-month retreat. Only on September 4, 1987 it was officially announced that another guide was found in the line of succession - the only guide, since the Nechung Oracle, unlike some, can have only one guide. "Only on September 4, 1987 it was officially announced that another guide was found in the line of succession - the only guide, since the Nechung Oracle, unlike some, can have only one guide. "Only on September 4, 1987 it was officially announced that another guide was found in the line of succession - the only guide, since the Nechung Oracle, unlike some, can have only one guide."

How does Thubten Ngodup manage to look into the future?

Here's what he says: “There are many ways to see the future. An astrologer, for example, learns about him through his calculations. The prophet, thanks to his special gift, can see or somehow perceive the pictures of the future in a different way. The Oracle is a Spirit (sometimes several Spirits), which chooses a certain person as its guide. That is, it is like two components: the Spirit and its conductor."

What else is known about the gift of the Tibetan oracle? “Being an oracle is very difficult. It is especially difficult to restore the physical body after a trance, when it was visited by the spirit of Nechung, an angry protector deity who, periodically infiltrating the body of a medium, gives advice to the Dalai Lama and his government regarding the threats associated with the future of the Tibetan nation. When an oracle enters a trance state, at that moment he has the gift of foresight.

… At the beginning of the trance, I still hear the singing of the participants in the ceremony, then it disappears, and I get the feeling of flying. Then I completely lose all sense of the outside world and myself. At the moment of trance, it is not I who act, but the Oracle, therefore I do not perceive anything and I do not remember anything."
