Women's Hair Is A Knot Of Space Communication! - Alternative View

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Women's Hair Is A Knot Of Space Communication! - Alternative View
Women's Hair Is A Knot Of Space Communication! - Alternative View

Video: Women's Hair Is A Knot Of Space Communication! - Alternative View

Video: Women's Hair Is A Knot Of Space Communication! - Alternative View
Video: What things are important for a healthy relationship? - English Conversation Question 12 2024, October

- Hello, my beloved wife, young clever Vasilisa Mikulishna!

Thank you for saving me from captivity! But where are your blond braids?

- With braids, fair-haired, my beloved husband, I pulled you out of the cellar!

"About the beautiful Vasilisa Mikulishna" - Russian folk epic

- Do not cut your hair fair-haired, hairs are different, but with gray hair, for the Wisdom of God you will not comprehend and you will lose health!

Commandment of God Svarog

An old Russian epic tells us how the clever and beautiful Vasilisa Mikulishna cut her braids, changed into a man's Tatar dress, and saved her husband, Stavr Godinovich, from the dungeon of the Kiev prince Vladimir … Oh, and Vasilisa sobbed when she cut her hair …

Promotional video:

It is no coincidence that this story remained in the people's memory - after all, it is not only about the love, loyalty and resourcefulness of the beautiful Vasilisa Mikulishna, but also the fact that was blatant at that time - the cutting off of women's braids!

Remember the Brothers Grimm's tale of Rapunzel, a girl with very long hair, who was imprisoned in a high tower without windows or doors? She pulled her golden braids down, and the sorceress stepmother climbed them to her tower. Then her fiancé, the prince, also climbed up to her, and the sorceress stepmother, upon learning about this, drove Rapunzel into the forest, cutting off her braids from evil …

Historically, women did not cut their hair in any people - it was believed that this reduces the connection of a woman with a source of cosmic energy. For all peoples, hair is the place where the soul lives, and cutting off hair can lead to a decrease in mental and physical strength.

The most terrible punishment for women in medieval Europe was shaving their heads. Perhaps, as a result of this, the huge public resonance gave rise to a new image of the Irish rock singer and composer Shyned O'Connor, who in 1987 shaved her head baldly - she strove to listen to her music, rather than look at her appearance. The outraged grandmothers even created the Society for the Fight against Shyned O'Connor, and for several years they picketed her performances …

"Cosmas" is the ancient name for hair. Now the word "hair" is usually called a shock of matted, uncombed hair. But it has long been considered - what a woman's hair is - such is her vitality, stability and quality of contact with the Cosmos and her Family!

So, every woman has her own space communication node on her head! Hair plays the role of "antennas" of our body, through which flows of energy from outer space to the body and back. It is the condition of a woman's hair that can say a lot about her health and life.


Healthy, shiny hair is a sign of health; dull, brittle, weakened hair indicates that their mistress has insufficient internal energy and strength. Doctors say that the condition of the hair is a direct indicator of the condition of the hormonal system of the body. Bioenergetics believe that in ancient times, long thick female hair served as an “energy cover” that protected both mother and child from the misfortunes of the immaterial world. It is no coincidence that there has long been a custom to give lovers of your hair as a gift, to wear them in medallions!


The ideal of female beauty in Russia was considered a long braid as thick as an arm. In Russia, a braid of three strands was braided, which symbolized the connection of three worlds - Reveal (the earthly world, the world of people), Navi (the abode of dark deities) and Pravi (the world of light gods). Three equal strands served as three uniform streams of energy, while the braid went down the spine, protected the woman from evil spirits, and it was believed that all the bright Celestial forces through the hair pass into the spine and fill the girl's body, Soul and Spirit with special vitality, preparing her for the future mission of the wife and mother.

When the girl became a wife, she wore two braids, which accumulated strength for her and for the child. One scythe was supposed to hear the voice of God, the second was to hear the husband's Rod, his truth, perceive the energies on his Share, support him energetically with its strength. When a woman was expecting a baby, it was not recommended to cut her hair so as not to deprive the baby of energy supply.


The energy of a long-haired woman is powerful, clean, even, capable of creating and holding a protective circle for her beloved man, protecting him from harm. The woman's braid was believed to store the energy and well-being of the home. It is no coincidence that during the invasion of Russia, the barbarians first of all looked for the prince's wife and cut her braid, thereby depriving the strength, protection, amulet of both the prince and the city itself, subject to him. The invaders attached the scythe of the princess to the spear - this symbolized the complete defeat of the city.

The ancient Egyptians weaved a large number of braids, read special positive spells in the process of weaving them, and such a hairstyle, in their opinion, scared away evil spirits. The ancient Egyptians trusted their hair only to "enlightened", harmonious people, with good thoughts - this was what a real ancient Egyptian hairdresser had to be. And the most luxurious hairstyles from long, specially styled braids were done to the pharaohs.

Tibetan women braided their hair in 108 braids (108 is a sacred number).

In Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, both girls and women still weave 40 braids, this hairstyle is very popular.

African dreadlocks have a mystical meaning - earlier they were worn only by "enlightened" people, shamans, sorcerers, hermits who abandoned the usual hectic life. The inhabitants of Ethiopia have a legend saying that you need to always be prepared for the end of the world and have the right hairstyle on your head - dreadlocks, because when the end of the world comes, God Jah will stretch out a luminous hand from heaven, and taking the dreadlocks will pull out their beloved children to paradise …


Fashion for women's haircuts went after the appearance in public of the French film actress Eve Lavalier, for whom a special model haircut was created. And during the First World War, more and more women cut their long hair, there was not enough time for complicated hairstyles - after all, many women worked in hospitals, looked after the wounded … Then there were haircuts "a la garcon", "bubi-kopf", "Bob", "foxtrot", "polka", "tango", "square". It was fashionable, new, interesting …

But it is very important to be aware when choosing a hairstyle that by cutting her hair, a woman weakens her cosmic energy supply!


The energetically ideal hair length is considered to be below the point in the center of the chest.

When the condition of the hair changes (haircut, color change), life changes occur.

If a woman has order in her head, then she has order on her head, says folk wisdom. Therefore, a woman's hairstyle should be neat, beautiful, the forehead should be open - in the old days, bangs were practically not used when forming women's hairstyles. It was believed that by covering her forehead with bangs, a woman closes her destiny. To put your hair down on your forehead meant to overshadow your own path of life with clouds!

A man should protect his home from unkind people on the external (physical) level, and a woman - on the energy level. This is where women's hair plays a very important role! Collected in a hairstyle and covered with a warp, clean healthy hair conserves feminine energy for the family. Publicly, to rip off a woman's headdress meant to offend and humiliate her in the eyes of those around her (it is no coincidence that “to go foolish” means “to be disgraced”).

And at the wedding, the bride's hair is not accidentally covered with a veil - this should save the energy of the bride and protect her from unkind words and evil eyes. To protect against evil spirits at a wedding, a comb was thrown over the threshold. Fortunately, the bride was always given a comb with seven teeth and two skates.

But the woman was loosening her hair only in front of her husband - it was believed that loosening her hair, firstly, a woman releases her energy outside, which is not always safe for others (and for her husband, on the contrary, it is a powerful energy supply!), secondly, women's loose hair quickly absorbs other people's negativity, negative emotions - envy, anger … why bring all this to your family?

In general, women's hair loose in public was highly discouraged in Russia. Here, for example, what synonyms for the word "licentious" are given in Ushakov's explanatory dictionary: immoral, immoral, dissolute, undisciplined, obscene, uncollected, nothing sacred, vicious, reprehensible behavior, depraved, dissolute …

When we hear "Witch", "Sorceress", "Witch" - a woman in a pointed hat immediately appears, from under which strands of long hair are knocked out, "cosm" … These women possessed a huge amount of knowledge, "were in charge." And they did not loose their hair for a reason - so they connected to natural forces, twisting energy funnels with their hair. And the fabulous male sorcerers with might and main used the magic power of hair - both Chernomor, and Hottabych, and genies conjured, pulling hairs out of their beards!

Women who showed their loose hair in public - artists, dancers, priestesses - always performed special cleansing rituals after performances - washed their hair with herbs, with incantations, and prayers. It is no coincidence that this was observed in all world cultures!


Now few remember the old customs, the main criteria in choosing a hairstyle are either fashion or convenience … But still, let's use the knowledge of our great-grandmothers about hair to our advantage!


Your hair is an invaluable gift! Feel like a Goddess when you let your hair down, especially in front of your Beloved!

Abundance comes to the home of a woman with well-groomed hair. By restoring your hair, making it healthy, you increase and improve the flow of cosmic energy that you and your family and your home receive!

Be attentive to the condition of your hair - wash it on time, rinse it with herbs, make hair masks, and be sure to comb it for a long time every evening!

There is an opinion that you need to brush through your hair 100 times. To strengthen and grow hair, you can comb your hair while lying down, so that the head hangs from the sofa, starting from the back of the head, or sitting with your head tilted to your knees, or standing, leaning forward. With such inclinations, blood circulation in the scalp increases, and at the same time the hair follicles are strengthened and receive improved nutrition.

In order for the hair to be shiny, elastic and strong, when combing it, you need to alternate the movements of the comb with stroking the hair with your hands. In this way, we charge our hair with the Chi energy accumulated at the fingertips, and at the same time promote an even distribution of sebum over the entire surface of the hair.

Hand movements when brushing should be smooth, calm, soft.

While brushing your hair, it is good to listen to meditative music, pronounce positive attitudes, affirmations, and affirmations.

According to Slavic tradition, the husband receives protection and energy from his wife when he brushes her hair!

Have you noticed sparks coming from under the plastic comb? A plastic comb generates a voltage of 60,000 volts when combing, and a celluloid comb generates about 100,000 volts! From a metal comb, the hair is gradually covered with cracks, their ends split, "split". When using plastic combs, static electricity is induced on the hair, micro-discharges occur, the hair becomes fragile and brittle … Therefore, combing your hair is better with a comb made of natural material - wood or horn. It is believed that when you comb your hair with a comb made of natural material, you can transform not only your physical, but also your subtle body, purify energy and change your state of mind.

And you don't need to give your comb to strangers! Hair is a part of the human energy cocoon, and the natural material of the combs, in direct contact with them, takes on its characteristics. In other words, a close energetic relationship appears between the owner and his crest. Falling into the wrong hands breaks this connection. If this happens, wash the comb in salty (preferably seawater) water and give it a few days of “stress relief” by placing it in a sunny place.

For a magical evening combing your hair, it is better to use combs than combs - these are magical items! For example, this is what folk tales say: … The sorceress stuck a comb into Finist the Bright Falcon's head, and he fell asleep in a dead sleep …

or: … She threw a comb, and the comb turned into a dense forest!

If you have long hair, do not always wear it loose - periodically collect it in your hairstyle - make a braid, ponytail, pin.

Avoid loosening your hair in crowded places such as shops, markets, hospitals, public transport, cemeteries. This will help you conserve your vitality.

Keep your hair in order, remember - "Order on the head - order in the head!"

If you pull your hair into a low "bun", then this can develop in yourself such qualities as meekness, humility, obedience. A high "bundle" or "tail" adds strength, energy, excitement, endurance, activity.

If you are tormented by some question, and you want to know its solution, or get a hint, braid a braid before going to bed, think about your problem, and fall asleep calmly - the answer will come to you in a dream or in the morning!

If you have a difficult life situation, one of the non-standard ways to break it is to cut the ends of your hair (it is believed that this is where our problems accumulate). Such a procedure eliminates negative energy, accumulated negativity, and sometimes even diseases. It is no coincidence that men treat many things easier and easier - after all, they cut their hair much more often than us!

Choose your hairdresser as carefully as the ancient Egyptians! Listen to your intuition, the person you trust with your hair should not only have a master's diploma, but also be pleasant to you, always have a positive attitude when working, and then your new hairstyle will give you joy for a long time! They say about such hairdressers - "He has a light hand!" After all, entrusting our hair to a hairdresser, we entrust him not only our appearance for the next 1-2 months (this is, of course, individual!), But also our vitality!

It is believed that a hairdresser should be of the same sex as the one he cuts! During a haircut, your etheric, astral and mental biofields change, and as a result, we easily succumb to someone else's influence. Therefore, if you like a master of a different sex with you, this can lead to trouble in your personal life. It is not for nothing that in the biblical legends Samson was killed by a woman who cut off his hair. A similar omen is true for women, only we are already talking about male hairdressers.

For hair growth, it is better to do the hairstyle on the growing moon. And when cutting on the waning moon, the hair will grow back more slowly, at this time you need to cut it to strengthen the hair roots.

There are days on which no one is recommended to have a haircut at all - these are days of total solar and lunar eclipses, and the so-called "satanic" days are 9, 15, 23 and 29 days according to the lunar calendar. In the old days they said that on such days "to cut the hair - and to cut the memory and mind."

If you have cut your hair, you need to carefully collect the hair, because it is still your particle! If the hair is lying around "anywhere", then it absorbs the "dirty" energy from the environment and transfers it … to you, who else!

What to do with hair after a haircut? Different sources talk about this in different ways … Somewhere it is recommended to burn hair, and somewhere - that the hair should not be burned, otherwise it will grow poorly … But in any case, you need to take measures so that the hair does not fall into the wrong hands, because that it is the hair that is used by all sorts of "grandmas" for many magical rituals. Of course, we live in the 21st century, but there are still fans of both "love spells" and "spoilage" … Therefore, it is believed that cut hair is best buried under a tree (best of all, under a fruit tree) for their growth and health.

If you have been waiting for some important events for a long time, do not cut your hair until they happen - you do not need to disrupt the course of fate and weaken your energy by cutting off your hair.