Ghosts Of The Vladimir Cafe - Alternative View

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Ghosts Of The Vladimir Cafe - Alternative View
Ghosts Of The Vladimir Cafe - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Of The Vladimir Cafe - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Of The Vladimir Cafe - Alternative View
Video: July 1, 2021 2024, October

In the photo, if you wish, you can make out the outlines of a man in a helmet.

The cafe has been operating for about three years, and during this time its employees, if desired, could compile a directory of local ghosts - in the cafe they are presented, so to speak, in an assortment. Both men and women, and peaceful, and in knightly vestments, and quiet, and energetic …

“I know that many people who have never seen ghosts think that these are hallucinations or a joke,” says Timur, the owner of the cafe. - But no one doubts that there are some unknown phenomena in our life.

The first to see the ghost was a young guy-cook, who stayed in the cafe at night. He closed the front door and climbed the stairs to the VIP room to spend the night there. And suddenly he felt that someone was following him … He turned around - and on the stairs three white silhouettes of human height were moving up. The guy got scared and rushed into the hall, where the light was on. Barely crossed the threshold - the silhouettes disappeared.

The next "victim" was a cleaning lady, who one day, having come early in the morning, began to wash the stairs leading to the basement, and saw a "lady in white" swimming in her direction. The woman froze in horror, unable to budge, and only began to mentally recite a prayer. Then, according to her, the ghost turned aside, carefully walked around the frightened cleaning lady and melted somewhere in the corridor.

“Then my sister and I myself also saw ghosts several times,” says the owner of the cafe Timur. - And once I even managed to photograph him! Timur shows a photo taken by a mobile phone - and indeed, in the picture there is a clear silhouette in a knight's helmet, and an ordinary stone wall shines through it.

“Then I argued with my sister, and when she left, I suddenly felt some strange anxiety,” Timur says. - I took my mobile phone and just for some reason photographed the wall. I did not see anything there, and then in the picture I saw this "warrior in a helmet". And Timur's sister once saw a whole ghostly party late in the evening - they were sitting on the tables in the beer hall and were silent …

Not all ghosts behave so quietly. Once the waiters heard sounds, as if someone was pulling the bars in the doorway. At first they thought that the drunk was left after closing, went to look - no one. Just a knock … A couple of times the cloakroom attendant, having come to work early in the morning, heard a sound, as if someone was rolling balls on the floor. - I'm afraid to go there … - she complained to the management.

Another ghost (or not one?), Which no one has seen, helps the cafe workers. In the VIP-hall, pillows sometimes remain scattered at night, when the employees did not have the strength to remove them. And several times in the morning, arriving at work, the waiters found the pillows laid out in their places. - No one was in the cafe at night, who spread the pillows - it's not clear, - Timur is surprised.

The year before last, Timur invited old people from the mosque who read prayers in the cafe, but the ghosts were not at all afraid - they all appear with the same regularity.

It is impossible to understand why the ghosts chose exactly the house number 22 on Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street. The building, of course, is old, built at the end of the 18th century, but exactly the same houses stand along the entire street. Maybe otherworldly forces moved here from the neighboring house, No. 24, which is called "Governor's"? Governor Saltykov lived there at the end of the 18th century, and times were troubled - any ghosts could start.

The skeptics, however, have another version - someone once dreamed of a ghost, and then the story began to spin itself. Nobody wants to be worse than their colleagues - they say, everyone can see, but what am I, lamer? So they support the legend. But the photo in a cell phone with a knight in a helmet is real, without any traces of "photoshop".