Hollow Earth - Some Theories - Alternative View

Hollow Earth - Some Theories - Alternative View
Hollow Earth - Some Theories - Alternative View

Video: Hollow Earth - Some Theories - Alternative View

Video: Hollow Earth - Some Theories - Alternative View
Video: Drones Take You Inside Hidden World Live 2024, October

In short, the essence of this theory looks like this: our planet is a hollow sphere, and in its depths that have not been studied by humanity, a civilization of highly developed beings (possibly even several civilizations) is hidden. It is this circumstance that explains the appearance of numerous UFOs, which have been observed over many centuries in different parts of the globe.

The theory that from both poles one can penetrate far into the depths of the Earth, where extrahuman civilizations exist, is indirectly reflected in numerous literary monuments of past centuries. For example, in the "Poem of Gilgamesh" (a collection of legends, myths, legends and songs of the ancient Sumerians), the final text of which is believed to have come down to our time from the 6th century BC. e., the hero in search of the immortality of one of his ancestors, Utnapishti, descended into the Earth.

The ancient Greek Orpheus, as the myth says, tried to save his deceased wife Eurydice from the underworld of Hades. Egyptian pharaohs also allegedly kept in touch with the underworld, where they got through a secret tunnel dug under the pyramids. The Incas, according to legend, hid many of their treasures from the Spaniards precisely "inside the Earth." Buddhists to this day believe that millions of people live in Agartha, an underground paradise ruled by the Almighty …

Many very famous scientists agreed with this hypothesis. Dr. Edmund Halley, an astronomer of the late 17th - first half of the 18th century, who worked at the Royal Court in London, and the discoverer of the comet named after him, believed that there are 3 planets inside the Earth. He came to this conclusion, trying to explain the movement of the magnetic poles of our planet, assuming that several spherical shells rotate inside the Earth, as if "inserted" into one another.

Leonard Euler, the mathematical genius of the 18th century, came to the conclusion that the Earth is empty, and in its center there is the Sun warming everything around. In his opinion, intelligent beings live inside the Earth. At the same time, Euler believed that there is only one hollow shell inside the Earth, separated by a large space from the core. This shell, in his opinion, has holes at the North and South Poles. Euler believed that such a structure of the Earth provides better stability for the planet than with several shells.

In the early 1870s, Civil War hero John Cleaves Simms almost managed to get funds from the US government to conduct an expedition to prove this hypothesis. In 1878, his son tried to convince the world in his book that through the huge holes in the poles it is possible to penetrate into the Earth, where the earth with a warm climate, inhabited by "plants and animals, and maybe people" is supposedly located. Simms' son shared his father's assumptions and, moreover, supplemented his hypothesis with some absolutely fantastic assumptions.

The same point of view was held by William Reid, who wrote the rather controversial book The Mystery of the Poles, which was first published in 1906.

A similar study was published by the American Marshall Gardner ("Hollow Earth: An Inside View") in 1920. Many supporters of this theory, especially in the United States, consider Reed and Gardner to be almost the founders of the theory of a hollow earth at the present stage.

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Hollow Earth theories served as a good basis for the literary plots of famous writers - Dante Alighieri, Edgar Alan Poe, Jules Verne, Vladimir Obruchev, etc. Verne, for example, has a very famous novel "Journey to the Center of the Earth" his nephew descended through the crater of an extinct volcano into the interior of the Earth and found there the sky, oceans and prehistoric giant dinosaurs.

Of course, one of the later novels of the English writer (by the way, a member of the English Rosicrucian lodge) Edward Bulwer-Lytton "The Coming Race", first published in 1871 and later reprinted under the title "VRIL: The Power of the Coming Race", is considered a classic in this regard.

Already in the 20th century, Edgar Rice Burrows, author of the best-selling Tarzan series, published the book Tarzan Within the Earth, in which the famous jungle dweller sets off on a journey to Pellusidar, an inhabited country under the earth's crust, illuminated by the central sun.

In 1908, Willis George Emmerson's book was published with the strange title "Smoked God, or Journey to the Inner World", which tells about the mysterious adventure of the Scandinavian Olaf Jansen and his father.

They sailed north and … fell into a hole near the North Pole. Unlucky travelers found themselves in an unknown world, where a highly developed civilization lived. The underground inhabitants communicated among themselves wordlessly (telepathically) and moved with great speed in disc-shaped aircraft. There was also its own Sun, located in the center of the Earth.

Father and son spent two years in the underworld and emerged from it through a hole near the South Pole. At the exit, the elder Jansen died, but his son survived and returned to Europe. With his stories about his stay in an unknown world, Olaf Jansen aroused suspicions of a clouding of his mind and ended up in a psychiatric hospital, where he spent 24 years.

Having freed himself, Olaf Jansen moved to the United States, to California, where he met Willis George Emerson, to whom he told in detail about the adventure he had experienced. Olaf supported his story with diaries and maps of the incredible journey route. Until his death, the poor fellow convinced those around him that what had happened to him and his father …

American engineer Alfred Lawson, who founded the University of Lawsonomy in Des Moines (Iowa, USA) in the late 1950s, professed the idea that the Earth is not only hollow, but also … alive.

Representatives of official science, of course, reacted with great indignation to the ravings about the hollow Earth. At the same time, for some reason, no attempts were made for a long time to request photographs of circumpolar regions taken from space satellites in order to finally, once and for all, refute the idea of a hollow Earth. This, by the way, is exactly what the writer William L. Brian did in the late 1970s. On an official request from NASA, the writer was told that there were no images from satellites in the circumpolar regions …

Nevertheless, one of these images still leaked to the media: a US Department of Defense satellite back in 1967 recorded the circumpolar zone in a photo. This image clearly showed a flat spot with a transverse diameter of about 1600 miles (a little over 2500 kilometers)! Later, the same image was found in the photo library of another satellite. Brian compared them and came to the conclusion that there is a clear depression in this place, which, possibly, deepens downward in the form of a cone and, thus, represents the "entrance" to the underworld.

Osovin Igor, Pochechuev Sergey